Had a bump on my lower leg/ankle are for a few days, tenderness and redness around it about the size of a golf ball...

Had a bump on my lower leg/ankle are for a few days, tenderness and redness around it about the size of a golf ball, pulled out a string of pus and now it's just this hole, wtf is this am I gonna die

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put a bandaid over it and stop being a pussy

Infection. Just keep cleaning it

Pls if ot fills up film yourself pulling it out for satisfaction

Lmao wtf? Explain more.
Where have you been the last few days? Do you feel anything in there? Like something moving maybe? Looks like a botfly got to you.
Or maybe it was just a real nasty fucking zit. Does it hurt? Try squeezing stuff out of it and then clean it with a q tip man
Don't leave that shit open without at least cleaning it.
If it's not too deep ot might actually be better to just leave it open for the night and bandage it before you go to bed or when you wake up depending on where it is and how you sleep.


Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

>1: clean out with hydrogen peroxide
>2: dry
>3: fill hole with antibiotic cream (Neosporin)
>4: cover with large bandaid or other bandage
>5: repeat every other day until healed.

Could be brown recluse spider bite if you live in the US. GO TO THE DOCTOR. It could get really bad.

That's a botfly hole, lmao

medfag. staph infection, possibly mrsa, that can spread and literally kill you. go to clinic

Here's the string of pus I pulled out. Honestly no clue how I got it I just kinda noticed it the other night. Once I pulled it out the swelling seems like it's going down and it's a lot less tender, doesn't hurt as much to push on it. Also it seems to only bleed when I squeeze it so I think if I keep it clean I'm probably ok? Dont really think I need to go to urgent care but might see a doctor tomorrow

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Never put hydrogen peroxide in a large wound. Or any wound really. You cells produce hydrogen peroxide, then you add a bunch and it makes the natural healing less effective and manipulates the body into thinking it doesn't need to produce it because it's got enough already. Use body temp water and soap, pat it dry and place a loose fitting bandage on it, replace that bandage every couple hours or as needed if the blood is still flowing a lot. And only use nerosporin after the epidermal layer of blood coagulates, not while it's an open and fresh wound.

It's aids.

Definitely not this. Swelling wouldn't be so localized and at that stage he'd be sick as a dog.

It's not MRSA. Look at the wound above the whole. Surface level scratch that has scabbed over.

OP, medfag here. The "string" of puss you pulled out was likely an ingrown hair, which probably got dislodged and trapped by whatever gave you that scratch. That scratch also tells me you've had it for a little while.

You have a staph infection, albeit a small one. It will get bigger, though. Even the small ones can grow into silver dollar sized holes in your body that inevitably lead to septicemia and eventually, if left untreated, death.

Go to a doctor and they'll diagnose you with a staph infection. They'll take blood to make sure you aren't going to go septic and die in the next few days. It's not super big so you might get lucky and they might not pack it.

For future reference for any of you faggots who happen to read this: wash your fucking wounds. It doesn't matter if it's a surface level scratch that your cat gave you. Staph, Strep A, and a plethora of other lethal bacteria live and breed on your skin. No, you are not immune to it. Your skin acts as a barrier between you and it. Breaking that barrier, in any form, can do this and much, much worse. Strep A will kill you in 5 days flat. Wash your wounds.

That's an abcess. You could put some betadine liquid in there twice a day and work it around with a q-tip. Keep it open because it has to heal from the inside out. After you use the betadine for a few weeks the hole should start getting smaller as it heals. You could go to the doc and get some antibiotics so you don't go septic (and die). Take them all: Don't stop because you feel better. Eat some yogurt with natural cultures to fix your gut after you start the antibiotics.


Ok, gonna take the medfags words and see a doctor. Is this something I need to do right now or could I realistically do it tomorrow and be ok?

This seems to be the most reliable reply here.

Even if it's not correct, you should still follow the advice given and GO SEE A FUCKING DOCTOR YOU DUMBASS.

It's staph infection you fucking retard. Go to a doctor.

I would add also, Definitely go to the doctor. This is just common sense levels of care, go see a professional. I'm an OR RN, I don't typically diagnose things like this.

In my experience, the hottest water you can tolerate works best.

fuck the hole and post pics

Medfag here. Go see a doctor. And if you hate your doctor then go to one of those urgent care places.

Doctors let a hole in my dad's food fester for months, to to point of it stinking when I would unwrap it. I Started soaking it in peroxide twice a day. Gone in a few weeks!
They don't want you to heal $$$

You don't want to agitate the wound. Really hot water = inflammation. So you're bodies now fighting two issues in one local area. don't use cold water, but anything past the bodies temp is already on a gradient of agitation.

Or yaknow don’t just take antibiotics for the hell of it because that’s how you get superbugs

Do it now. Contrary to popular belief, putting off treating an infection for even a day can land you in the hospital for weeks, if not months.

Please stop breeding.

That is a MRSA infection go to Emergency right away.


Ok going to doctor, will post updates when possible

It’s a pussy that your HRT is triggering, just looks like the Dr forgot to put the locational drug in there too kek

Looks like it