This man was a great leader, speaker and role model for younger generations...

This man was a great leader, speaker and role model for younger generations. He didn’t nig up the White House like you salty fucks thought he would. He brought so much sauce to that office that you tiki torch whites got visibly jealous. Obama was a fucking man and Trump is a mushroom dick little bitch boy. What a pathetic attempt to stick it to the establishment. Now China and Russia are double teaming our asshole and Trump doesn’t know how to military. What the fuck is reality anymore..... you people broke it.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Yeah dude i miss obama too .

I miss having a president who was good at his job and sane enough to communicate his policies .

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Fantastic orator. If only that was a skill that had any meaning whatsoever aside from flattery.

Heh, kinda small in comparrison these days

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weak bait but got me to respond 3/10

Niggers always get a pass don't they?

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That's the problem, you've been indoctrinated.

Guy ran off with over 1.6 billion dollars because he let corporations buy more of our assets. So Trump is trying to get some back but all you hear is posts like yours.

>What the fuck is reality anymore
I don't expect you to know, as you've shown.

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Worst POTUS in my lifetime.

>some how destabilizes the ME even more
>illegally uses the IrS to get info in republicans
>bombed hospitals
>droned a U.S citizen
>Increased the scope of the NSA
Nig what are ya stupid?

Obama bought more real more scandal to the whit house then any any of trumps fake scandals

Attached: Obama-Scandals-650x320.jpg (650x320, 59K)

>War crimes
>Bank bailouts with tax payer money
>Turning 7 wars into 8

Dude may be the best president we've had in over 20 years, but thats not a high bar to pass.

Soo...he was behind that?

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>any any of trumps fake scandals
There aren't any Trump fake scandals.
They are all real.

He's neither the hero nor villain he's portrayed as. But his foreign policy was a fucking disaster. And he wasn't the agent of "change" he was supposed to be. He was a very typical center-left neoliberal Democrat. Instead of finding a way forward he made a conscious decision to stick with the past.

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>This man was a great leader
None of the other world leaders respected him. he was pretty much a pushover on the world stage. don't cross the red line N Korea
he's able to read off a teleprompter, i guess for nigger standards, that is impressive
>role model for younger generations
created more racial divide in our country during his presidency. would excuse dindu's. overall a pussy and not someone our youth should look up to

aside from all his failures, seems like a chill guy. would get a drink with

Imagine actually believing this.

>on Sup Forums

Attached: hahano.gif (500x250, 946K)

fuck you
my mom blocked Sup Forums
everyone there agrees with me

What part of Russia are you from? Any good travel spots your way, ivan?

>I don't respect a NIGGER
>you libs better not elect any more NIGGERS
>or we'll elect TRUMPS

lol dipshit

Wait I thought Republitards didn't believe Russians were fucking with us.

Say it with me
Madame President

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Nah his foreign policy nearly fucked over my country.

Counter it with an argument.

are you trying to turn her into hillery lol

great rebuttal user! you are right, Obama is a nigger and that was all that i addressed in my post!

no wonder the left is a fucking joke

No it didn't.

It kind of means you don't deserve much more than that user lol

>Obama is a nigger
Finally. An admission. Usually I'm watching posters like you deflect for hours.

So I'm right? I'll take it.

Eat my fucking ass nigger cuck

No it kind of meant "shut up faggot" js

You ok there pal?

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deflect what? your projection? enjoy the (you) i suppose. you're a waste of time

They are obviously fucking with our education system, judging by your reply.

that's pretty fucking gay user, but makes sense since you support King Nigger.

>Obama was a NIGGER

So do you love or hate the snarling african beast?

We haven't had a good president since Bush. I don't like Orange man at all but I'll take him any-day over King Obango and his husband who went on trips to Paris and Hawaii using my tax dollars.

So you agree that Putin tipped the scales enough that we elected Trump?
Good. Finally. Another Republican coming clean. So far we have two.


Whatever nickname you choose for your penis is your business user

are you having a stroke user?

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Fucking Soviet bots.

Do you even know what greentext is newfriend?

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He was a useless nigger

This guy is trying, he really is. Cant wait to see what the reason he wins in 2020 will be. Russia again, or what you guys dreaming up?

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Imagine being this conditioned.

Thanks op. This is all true.

Women cant be chiefs

oh, goodness me, i thought nigger was the only word in your vocabulary. had me mildly concerned user.

Ha, so your metric is Obama didn't fuck up and sounded good. Ok sure, but absolutely no memorable political legacy after 8 years.

They've already set up the "Biden is a candidate who is being investigated so he'd better drop out" angle since it worked so well with Clinton. And of course a bunch of DNC "emails" will be released proving that the DNC rigged the process against Warren.
I'd bet any money on this, but it's so obvious.

Funny how you weren't concerned enough to stop Trump when you had the chance.

What is Obamacare?

Which is pretty much a swing and a miss for most people it was supposed to help. 8 years and ...that.

Found the actual Soviet bot.

Didn't vote for him but still prefer him over Obama, and given how much the democrats love fucking themselves over, i have no problem with him doing another 4 years.

a failure

Obamacare insured tens of millions of people

>Didn't vote for him
Yes you did shithead
3rd party vote/staying home was a vote for Trump

health care was more affordable for the average joe before Niggercare, and it provided shitty coverage for people.

You mean the call to repeal Obamacare was a failure, much like the entire Presidency behind it. Obamacare is still going fuckwad.

thank god. at least it wasn't a vote for Shillary

Another admission that you hate Obama because of his skin color
Good. Your honesty is refreshing. You might even inspire this shithead.

and it's still shitty. what's your point?

>obama was a fucking man

Liberals are so gay and weak.

Clinton isn't President dumbass
your idiot is. And you clearly can't handle it when you're called out.

>insuring tens of millions of people=shitty
lol no trumpshit

Obamacare was garbage, and i was one of those people youre talking about. Get off your high horse and go outside. Talk to people. And when you do, dont go running off your stupid opinions. Instead, listen. Keep your mouth shut. The average person likely has more wisdom to share with you than youll ever pick up in a lifetime.


Hate? Never said I hated him user, you ignorant child. I even voted for him the first time because i believed he was a legitimate candidate, too bad he ended up being a sack of shit. Cuba was the only good thing he handled during his presidency.

>Obama was a NIGGER

if tulsi wins the white house, would the dems impeach their own for being "treasonous"?
no..they run around an cackle how they beat trump

>you ignorant child.
trumpshit is mad

>Clinton isn't President dumbass
Exactly. Learn to read user, you're embarrassing yourself. I would rather have Trump than Shillary. Glad my "3rd party vote went to Trump" instead, like you claim

>if tulsi wins the white house,

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even niggers think he did a bad job at being president

He was a nigger.

i laugh the same way when they say "bernie" or "warren"

people who were covered before niggercare got screwed over. it's shit and i don't know anyone that actually benefited from it.

She can't even be a squaw.

>I would rather have Trump
>you're embarrassing yourself
>Trump isn't embarrassing


>low quality
well, you were entertaining for a bit, but you're becoming repetitive at this point. enjoy your last (you)

He talked a big talk, and accomplished less than virtually any other president

At least she recognises a snake when she sees one

Good good
let your hatred for strong men of color in power float to the surface, like turds
this user needs to take notes:

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Most of the scandals on that list were purely political, and were all investigated and found no criminal activity.

And I specially love the "Illegal Executive Appointments." They put that down as an OBAMA scandal, after illegally stealing one of his SCOTUS appointments, oh like 120 other judges.

All projection. Have fun losing bad next year.

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Im nor racist, and i think racism is bad.
But, you know whats worse than racism:
-speech policing

And that's why the left calls us racist and the right call you crazy. We're not racist (vast majority) but we'll side with racists to stop your horrors. I think white nationalism is fucking stupid. But not as stupid as liberals.

RINO republican here. Obama wasn't too bad a President. Disagreed with a lot of his shit. Agreed with the drone strikes though.

>enjoy your last (you)
I think not. You support a criminal President who abused his powers because his dick's too small to beat Joe Biden and you know it.

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that's literally a right wing joke site

>ignore share blue shills replies and engagement give them pennies.

If you want to fight corruption and destroy the party elite, defeat PC culture and destabilize american "politics" so we can finally break the Two party system you need to vote trump.

If you hate the lying press vote trump.

If you want to return to civil discourse that isn't reliant on stuffing polls faking academic research or shouting matches about luxury beliefs like SJW delusions then you need to vote trump.

When trump Wins the left(a tiny subsection hellbent on radical ideology) will explode into violence and be crushed rapidly because they are no good at it, this will lead to sedition charges and investigations and a whole lot of the criminal elements in the DNC will be put away, the media wont be able to afford to lie anymore, many will go to prison for sedition.
