How do I stop having sexual thoughts about my brother?

How do I stop having sexual thoughts about my brother?

He is gay, he came out when I was like 16 and I'm 19 now. I have never really thought that I was gay, though I've never really had a crush on a girl per se if I think about it. But as soon as he came out I started thinking about him just a little bit, but in the past year or so it has really escalated.

Its to the point where I literally cannot cum unless I'm jacking it to the thought of him fucking my brains out. I have to resist the temptation to walk in on him in the shower or something just to see what would happen.

I don't want to be a degenerate. But I can feel it happening, if it hasn't already. His type is almost exactly what I look like and that knowledge is haunting me with the possibility that he wants to fuck me as much as I want to fuck him.

Help me, Sup Forums

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Should I just snap a rubber band on my wrist or tase myself any time I think about him

Kill yourself degenerate faggot. Your brother doesn't wanna fuck you

I know that rationally and I know I won't ever actually do anything but is it that wrong of me to just enjoy the thoughts without acting on them... it's a guilty pleasure almost

playfully tease him like it's a joke
smack his out when he goes out the door before you
give him hugs that seem too long

If you can talk openly to him ask him about gay sex. Tell him you are just curious. Tell him that you want to experiment but keep it down low. Not with him but you can gauge his reaction.

Do you think that would really work?

We are already pretty affectionate. We hug and stuff, I mean. But like just a second too long maybe... like pressing into him a little bit. That way if he thinks its weird I could just pass it off as a joke?

Same with the ass smacking. Just a joke. God the temptation is real, but would it actually work is the question. I don't want to ruin my family or anything like that if he reacts badly

I've come up with a bunch of possible situations tbh. Wearing shorts to grab something in the kitchen when he's in there and dropping something... walking in on him in the shower... coming into his room without knocking and accidentally catching him jerking off. Jesus

Is he older or younger?

That's a good one. Nobody knows that I feel this way obviously, or that I might be gay (I guess I am) so it would make sense for me to ask him about stuff.

This is possibly one of the lowest risk options if I do something about it. Since there's no way he can construe it as anything other than curiosity, even if I hint at anything involving him


even if it doesn't work it could possibly ease your temptation, if you're already playful maybe push the line just a little bit every now and then
like when you smack his ass as a "joke" give it a little grip
also all of your situations you should do, but make sure they're not back to back unless you want him to have a hint of what you're up to

When you two get the home for yourselfes, talk to him and say that you're curious and think you are a bissexual.
Then stare him in the eye and say "i just want somebody to fuck my brains out"

Bold move but Jesus Christ, just the thought of saying that while looking into his eyes is enough to mess me up inside. I don't know if I could do it

wait are you bottom or top, i'm confused now

Meet new people

Yeah, good idea. Space things out. If I get the courage to do any of them.

I have a pair of jean shorts I bought at a thrift store that I have hidden in the bottom of my closet when I couldn't fucking take it anymore about a month ago, he would definitely say something if he saw me wearing them but idk what he would say

Go to /h/ and get your mind a little less fucked up. Also tase yourself and drop .webm because kek

or you could download grindr and hope that he's in it, then chat with him and exchange nudes. If he goes with it, wait in his room naked. If you don't have the urge to do it, then you don't really want it.

Definitely bottom, at least when it comes to him I guess. I'd love nothing more than for him to fuck me senseless. As far as I know he is a top, but he doesn't talk about that stuff very much

Satisfy them
roofies may be needed but trust me it will be worth it

How would that work? Like, finding him on it. Does it have location stuff that I can just narrow down really far lol

I do have the urge to do it. The only reason I haven't tried "seducing" him before this is because I'm afraid that he will react badly and I'll ruin our brotherly relationship and the little things that keep me going (hugs, touches, etc)

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

My brothers pretty hot too i honestly think its at least worth the shot. OR like even just having the conversation about the attraction and your sexuality can help.

okay, this changes things a little
you realize tops will fuck anything willing to bend over right?
atleast in my experience they are
also practice with an anal training kit
they're not that expensive

yeah it has location and shows the nearest person to you and so on, you can turn off the actual distance between you and the other guy.
You can "leave" panties in your room when you're both alone and pretend you forgot it, if he confronts you just tell it all, it's your brother, nothing you'll do will make him not be your brother

I honestly think that there are more people who would fuck their brothers if given the chance than people would assume. But I wouldn't know because obviously I can't talk about this aside from online like this haha

i think the conversation, and also grindr is kind of a good idea, it's all location based, it's not like tinder. you get a list of profiles nearest to you

No you dont understand i want my brother to cum inside and hes fucking married

he's married
bruh i'm sorry don't think this one's happening

Im not op.

mb lol

OP here, my brother is definitely not married lol. Godspeed to poor user though, I'm so sorry.

Just the idea of living in the same house of the person that claps your cheeks makes me mad, as a bottom i would make the deal that when he gives me the signal, i'd have to stop all im doing to be his bitch, damn why am i so submissive

He lives on base in Oceanside hes out of the house im still trapped in this shithole.

Tempting idea. What sort of panties though? Where do I go about getting panties anyways? Do they have them at Walmart

Yes, so far the conversation and the Grindr are at the top of my list because of plausible deniability if it comes down to that, but also highest chances of success

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

cut the panty shit, real gays don't like that shit
if anything, get speedos

Yeah i would go for the conversation it would at least give op some grip as a fellow submissive faggot.

Agh, okay. I guess I can always ask what he prefers in the sneaky "how does this work" conversation. But yeah, he doesn't really seem like the type to like panties on his guys but what do I know

the idea of wearing panties is enough to get me hard as shit.

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

stick a 20 inch rod down your dick hole.

i'm talking tops, these are real gays we're talking about not internet "bi" boys who've given up on women

doesnt seem like his brother would be into it but trust me some people are into it.

not panties, then get one of those jockstraps and do the same thing. 100% sure he's going to confront you about it,

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

Honestly just talk to him about your attraction none of this weird luring shit

What would he say when he confronts me, though? I don't want him for real mad at me. I'm not sure how the convo would go, I want to be able to plan it out if I do this. So that I can maximize the chances of getting him in bed

Genuinely wish this shit would work like in porn where I can just say I want to try out giving a blow job and would he please let me practice on him

Fuck it go for broke

This is clearly eating at you how could things get worse. Just talk it out. And hopefully he will cum inside.

Wouldn't that freak him out just as much though. The point of the luring shit is to see how he reacts and see if he feels the same way without condemning myself if he is freaked out at the thought of fucking his brother.

Just straight out telling him "hey I want to fuck you" has the unfortunate side effect of ruining my life if he doesn't feel the same way and I have no way of denying that that's what I meant

Than fill it with the i wanna fuck you equivalent of legalese. When we over complicate shit and plan your literally making a porno script. And that would be a little creepier tbh.

It is eating at me but it could definitely be worse. He could tell our mom or something and then I'm screwed. But I do wonder if just telling him would lead to anything or if I could write it off as a "I have no idea why this is happening" as innocent as possible sort of thing and then roll with it if he reciprocates

>Genuinely wish this shit would work like in porn where I can just say I want to try out giving a blow job and would he please let me practice on him
actually it works like that, you just need the courage to say so.

99% of guys that have a jockstrap are gays, he'll just be curious if you're top or bottom. After that act more girly and submissive for him, grab his crotch or smack hiss butt when he passes by, and give him a dirty face so he understands what you want

God you fucking incel this isnt a porno trust me ive done this kind of thing.

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

True... and I know that most of these things aren't very realistic. But how in the world do I segue into "I would very much like for you to pound my ass, brother of mine"

>Hey T, can we talk
>Sure, brother whom I am related to by blood!
>Actually, I just wanted to tell you... Lately I've been incredibly sexually attracted to you. Would you like to have sex? You don't have to use a condom!

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Fluff it up
Hey so ive had some shit eating at me for a while and i think we should talk about it. I have a sexual attraction to you and i know thats not normal which is why we should talk this out. I want things to happen and ive been thinking about my sexuality alot.

How about you just see a psychiatrist.

I guess that doesn't seem too bad, all things considered. Maybe I should start with the sexuality stuff and then explain that I've come to that conclusion because of my feelings for him, and then take it from there.

We are pretty close, and we talk about a lot of things albeit nothing quite like this before. We play video games together almost every weekend, I could bring it up then. Our mom is also conveniently out of the house at that time so we would have some privacy to talk (and hopefully more)

If user can fuck a baby deer than why cant user fuck his brother these thoughts are natural at least hes not raping a deer man its consensual.

i think the way he approaches this depends on how he wants his brother to see him
i'm thinking play sympathetic and pathetic? idk always worked for me

Kill yourself.

Yeah thats pretty good just be natural with it and dont be forceful if he doesnt wanna go there you have to be ok with that.

Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

you are gay and should fuck some men or get fucked. that will make your brother go away.

Going for pity would make it awkward.

Yeah, I'm definitely not going to push it if he says he isn't interested. I don't want to ruin what we have even if it isn't what I want it to be

Pathetic has always made my brother get on my side haha

Shit good luck to you
(post a followup thread if you can im invested in this now)

same lol
just hope i catch it


Yeah he said they play on the weekends so i mean idk.


Go for it OP. My brother used to fuck me all the time one summer when we shared a room. I was a little younger though, 15 and my bro was 12-13.

I was gay but hadn't come out, and showed him gay porno on my computer and said "it looks like he likes getting it in the butt, it must feel good, look he's hard." My bro just scrunched his nose and said "that's weird" and I continued with stuff like "I wonder what it feels like" and "fucking a butt probably feels exactly like fucking a girl." Until I finally said "wanna try it to see what it's like, I mean you do it to me" and it turns out he was super eager to try too.

If you're older you probably wouldn't talk like that but I bet he's up for it. Sex with someone you know so well feels safe because you know each other and that nobody will get hurt. Go for it. Let your brother cum in your ass.

fuck and afterwards say: "No Homo!" "No Incest!" then there won't be any guilt

>Then I farted and the smell of pure shit made her even wetter. Her pussy was so wet, i licked the grool off my fingers. It tasted like a mixture of old rotten salmon and stale cheese. Absolutely delicious. My throbbing cock was about to burst and that's when she queefed the most wonderful smell. The chunks that flew out onto my cock was magical.

1 Corinthians 15:3-4 KJV
3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

You're lost user, come back to the light.

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