ITT: If someone says your name, you have to go to sleep

ITT: If someone says your name, you have to go to sleep.

That means you, Daniel. You too Brian.

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Fuck you Steve. Fuck you Zack. Fuck you Andrew. Fuck you Aidhan. Fuck you Nick. Fuck you all, especially you Damien.

go to bed Rory

Thats not my name, Brandon you faggot.

If you're reading this, get tested. Yes you. You knew it before reading this but now you know for sure. 18 months from now you die because that wasn't just a cough. You've been warned.

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Nathan, David, and Desmond need some rest too.

Fuck off Micheal

Stop being edgy and go to bed, It's past your bedtime, Kyle.

Grant, it is way past your bedtime.

Joe, you gotta get some sleep, you've got a back, sack and crack in the morning.

Josh, Anthony, Dave, Dayton, Jared, Chris and Joe it is time to go to bed

Who's Joe?

Dick Willy Peter.

was really hoping to see a 'lachlan' in here. im tired :(

Go to bed Lachlan

you fags will never make me sleep. Im halfway through an allnighter and have a lecture in 3 hours. Try to fuck me Sup Forumsros?

Have a (you), lachlan

>his name is Lachlan

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go to bed faggot

Andreas, Andre, Alexander,

Sweet Dreams Christian

Sweet dreams Paul and Nigger

Goodnight Joel, Jarod, Tristan, Kyle, Alex, Miguel, Nolan, Brett, Josh, Bryson, Brice, Matthew and Jeff

Fuck. Goodnight sweet prince.

rest assure i rest assured :)

and since today many others that i saved too

nite nigger

Good night, Bohemond, Odoacer, Teophrastus, Zygmund, Zeno, OrdoƱo, Aldovandro and Baudouin.

I see I have admirers as usual.

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Steve has gone untouched, better bail now

Go to bed Bruce

TIme for bed Barack.

You got me. Obama signing off.


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Go the fuck to bed Clarence you worthless sack of shit

Thanks, I was pretty tired.
Come to bed, James.

Come think of it... Anthony and Adrian both died of ligma in their sleep

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why do ya gotta call out one of the most common names?

talkin bout daniel

sorry i reddit spaced

Does it count even if it isnt spelled correctly??

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