After how many years of kissless virgindom should I give up and pay a whore?

After how many years of kissless virgindom should I give up and pay a whore?

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I bought a pair of dirty panties from a cam girl

Whenever you feel like it, just make sure you're not going to some street pimp or anything. Figure out the most legit avenue you can to do it. Find a whore that is careful and wants to make you happy.

Just buy dirty panties from cam girls

i did at 18 out of frustration and i couldnt stand to be around girls my age. it helped. itll help you just do it.

Why would I want this?

How do I avoid getting busted for it?

Hey user, legit advice here...
1) Work in improving yourself. Workout, learn a new skill, join a new group of friends, whatever.

2) Go to stripclubs and start talking to the girls. There is a price for everything. And people around those places know where to go.

Because you can sniff their vaginal exceetions

Plot twist: they are all whores.

Everyone is a whore to something

should just do it right away

soon as you turn 18, even if you're not virgin, you need your eyes opened to how girls that should be completely out of your league, will suck your dick, let you fuck, and swallow you nut for a few hundred bucks

simple as that, it opens your eyes to the fact that women are just property, they don't like to be treated as ''objects'' but that's what they are

it will give you a new confidence when dealing with them and you'll realize sex isn't a big deal, and women are just all whores that want to be bartered with one way or another, they're not guys, when they fuck they typically want something for it, whether that be better dick then their friends, to be fucking someone important, to have access to money, want a promotion

they use their pussy to get things

anyways hope that helps, go do it, you won't regret it

also don't bring extra money with you, just what you work out, and don't bring anything else with you, and absolutely do not ever under any circumstances drink with them or do drugs with them

also make damn sure when your buying a hooker that she's actually worth buying, should be a girl that you imagine you'd have no chance with straight up if you were just trying to talk to her

>After how many years of kissless virgindom should I give up and pay a whore?
Fuck a fat girl, they feel a lot better in bed than you would think and you can keep the lights off.

>>dirty panties
>>youre right

And maybe get a clothespin to place over your nose. The worst part of fat bitches isnt their appearance

are you talking WHALES because check your privilege you cis male sCUM

They’re not whites, they’re women of the sexual service profession.

>Be male.
>Buy panties.
>Wear panties.
>Catfish losers.
>Sell panties.
>MFW beta orbiters are gay and don’t even know it.

set it for a large city near you, and legit its just a numbers game, 8/10 will say no but the 2 that say yes will fuck your brains out and just go to dinner before or after, enjoy the night out

whites are faggots
>been around them my whole life and more white than 90% of em
everyone else are faggots

0. When I was in middle school, my friends told me about backpages and craigslist personals. For one thing, I thought they were bullshiting, and for another, back then I was brainwashed into thinking that all prostitutes were filthy, disgusting, std riddeled crack heads. I regret not taking it seriously and doing some research on the subject.

Or make trips to places its Amsterdamn