Waifu Thread obsessed edition

Waifu Thread obsessed edition

Previous: Rules:
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing. Fuck you, merchant
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind.
>Seriously, you look like cringelords
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original and frequent
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Traps are gay.
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, no

Nine claimed

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I claim your mom


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Lovely weather today.

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Hey Hitler, I was the Catstolfo guy. Posting some Roon right now though.

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sleep is weird

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Miss Ueno

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Okay. How's it going?

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Not bad, did some exercising today. What about you?

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Same, but mainly wörk, wörk, wörk, wörk und wörk. Just got back home. I'll be taking today off and go to the pub.

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Speaking of work, I've been applying for positions. I only have classes in the morning, so I'm free afterwards. Been trying to save up for a better PC that runs better. Anyway, enjoy yourself at the pub.

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Which character is that?

KMS Roon from Azur Lane

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Thanks, good luck with finding DECENT work. I'll be going to bed soon.

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Claimin' and lovin' this one, how are you all tonight?

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I've thinking about working at a warehouse, fuck being a cashier. Anyway, I'm going to bed, goodnight
Goodnight, mongrel.

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I would advice against searching for manual labour jobs. Get a job at some fast food joint or a corner shop, trust me. You'll regret getting a warehouse job. Goodnight.

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nou. am doing msq rn

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gud boi, spending some time with the bunnies still?

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yeah am doing stuff in the woods. eulmore just turned up

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sounds fun

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meant to add good morning

Good night, jobber.

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mi liu...


This isn't the most flattering depiction.

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Alice is cute and nice. Scientific fact

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Hey hey comrade! How's you!~

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>TFW millenial PTSD sentient rock waifu

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Want die

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Undestandable, something happen?

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I wish I was looking between those legs

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Life's boring

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At least we can agree on that. Nothing to distract you!

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When will they make ronpa real?

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One day, but sadly not today

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very based

based based

A new day brimming with possibility.

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Hey hey comrade!~

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Hello, anons, how is your day going?

patrician-tier waifu right there, user

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>Hello, anons, how is your day going?
Sup. Another wierd and slow day at work, clients want work done for free and get mad when I say things cost money. Supplier did not pay the light bill so the wearhouse cn not unload without databases working. Regular fucking bullshit. I have a sudden feeling today is going to be a loooong shift.

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Dont care what anyone says, bulma has and always will be mine

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Hihi dear user, how are ya?~

Alive and bored out of my mind writing a report dear user. How about you?

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You sure do you potat
Or the nice end to one, complete with a new baggie

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You betcha~

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Lets nap near the fireplace.

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Was doing that earlier

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i just lit it actually, sounds like a great idea. is that dinner still on offer? i'm starving.

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Nice image swap, dork.

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Isnt it though

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Of course it's a great idea, I'm full of greatness.
Are we eating out or are you going to have me cooking?

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Lol fair enough, yeah.

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Can I claim them all?

>the fucking pic didnt post


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Ah yes, retarded clients, they are everyone's favourite anomalies. How long have you been doing this work? You sound like you're pretty used to it.
Also, if the whole DB and warehouse is down, at least you have more time to shitpost here and there~

> bored out of my mind writing a report
Ehh, that's pretty nerve-wrecking, hope you'll finish with it soon~
> How about you?
Well, shit's been hitting the fan here for some time. I'm a dev, and we got reassigned to a completely different part of the project to work on stuff we have no idea about, in a relatively short deadline, because management fucked up. Fun. Also, we're lacking basic office necessities like fucking water. But hey, at least my colleagues are a good bunch and the pay is good, that's why I haven't quit yet.

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well I was just about to put some pasta on, but if you're offering I wouldn't say no. what would you have in mind?

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>everyone's favourite anomalies
They come in droves.
>How long
Entirely too long to know this day is going to be like this. Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's an omen, maybe I no longer care why this is happening on one days but not on others.
>if the whole DB and warehouse is down
One of many. Just the one where I also ordered things for myself. At least if I deal with the monkeys running in circles today, they won't bother me tomorrow.
Relax, it happens to the best of us. Sometimes things just slip up.

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Damn, stay strong, user. At least It's good to hear that not every day is like this.

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Kek, sounds like the exact opposite of my situation last year. Back then I was an intern and working as the right hand of a manager. We got fucked hard because IT department were a bunch of idiots and because of them the company lost hundreds of thousands of euros.

Hi Ump!~

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Why can't retarded managements and retarded IT departments find eachother and be retarded together? It would make all our lives easier

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>stay strong, user
It's not even a sweat.
>explaining to one more person that things cost money while literally posting on Sup Forums
This job has its perks.

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Because they are very different tbh. This is of course just my opinion which is based on just half a year of working. But ehhh my department saw the IT as sub-humans and always made fun of thrm for dressing informally. Meanwhile the IT department hated most of the people from my department for always giving them tasks, blaming then for everything and never show grattitude

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Huge update to Raifu Rearline. Commander builder, changes to bamboos, new VAs, its all going down

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>dressing informally
>IT department
Do people actually expect IT to wear suits? lol

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At the company I worked at? Yes, as I said. Our managers even saw the IT as sub-humans because of that. It got to the point that they were making fun of IT in the company's canteen because IT people usually brought food from home instead of buying the fancy shit at the canteen...... It felt like I was in school rather than sitting at the table with managers which were older than 40.

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There it is~

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>We got fucked hard because IT department
Daymn. Looks like it was one of those "accidents". I know some admins that shut down servers for fun and worck tickets. Also was a time when IT basicly did a silent revolt or something, they wrote shitty code that did not work and failed right when they finished their paid vacation, when confronted about it they told the CEO something along the lines of "shoud have paid us more or checked what we were doing" and then they were gone like the wind. How can anyone try to shit on IT is beynd me, it's like calling an electric engeneer and then saying things like "you look scrufy" or "I don't think you deserve that much pay".

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I got dragged away to do pull-ups...
... sweet and sour pork! If I like a dish I'll usually end up learning how to cook it.
What kind of food do you like though?
Shit, I've been out of the loop again, work has been too volatile to keep up with playing.

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You're missing a rescue event tbh.

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amazing post, thanks for your contribution. cumbrain desu.

i had a feeling something like that was going on, cold shower incoming? well, you're more confident in the kitchen than I am from what it looks like. i don't think i've ever had that before, sounds delicious though.
i love fish, salmon especially, gnocchi and pasta are also quite up there. any sort of meat really, not too big on fancy dishes though.

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Who are you who are you who are you who are you

Damn, that's nasty. I don't even know how could issues like that be solved, that's something that should be solved at the top level of the company, but I guess they never give a fuck to bother.

Anyways, onto happier topics, what do you guys usually do after work? Any fun hobbies here?

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ok schizo