Canada friends are you ready for another 4 years of this guy

Canada friends are you ready for another 4 years of this guy

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Americans need to build a Berlin Wall between Canada and the USA and use it as a social experiment to once again prove the failures of radical left wing politics

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Hell yeah i love this guy

Was kinda hoping Jagmeet would win.

Kek did anyone else in etobicoke-lakeshore hear a guy screaming "A FUCKING PAKI" repeatedly like a week ago?

I like him post-blackface but I wish he would just stop with the gay agenda and reduce the fucking immigration.

PROVE the immigrants are taking your jobs, faggot.

He won't last four years with a minority government. I'd say 2-3 years tops. He needs support from others to run the show now, and if he loses it at any point, we have an election again.

We don't have 4 year terms you mongoloid.

What gay agenda?

hes pushing for all this LGBT shit along with every other politician. Im sick of it. Also, im an immigrant but im fucking sick of all this immigration. I plan on going home cuz this shithole has gotten unbearable and the Chinese and negroid immigrants are the root of the problem.

Sounds like a normal day in Etobicoke

There's gonna be another election next year

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>blames immigrants for Canada's problems
>says Canada isn't as good as it used to be
>afraid of lesbians

Unironically fuck off then

What LGBT shit?

go back. also, yes, fuck LGBT and all this gaymigration

>Pushing LGBT shit
agreed, but obviously he needs the libtarded votes
>All the immigration
immigration has not dramatically increased or decreased. It's been pretty status quo since Harper
>Immigrants are the root of the problem
What problem? And how? For the simple fact that they are displacing the white population, sure. But I've never really noticed immigrants causing any real trouble despite what the media and internet wants you to believe.

>immigration has not dramatically increased or decreased. It's been pretty status quo since Harper
he plans on increasing it from 250k to 350k a year. It will be hell on earth. Never in my 14 years in this country have I seen niggers roam the streets chimping out- this year it began.

Literally not me, dipshit.

>What problem? And how? For the simple fact that they are displacing the white population, sure. But I've never really noticed immigrants causing any real trouble despite what the media and internet wants you to believe.
buddy, calm down. It sounds to me you too are an immigrant. Im not calling for immigrants to be expelled or killed. I just want the onslaught of negroid immigrants flooding the country to end.

realized after the other guy typed more.

Where do you live

near van

the vankongo


>Sounds to me you too are an immigrant
Nice try faggot but you're clearly projecting your insecurities on me. Perhaps I'm just fortunate enough to live in a very white area, but I've never really seen any definitive proof that an immigrant came to Canada and then started causing a shitshow.

The immigration system doesn't allow just any niggers to enter the country. Preference is given to educated people who can take care of themselves and won't burden the population as neets or neetbux leeches. Trudeau likely can't even change this, as this merit-based immigration has been the standard for quite some time. With a minority, it's even less likely to happen. I would, however, like to see refugee and asylum claimants being turned back whenever possible.

I voted for him because of the blackface. I want people to not be punished for bullshit they did in different time periods.

>I'm just fortunate enough to live in a very white area
didnt answer the question but okay.


>Preference is given to educated people
sure, kid. your dominion of cucknada and your prime cuck bend over backwards for every sandnigger who knocks on your door

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I think I'll go out for Halloween wearing blackface and an afro and if anyone has a problem with it, I'll just say I'm Trudeau

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prove me wrong, whore.
canada's immigration policy is pretty tough as it is. the issue is about the number.

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Once again, thank you Eastern Canada for being a bunch of brain dead fucktards and electing this joke again.
-Once again, another billion dollar gun boondoggle so they can steal and hide money and do nothing to stop crime.
-Once again elect the party that believes only 2 provinces matter and the rest of us are just your working whores.
-Once again elect an idiot who should be in a jail cell for his ethics violations.
Once again 4 more years.
Thanks retards.

>4 more years
user do you fucking know what a minority government is? Me thinks you're a yank larping as a leaf with some surface-level knowledge of leaf politics

Green party gang rise uppp!

and yet cucknada is full of pajeets, and muhamads, and whatever arab-speaking garbage

They're refugees. Not immigrants...and I've already criticized the refugee policy. Try to stay on topic user, or is your trembling, cucking fear of muhamads and jamals impairing your fair judgement?

No, but after all the horseshit this guy has pulled off already, why the fuck would you think a minority government would be an obstacle to even more of his bullshit?

Come on user, wake up.

Sorry Alberta and Saskatchewan....
You guys are fucked now.
Enjoy being poor.
Such a culture of defeat out west

based trips

>minority government
that's literally what it is, faggot. trudeau can't accomplish anything anymore unless some other parties are complicit to it. otherwise, another election in which CPC/PPC take a sweep.

It sucks knowing this country is run by a bunch of cucks and saps

Second this sentiment.

Unfucking believable...

What would this fucker have had to do to not get in again? What is wrong with people out there?

Pulled the big guns out in the last two weeks and pitted west vs east just like his fucking daddy did.


Except the NDP already agreed to work with Liberals in a type of coalition. The Liberals were only 3 seats away from a majority, so add what the NDP's have and it's now a majority. The Conservatives are fucked.

Let's be honest. Muhammed and Jamal aren't your friends. They want nothing to do with you.

- Broken ethic law by urging his attorney general not to prosecute an engineering company in a conflict of interest case, extremely illegal.
- 14,500 oil and gas jobs in 2019, report predicts, will be lost in Alberta directly caused by Trudeau climate policies.

- Hires 50 percent of his cabinet to be woman just because they are woman when there wasn't even 50 percent woman to choose from. Meaning he choose job placement based off of sex not job qualifications.

- Said budget will be balance its self without any real plan on how to do it. Then said it will be balanced by 2020. Budget has only increased.

- Failed to secure a better deal on NAFTA , means higher drug prices for Canadians and less control over our industry and future trade deals.
- failed to equip our armed forces. He’s spending $2.5 billion less than what he promised in his defence policy.
*-*Canada’s veterans have been failed by Prime Minister Trudeau by his lack of support. After promising in the 2015 election that veterans would never have to go to court to obtain benefits from his government, he has spent nearly $40 million fighting veterans groups in court over benefits claims.
*-*The Prime Minister yet again failed to fix the mess he created at our border with the United States. Since his #WelcomeToCanada tweet last year, 40,000 people have crossed illegally into Canada since his tweet at a cost of up to $34,000 each. By 2020, this crisis will have cost Canadian taxpayers $1.6 billion.

This was all just in 2018 alone, but some how Liberals saw through this and wanted another 2 years.

Imagine actually believing this lol

2 years not 4

oh wow its not true.
Please tell me the truth then?

Bad news lads.
My girlfriend is voting for the NDP party. Guess i’m single now.

Believing what?

Some of his numbers are actually lower than the figures I found earlier this summer. That was just 2018...

oof not a lot of thought gone into this rebuttal

Quality post

Rip Alberta and Calgary.