He diddles the kids he interviews, doesn't he?

He diddles the kids he interviews, doesn't he?

Attached: sensitive-chad.jpg (1024x628, 116K)

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to be honest probably

Lucky kids

He gets off on her playing retarded and drooling

Honestly I think he's just a nice fellow

There's no such thing
Nothing positive exists in reality



That girl looks pretty normal compared to the abominations ive seen him with. Whats wrong with her?

Thats his wife

Nithing wrong with that

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Sadly, those are pretty rare. ESPECIALLY towards disabled people.

I want to believe this though my cynic nature immediately sees him as an opportunist who does this for browniepoints with the world.

I've actually "worked" with retards before and they're very nice people though I must admit when he's interviewing that burn victim with his tongue flapping out with a straightface I couldn't even

i have a bad feeling about this dude ! Very creepy

Who even is this guy? Saw him in the pictures with the sentient potato covered in chewing gum earlier this week.

Attached: 601.jpg (657x527, 32K)

So maybe some cp in the future from this guy?

Attached: 811935A6-736A-47C7-8597-6CC2A175CCAD.jpg (399x336, 20K)

He came to Sup Forums's attention with this little gem: youtu.be/D4Hapmm9YiY

In all likeliness, he's probably one of those types who come from a strong Christian background, and has a more optimistic and friendly view on the world than is warranted.

scrolled through his vids, he seems like a genuinely great guy to me. he talks to and tries understanding people that everyone would never talk to, just because of their conditions.

fuck off and leave him alone

People don't believe in nice people. It makes sense considering that most people hate everything and everyone including themselves. If you don't trust yourself, why would you trust another person and their intentions? Also, he looks like he could be Shia Lebouf's more attractive older brother. I mean, am I wrong here?

he's actually a tard himself, he just happened to be blessed with what normie girls find as 'attractive' looks. the result? he fucks their moms, not the tards. his channel (not just run by him, don't shoot the messenger) rakes in big money. its no different from companies acting 'ethically' to trick literal retards into buying their products.

he's actually been posted on Sup Forums long before the clip with her. however, she's a strong argument to warrant most of our interest.

Absolutely and positively hang yourself ( if a rope would even hold your weight) you brainlet. Great guy full of emotion. Just because you don't know how to show emotion or make relations (this also applies to everyone that responded to this thread)doesn't mean you go after a rare nice person. You obviously haven't seen the rip Jane video or where he explains how he started his channel. Niggers have more compassion than you cunts.

Rip kane* autocorrect is also a nigger

She could get it

>absolute kek

It's because it's very easy to let someone's kindness lower your guard around them, which opens you up to being duped and taken advantage of. Many times when someone's really nice for no immediately conceivable reason, it turns they had ulterior motives in the end. No one's really kind to other people unless they're getting SOMETHING in return for it.

And don't get me started on those NiceGuys™ that women and feminists like to complain about. Because of those guys, I no longer believe altruism exists.
