Any of you been “strongly encouraged” to take this? “It will help you.” “You will see after you take it...

Any of you been “strongly encouraged” to take this? “It will help you.” “You will see after you take it.” “Just try it.” Angry, single, possibly incel, white male sees a psychiatrist, either voluntary or involuntary, this will likely be put on the table. If someone really is symptomatic and psychotic and they can benefit from it, then so be it. Otherwise, it is needed? Or used to control, mentally restrain. Or for a liability reason. “Well your honor I did recommend that he take the medication but he would not comply.” General mental patient thread.

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you sound like you should take this

I trade them for Addys.

I'm on a variety of different anti depressants at the max or near maximum dosage and I still want to die.

Yes. Docs do force them on the incels to control their incel rage. It blocks dopamine and greatly lowers sex drive.

Take control. Demand answers from your doctor.

Seven words. A little of that weedle dee deed

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Do they dispense weed at mental hospitals in California?

It's because in order for a psychiatrist to be paid by your medical plan they have to diagnose you with something. If you want to talk to a shrink without being pushed pills you have to cough up out of pocket.

Only good use you can get out of it! the secondary effects on this one sucks

Considering it's used to treat autism, you should probably be eating bowls of those for breakfast like cereal.

More generally, whether or not they work, medications are the easiest way to try to manage any mental illnesses. You can't have a therapist or social worker looking after you 24/7, and it a magic pill gives you limp dick and keeps you semi-autonomous, you can still function as a worker drone and make companies money.

If a doctor is prescribing an antipsychotic as a liability, that would mean they know you should be on them. Try it, maybe they'll work for you. If they don't work then have your doctor take you off them.

Who the hell would be on the other end of that trade?


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This shit fucked my head up more than any other drug I've ever taken. I was prescribed to it when I was 14, I still "feel" the damage in my head.

Antipsychotics are catchall "fuck if I know why you're malfunctioning" pills when antidepressants fail. Most of the time, people don't need psychiatric medication.

They need:
Good sleep. Poor sleep accumulates and chips away at integrity of the senses. Hours doesn't matter as much as quality. Research sleep hygiene.

Food quality. Americans in particular have migrated towards a processed plant-based diet unwittingly. The most nutrient dense foods are muscle and organ meats, the fattier the better. If you're going to go plant-based, use high quality single ingredient vegetables to prepare your dishes.

Exercise. Basic movements. We're the first generation, especially as anons, that mostly sit. It's unnatural. Get up and move. Preferably lift heavy ass weight. Check /fit/

Sunlight. Not only for Vitamin D, which most are deficient in, but the energy boost and circadian rhythm correction.

Social. We need to maintain good relationships with those around us who aid our survival. Meeting new people at least occasionally is vital for maintaining hope for greater opportunities.

If you're extremely depressed, start with going outside for 30 minutes, increase to an hour or two. Avoid carbohydrates and inflammatory foods (chicken, pork can be inflammatory to some, dairy as well. No processed foods.) Stretching is a great way to get into exercise and it makes me feel great.

Best of luck anons.

1mg? Is it really that potent?

never seen some guy on the news who took his prescription and did a bunch of dumbass shit

its always the guy who stopped taking his medication against the advice of everyone who gives a shit about them

it isn't a conspiracy, take the meds stupid

there was a class action lawsuit against the makers of Risperdal (it made men grow tits). The punitive damages were 8 billion dollars. frankly I'd sue any judge/doctor who forced this drug on me, and seek the the monetary damages allowed me under the class action as well.

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only person i knew who took this was some guy in jail for murder and a former meth addict. never seen it prescribed to patients outside of jail. you haven't shared why your doctor is pushing this drug on you. they wouldn't if you weren't some faggot complaining about MUH DEPRESSION. you brought this upon yourself, faggot.

The only true antidepressants are psychedelics. In and out within 4-12 hours, a thrill of joy, a hero's journey, and the effects are semi-permanent. I disabled the belief in my depression. I still have occasional mood issues but that's due to not following the steps If you're only going to do one, do psilocybin mushrooms. Go on the dark web, or find someone who smokes weed and ask for their hippie friend, or grow it yourself. No need to be afraid, as psilocybin partially disables the fear response. I do suggest researching how to do it (set and setting) prior to consumption.

OP here. Left thread. This is why sheep won’t take it. No one wants to be controlled, even if they should be.

Kinda true actually. OP’s post was referring to the “pushing” of the anti-psychotics.

Jesus here, I've taken these, boarded spacecraft in the 2nd dimension, and then hijacked my brain
I don't recommend it

As stated, there are those who definitely need it, but there are those who are definitely over-prescribed or even don’t need it at all. It just to document that the doctor did their part, in case.

I was just telling a story

It always made me fall asleep in french class

Did it eliminate the urge to rape and kill women though?

They have monthly depo injectables for you incels.

dont worry you will

if you're not mentally capable of convincing a doctor that you DON'T need this, then you probably do need it.

That's a bad trade for the other guy

injectables suck ass. I have bruises all along my gut and don't know how fat I am because of lovenox

I think if you're strongly encouraged to take risperdone you should take it though, it seems to work. I wanted to see if it worked and it did.

that being said, when it was created, there is mass that pollutes that dimension, and its aftereffects are still being dealt with
because I'm "really intelligent for an 8 year old"

that being said I basically lost consciousness for about 5 days there