This bitch keeps parking on retard space daily. what do to this bitchcar to get back

this bitch keeps parking on retard space daily. what do to this bitchcar to get back.

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-dexifr47Tx5QP68X0.jpg (1133x1510, 459K)

Other urls found in this thread: dollies&qid=1571730555&sr=8-10

Piss on the driver door?

good idea. can i cause heavy damage undetected?

Buy a metric ton of sticky rim weights and put a pound of them behind a wheel spoke.

Doesn't hurt the car but if the driver is an idiot, they'll have no idea and take it to a mechanic.

Ninja rocks fun

i like it.

Don't do anything crazy

Sugar in the fuel tank usually works

Its not an American car, so the fuel door has a latch on the inside.
They'd have to pry it open.

If you want to be really fucking loud about just stuff a bunch of rags in her gas cap and light it up

I'm not sure that would do anything.
Not enough oxygen in the fuel tank to explode I think.
But again, fuel door is locked. dollies&qid=1571730555&sr=8-10

Move her shit brick to the middle of the road.

Steal license plates. Driving without them gets you a fine at minimum in all of EU.

Potato in exhaust

Collect shit (human, animal, etc.) and rub it on the inside of the door handle with a gloved hand. Do this repeatedly until they stop parking there.

Shave your pubes and superglue them to the drivers door handle

all good ideas. thanks

This can be extremely interesting, or extremely boring.

Get the fuck outta here

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Not OP
I'm fine with anything that doesn't harm the car. Car didn't do anything wrong.

could be fun

hot dog buns work too

Burn a hole in the engine block.

Write Nigger on her car.

Attached: 40 OZ cheers.jpg (500x471, 52K)

banana > plug > exhaust pipe > profit

Fish in the rims

Get meat cheap cuts of course and let it rot in a sealed container and open it and dump it all over. Bonus points if you can get into the car and dump some.

Write a direct link (or use a url shortener) to this thread on a piece of paper and put it under her windshield wiper.

Best idea so far

Pour fish blood down the exterior dash events above the hood, no visible evidence but the smell will stay there for the life of the car

Get paint stripper and pour it all over the car.

Write a note stating your concerns and leave it on her windshield

this the bitch face

Attached: 42036793.jpg (200x217, 10K)

another. eleni digalaki is the name

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Put nails around the tires. Hide them good enough were they won't be seen. Car not hurt, just tires. Pricey for the driver to replace

Don't get caught doing anything on cam.

wont be caught. if anyone is interested feel free to dox the bitch

i gotchu

Pour your saved up jizz bucket jizz all over the windshield and door handle.

Print all images in this thread and tape em to her car starting with this one

Attached: 1571461959291.jpg (640x640, 115K)

Here’s an idea

Attached: 129C5297-6A18-4CE5-A7BA-3BB72C57F37E.jpg (3519x2000, 851K)

Put your used Fleshlight sleeve on the windshield wiper

Put MAGA bumper stickers on the rear of the vehicle. Maybe include a confederate flag. Profit

Just smear out some super glue on the wind shield in front of driver. Or.... stick the pointy end of a super glue bottle in the key slot on driver's door, and squeeze. Both work well. they are tried and approved.

I had someone stick over 1000 postit notes on my Subaru back in the day. It took 20mins to peel them all off. Even though I was the victim, it was funny as fuck. I would have left them on and drove home, but that would be littering.

Stand on hood and pinch a loaf on the windshield

Who cares? That a europoor plate and that neighborhood looks worse than the worst nigger ridden ghetto in the united states.

cum in a cup and smear it on driver's door handle and windshield. keep doing it till she no longer wants to park there

Spray paint honkey lips on the side


Does nothing
It's always done nothing
Retards still say it every time

These are the best ideas that won’t get you into that much trouble, and won’t leave any DNA if you’re smart. Make sure to wear a mask and change your clothing after you do it in case it’s on camera. You will be able to deny everything.

Opal coarsa 2 of you should be able to roll it over

Print a ton of copies with MAGA and confederate flags, and put something with minimum adhesive to put on top of car. That way when she’s driving, they fly EVERYWHERE

Because she's retarded. Move on

1. check 4 cameras

2. learn routines of everybody in the area

3. slice the max amount of tires before the insurance kicks in (some insurances will only cover it if its all four of them)

4. repeat

If you wanna ruin her car forever, put sugar where you put gas, for some reason it fucks up the motor for good, thats my tip, if not light that bitch up and fuck of

Unpopular opinion.

Man up and ask her not to.
If you already did that, which i highly doubt just get it towed away on her costs. Where i live thats around 400-600€. Bet the bitch wont do it again after paying that

Buy a bottle of valerian root droplets thingy. And pour it onto her windshield.
Viola all the cats in the neighbourhood will hang out on it, piss all over the car and the stench is horrendous and impossible to get out.

Do it multiple times for MEGA profit

many good suggestions in this thread. But I have two questions.
1) why is that a retard spot? If she doesn't have a passenger, what's your beef?
2) Before doing anything that could get you arrested, have you check to see if maybe she's a retard, and this is legit?

Brake fluid on the paintjob will corrode it in seconds.

Just wait for night and key it you bitch