What type of body do these girls have?

What type of body do these girls have?

Attached: large.58166dcdbb4f3_g(70).jpg.a1409d7dbfa2738ac04ce9b2b97e404d.jpg (768x960, 67K)

The kind I wish to stick my dick inside

Healthy looping.




Why are they chubby and not just "normal"?

"Normal" in latin america maybe.

Not quite chubby. Probably thick or curvy.

Or the classic "real men like meat on their bones".

Morbid obesity

Common fat

Keep coping and driving your scooter. That's very normal for north america

Attached: преузимање.jpg (300x168, 9K)

A fucken sexy body type

Attached: 1570115101576.jpg (503x615, 94K)

Because normal implies that they are of a healthy weight, which they clearly are not. They are part of the fatistics

Fat and unhealthy

Low IQ faces.
High average BMI bodies.

They are fat

Which BMI do you think they have?

How tf are they fat?


Supple but yeasty

Slimey but satisfying

They will be fat in a couple of years, not obese, fat, don't confuse the two.

One bad breakup away from lifetime obesity.

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But also very true

Chucky or plump. Thicc if nigger


In what fucking insane world are those girls not fat lol. You guys are really the bottom of the barrel.

Where do you see their excess fat then?

Enrobing their whole body? They have like a two in blubber layer covering them. Manatees are literally less fat.

Their belly isn't fat at all.

Um. Yes it very clearly is. Their skin is full of fat to the point of breaking.


What's so bad about their belly? I don't see it.

It is covered in two inches of fat.

That's not true.

Correct and it’s fucking beautiful. Exactly my type.

Delicious Slampig /10

They're both built like brick houses


Attached: 1566382961587.gif (600x504, 17K)

you got any more of dem pixels?

This is BS.


This is the best picture these girls will ever take. This is 21st century America skinny. Put them in photos pre 1990, and these two would be the fattest pictured. These are fat chicks by any normal standard. We aren't normal anymore, that is the problem.

[spoiler]too good for me, type[/spoiler]

Found the fstso

Yeah, this chart is pretty accurate in every county except the US, Mexico and England.





Fat af.

If you don't think these girls are fat then you're just a coping fatty. Lose weight.

Attached: fag.png (500x336, 423K)

>incel detected


Future Fatties So Fuck Them Now

Look at the upper arms.
Those arms will be three feet around in 5 years time.
These are fat girls holding it for the selfie.
Arms above head is a classic for "stretching" the belly fat, causing a waist and pushing the tits out non-obviously.
Let her take a pic sat down and it'll be rolls of flab everywhere.
