All right niggers

All right niggers,

Wide-band WebSDR

lets you listen to radio frequencies all over the world. get on here and let's find some crazy shit (north korea, millitary, etc) and post what you find

Attached: russianuvb76.jpg (405x270, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: JOAQER.gif (604x502, 1.53M)

17454 khz is rapid morse code
any autists want to try their hand at guessing which military service is using it?


Attached: a1Q9ZpD_700b.jpg (700x1166, 150K)

No way its military. Too easy to decode. Its also repeating numerous times. Probably some sort of private company

if you use the 'waterfall zoom' you can see where the frequencies. I just found a radio station in China that's broadcasting in english 15465.00

Why would they use something with such a low bitrate? Prolly not military

is this a decent thread on Sup Forums? this is impossibru

is actually Ugandan space program
seems like they got lost on their way up

17488.71 more communist propaganda in China

14015 khz in CW, tons of morse code.

What website are you guys using to listen in

Thats what im using right now, thought someone had something else. Thanks though

Shit is fucking weird listening to these gook stations

15360.00 is Hisbollah

aw yeah now we're talking

dude thats not farsi its urdu. has to be afghanistan or pakistan

philippino pop music 17627.00

good music 1014.00

"Check out the english cafe! Where we teach all those in's and out's about speaking english that you just quite understand!"


13.18 kHz

damn they literally have radio stations that teach english in China

1014.00 13.18 kHz
siberians chatting

some sort of russian military chatter here: 18145.00

1008.00 9.00 kHz
philippio military radio

1008.00 AM 9.0 kHz

>damn they literally have radio stations that teach english in China
Lucky radio works across borders then.
VOA probably transmits from Taiwan, Thailand, South Korea and India right into China.

thats my jam

7143.00 LSB
german woman talking to australia

any clue what 77.54 is?

--. --- --- --. -. .. --. .... -


Bunch of China gook shit

Anyone heard of "the buzzer"? Google uvb 76

trying to decode jap naval messages has me feeling like a WW2 Intelligence officer and a credit to my nation and not the the crusty coomer I am

Lower spectrum of LSB is weird anyone know what it is?

406 AM is simple morse code someone decipher

Attached: 1480243646818.jpg (360x444, 50K)


Whats this one

Sounds French.

How do I turn down the one that puts voices into my head?

About 10 years too late buddy

Attached: 1571624084215.jpg (600x641, 49K)

"eso#" I think?

Or "esot".

415.94 CW
Repeating Morse-code.

Sauce? Whos that?

5194.34 CW
1.51kHz filter