How can I incorporate sublimina-messages into my podcast? I want to groom a few of my female listeners for sex

How can I incorporate sublimina-messages into my podcast? I want to groom a few of my female listeners for sex.

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You could, ya know NOT be a fuckin faggot incel and get laid on your own. Lol. Fuckin virgin tool. Kys

> I need to fuck with peoples minds cause i'm already the ultimate faggot
Please OP, please do the world a favot and go kill yourself you pathetic degenerate

I am doing it on my own... it’s MY show after all.

I’m staying the course. You stay mad.

Just find the name of the maybe 1 woman who listens to you and whisper it softly at certain intervals

i doubt you have any female listeners lol

Nice, not every user feels the need to be a jackass. Thanks brother!

No, i really mean it.
Please set your workplace on fire an lock the doors from inside. Be a man once in your life and do it faggot.

Doubt away... I give not a damn,

Woah... triggered.

Lol. Like you have any listeners. kys

Just say that they need to fuck more for the greater good

yeah, practically a psa

The resentment this thread is getting only reinforces my notion that COULD be an effective method of getting women.

>does a podcast
>can't get laid without brainwashing

why am i not suprised

literally any amount of e-fame will get you chicks. just make a below average podcast and that should be enough.

step one is to learn old english

Then I guess you got nothing to loose sleep over.

I’m not sure if I want to be that direct. Might offend a few listeners.

Use a smooth and deep voice, make sex one of your expertise counsel, talk about romance in sex, and the pleasure of woman in first place and talk about how some man today don't know woman and don't know sex, read text and erotic literature with good music, give your contact info and wait.
You'r welcome.

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bit hard when op is actually a lispy mouth breather who spits with every word

honestly, if you're not actively encouraging your listeners to fuck more, you're being really sex-negative, which i cannot abide by.

Why are you so pissy about OP wanting to lay chicks? Highly suspect.

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Will give this deeper thought.

Even if it works, how do you identify and find your female listeners? What if you get some monster bear homo show up on your doorstep for your butthole?

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No denying that could happen. My blogs are as anonymou as my Sup Forums threads.

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Use equalizer and a good mic. be clean wear good cloth and perfume, comb your hair and brush your teeth, act secure develop your character and you are ready.

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try to avoid creating a goal, or, develop enough restraint to be able to abide by a veritable thing, should someone challenge your restraint/whatever


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shutup faggot lol