
>REEEEE Trudeau lost the popular vote he should not have won!!!!1!!1!

Also conservatives:
>Who cares if Trump lost the popular vote, the electoral collage is the only thing that matters as it prevents one area from controlling the elections.

I play the curb your enthusiasm music as I read angry conservative comments. To quote conservatives who don't like when things they do happen to them.

He won, get over it snowflakes :)

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I haven't heard a single motherfucker complain about the popular vote.


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Just in true dough

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Fuckin this! Kek


there is no electoral college in the canadas, idiot. Different country, what are you, retarded?

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noone actually cares about this lmao because noone cares about canada

trumpies like to also claim obama didn't win popular vote, this is another lie told to cope

I would say most people here aren't mad at the result. No one really wanted the human play doh ball that is Scheer. So instead we made the two parties useless by having a minority government result. Things won't move until another election is called. Its great having more than two parties because you can screw both without needing to give enough votes to any of the shittier parties for them to achieve victory. Btw i wish we had the electoral college as first past the post is retarded and essentially means that all a party has to do is win one province, ontario, and then they need a bare smattering from the other 80% of the country.

Have you ever taken measures to cure your gender dysphoria?
If no, then why not?

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Cope with winning? Lol

Liberals: who cares if trudeau lost the popular vote

Liberals: reee trump lost the popular vote

Me neither
OP your bait sucks big dong

Dont get me wrong, im jealous of how ripped that guy is but he looks very disproportionate. His head is big on that muscular body.

There is literally no way the conservatives will win because we started associating the party with trump, the normies will never let trump 2.0 happen

Is he even 5 feet tall? Holy shit.

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>He won, get over it snowflakes :)
I mean, he kinda didn't. He has to negotiate a coalition or an agreement for support to retain government.
In the (extremely unlikely) event he doesn't find it, and someone else manages to weld together a majority coalition, they could theoretically take power.

I remember being 17 lol

Shut the fuck up you dumbass faggot, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about

No, you don’t. You’re not even old to post here you prepubescent faggot.

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>you have no fucking idea what you're talking about
You realise I was talking about Trudeau, right?
It's a given Trump won fair and square.

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>not even old to post
You should figure out how to form a sentence before attempting to call out somebody else lol

Considering the thread is about Trudeau I'm going to assume that you are indeed a dumbass

How'd that work out last time?

>Hillary's gonna win!
>why did she lose!?

Well the OP I was responding to mentioned Trudeau and then made a comparison to trump, then ended with "He won", so it may have been ambiguous what I was replying to. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt. Since you accusing me of having "no fucking idea what [I am] talking about" would itself indicate you have no idea, if you understood I was referring to Trudeau.

nobody ahs complained about that on the conservative side, although it is ironic how the libs are not saying anythnig about popuar vote after they bitched fit for atleast a year when trump won without the popular vote

its like you guys have double standards and are children

West is separating! Just wait! The taps will be turned OFF

Canada? Don't you guys worship the queen?

no1 cur faggot

This B8 is really bad, but I’ll bite. It’s a hollow victory for Trudeau given liberals lost their majority in parliament

Because we have seen it happen, it's the same reason there are no tanks in Hong Kong this time

We have her on our money but we don't personally give a fuck about her, we're more American than British

>we don't personally give a fuck about her
canada literally founded the commonwealth

A conservative leaf is still just a leaf.

Again, we don't personally give a fuck about her. We're more American than British.