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Other urls found in this thread:


Incel trigger

Gunther Furburg

Attached: 33220054.jpg (500x580, 84K)

Queen of Sup Forums

How durrrr you!

space potato commander of the downs fleet

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Gertrude Thornberry!

Attached: NIGEL.png (655x960, 465K)

She's kinda cute tho

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Pumpkin and potato? I'd have named this file produce section.

Gretchen Spiegelberg

They should've picked a cuter girl to be their puppet.


Gretel Thunderberg


Dont /thread yourself newfag

she says this while she's fucking your butthole with a biodegradable strapon dildo

agreed, to reduce plastic waste she'd probably avoid using a condom too

G-rectus Pornburst

I think she's adorable.

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gretus autisticus dickberb



Did you you watch the Netflix movie that wrapped up Jessie’s story? I like it.

Yeah. I enjoyed it, but it's not a good movie.

big sis no tits

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Jewy McShekelswede

she did pretty good for a retard

plan Sup Forums

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what the fuck are you smoking she looks like she has borderline down's and her mother hit the bottle a bit too much when carrying this insult


They still both look a little tarded

Gretel Thunbork!

Attached: Swedish-Chef-Muppet-Show.jpg (500x930, 55K)

You enjoyed a movie that isn’t good? You have shitty taste, fag.

she actually has the downs mate. she's a fucking disgusting goblin as well.

Wearing a bracelet that was probably made in china by a 12 year old blind kid
How considerate

Her mother is a known drunk but she can hold a tune pretty good

they both have autism

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She is far too articulate for actual down's but she must have something in addition to autism, my money is on fetal alcohol syndrome

Underrated post

lmao is that a herpes sore i spy on her sis' lip? suck less cock you autistic whores

They look like they’re from some horror movie where the creepy kids appear outta nowhere and eat you

>Her mother is a known drunk
lmao i suspected that, got any sources, maybe the swedish version of the fucking sun has made a story idk but i can read swedish so if you got links give em

people whith downs aren't all completely retarded in the head. there's some that aren't even able to talk and there's some you won't even suspect to have it, like this little retard.


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welcome to Sweden but you can call her bea but dont look at the dancing vid it wont make you a better person

tbh they both look like they have so much potential to become hot in the pic as kids. guess puberty does not work for everybody

M... Mistress Greta...

but then you find out an EU vampire made them do it

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probly not you word cuck

gosh these dance moves, she is a confirmed whore lol, can suck off somalis by relying on her sisters fame
also there's a pic of their dad who looks like a heroin addict lol

You know you want to user...

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She's vegan idiot, good luck growing tits as a vegan lol

Yes, I enjoyed the movie even though it's not a good movie. What makes a movie good is objective. What makes a movie enjoyable is subjective. Why are asking? My post was crystal clear. Are you dense? Also, do you just add "fag" to the end of your sentences because you have nothing of substance to add but still feel like you need to insert yourself in a conversation that does not concern you?

this pic got memes banned in swedistan


Oh god...


i don't give a damn about tits but how can two such cute faces turn into these two mountain trolls like what the fuck hit them

alas i dont read Swedish either but a friend says it common knowledge over there but their press is not exactly free

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i told you not to look

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Really? Or are you just being ironic?

The movie was structurally sound, well-paced, and well-acted. You’re a fag and a shitty critic for not recognizing its merit.

Yes and no. Not officially of course as swedistan still wants to keep up the facade of a free country, but saying anything bad about gretard over there will make you as much of a social outcast there as being an admitted pedophile would make you in the US
Sources: work and university take me to northern somalia far too often

hitlers daughter

GRUNTA !!!!!

I completely disagree with everything you just wrote and I can do that because you expressed an opinion. That fact that you don't know the difference between fact and opinions should be concerning to you as it is a sign of poor intelligence, but it also shows that you know nothing about movies or storytelling. Thus, your opinion is useless.

bump for autism NIGGER

PS does whoever the nigger currently adminning Sup Forums really think i'm gonna buy a pass just because the last 10 captchas have been the shitty once no more are left one and making it extra slow just to be a dick?

Objectively WRONG

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She's telling it how it is. We are being fucked over by massive companies polluting our oceans, air, and our food. We are going to make ourselves extinct if we continue.

Imagine being 16 year old and look like a 12 year old boy, you wounder why shes pissed?

more like FASDs

and she is handling it like a downie she is
i mean higher carbon taxes seriously? the major companies litarally have funds in the billions set aside just for that contingency, including having to pay fines because they just can't be assed to install new filters or whatever. all that happens is thinner wallets for the working man due to higher gas prices and higher prices on everything as the companies need to make the money back by increasing the prices of goods.

Everyone says she looks like she has FAS.
No, she literally just looks like a fin.
That's what people from Finland look like.

low effort trolling, moron


you're insulting the whole plant kingdom by comparing this brainless waste of oxygen to a far more intelligent lifeform, the humble spud


Dog fucker!

I can't believe her sister is younger.

yeah and both vegans which disproves the meat = boobs theory

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jesus she needs to learn what a bra is, that's just embarrassing

why the fuck would she need a bra ?

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billie eilish has huge tits and is a lifelong vegan and nigger fucker as well

good point although it does open up the possibility than lack of meat makes you a fucking terrible singer

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>the pic
Probably because digesting that crap will actually burn more calories than you'd get from it. People are smart sometimes.

yup food is important and effects everything

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Coby Sandstorm

her Indian name would be joins in

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what i love the most about this vid, is that you can see someone think, and that seems to be a foreign concept to every one that posts it.

you just dont understand aspies joining in is distasteful

i wanna cum in her bushy cunny

Greater Assperger

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Something Thunderbird

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Greta Turdsperg