Why don't you have a job?

Why don't you have a job?

It's not difficult in the USA right now unemployment is so low it's crazy. I was at a restaurant the other day and some loser with arm and neck tats came in and asked if they were hiring because he wanted to pick up some shifts. The manager asked him when he could start and if he had experience, the guy said anytime and no. The manager said he could use a busser and it paid $11 an hour. The guy said (and i shit you not) "OK do you drug test?" the manager said "no but you have to be sober at work"

then asked him if he could start before the weekend

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Sounds like he has a better resume than me

Cause school is takin up a lot of time and i'd rather something in my sector. Applied to Best Buy, wish me luck

Is this whore even still alive?

more pics?

You can thank Trump for the low unemployment, faggot

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Working at a grocery store, bouncing around departments because If a higher paid position opens up I'm going for it and all the experience I can get helps, the more departments you work in the better chance you have of getting a managers position. Moral of the story is you have to make your own "luck" in the environment you have, you can't just wait for an opportunity to fall into your lap. No one in this world is going to offer you a 100k/year salary position if you don't have some sort of expiriance. That's a fact it seems most people my age don't understand. (20y/o by the way only worked at said store a year and a half and making more than some who've been there 3 years because I put myself out there)


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>Moral of the story is you have to make your own "luck" in the environment you have, you can't just wait for an opportunity to fall into your lap.

Your post is full of wisdom for someone of your age and it's refreshing. I part own a company and we've got guys and girls coming straight from Uni demanding the top QS and consultancy work. If you've got no experience you've gotta start at the bottom and learn your way up.

what's up with her fringe

God I want to sniff her ass

Unemployment numbers are not accurate representation of those that are without work, disabled, and not looking for work

But user, I do have a job. I'm a school custodian and earn $27/hour, full time, union, benefits, retirement etc included. I have the afternoon shift so I sit at home all morning doing nothing.

>$11 an hour
Yeah I'd rather live in a cardboard box than make the kind of money that won't pay me rent anyway

I have a job.
I am one of the most skilled practitioners of my craft in my state, top 1% in the country. I am competent in several related fields.
I am a terrible employee. Truly terrible. I show up anywhere from barely late to hours late, I just don't show at all some days. I shit talk the customers and smoke when I talk to them. I'm terribly disorganized and occasionally haphazard with huge repercussions. I take at least half a week off once a month for glorified circle jerks all over the country. I won't acquire or maintain a certification of any kind.

I get $26 an hour because I can't keep my shit together.

Or... you can thank natural economic trends happening to fall in place during his presidency.

Lol I was about to get into an economics discussion with some tard on /b


I'm thankful every day that my parents instilled that sense of responsibility in me at a young age, I wouldn't be anywhere today without them.

Probably a drug addicted hippie. Lucky you can even land a job loser

>$11 an hour
what is this, 1983?

how much does someone with neck tattoos who does drugs deserve to make busing tables?

$11 would have been middle-management level wages in 1983, easily would pay for a fairly comfortable life

See I'd be more likely to hire you over someone fresh out of a Uni mill. You have a work history and have proven you can stick at some thing. Even if you have no experience relevant to my trade, I know I could trust you to graft your way to the top and can take responsibility.

Same for my folks. I've being working since I was 14 and it's put me in the position I am in today.

$20 an hour with lifetime pension and benefits.

lmao what a dumb communist. jobs like these are made for college kids needing that extra $100 or losers and niggers. don't expect a fucking career or any benefits from it, these are for truly useful people. if you have mutilated your body like that it's your own fault for being dumb

And what craft is that? Must be technical. IT? Welding?

who dis jewish retard

What is your trade if you don't mind my asking?

You can tell by her body language that she's scared of him. Probably getting abused by him. Dumb cunt.

pretending to be useful on the internet obviously
no matter how good you are, you will not be able to keep a job with that kind of work ethic, better to have someone a bit less skilled there who actually appears at work and doesn't tell the customers to simply fuck off for no reason at all

Oh it's natural lolol
Spotted the tard

I'm a climbing arborist. I have a pile of medals and trophies from TCCs.
Welding is one of the valuable skills that I possess. I can work on virtually every piece of equipment used in this field.

I'm not an addict. Just depressed.

new here eh ?

It's not luck. I have figured out how to learn, and so I do.

>climbing arborist
not that unique of a job that your alcoholic ass is kept there like this
lie less on the internet faggot

No fucking way, fellow Arborist.

Forestery, formerly a Climbing Arboist.

What do you do for a living you jumped up faggot?

I'm a convict. Joyriding and counterfeit currency charges. No one will hire me so I had to become self employed. I scrap steel, cars, fix cars and tow cars for a living.
Anyone in a similar position, just get a tow truck or van. You can start your own moving/towing business straight away.

Pitter patter

>counterfeit currency charges
lol what did you do

op is probably 20 and just got a job and the right to preach to others
stfu faggot lol

Bioorganical chemistry research and development. Admittedly also an alcoholic but unlike you can actually get to work on time and can keep up a modicum of politeness when dealing with customers
Anywhere from $20-100 an hour depending on who hired me and to do what. In a country where doing menial jobs nets you around $20 a day so not a bad life I have.

Lmao this is the united mistakes for you. Do your time but what does it matter, you won't get a job anymore anyway so back to stealing and stuff.

Bought prop money from China to buy dirt bikes off Craigslist lol
Did it a little too close to home. Guy went to the cops. House got raided. Seized my grow tent but luckily I had just finished curing buds and was prepping for a new grow they had nothing.

I've contracted some, I have work that I could do all over the country, as well as some places overseas.

What do you mean "no fucking way?"
I have not lied a bit.
I'm going to NAOM in savannah this weekend to compete against a pile of guys who have been to internationals, and one two time world champ.
I could lose an arm and climb on a production crew, brother. I have been at the cutting edge and training hard for five years.
Trees don't make leaves that I can't get to and carefully pluck. I prune like a handful of people in the country.

>then asked him if he could start before the weekend
This never happened.
I have a job, btw.

I know I won't ever get hired. But that's a good thing. Forces me to sink or swim.
I get by without having a boss or work hours. I'm living the dream.

Because I hate people and I don't know how to communicate. Every time some fucker tries to tell something to me I want to punch his or hers face into a jelly.

>What do you mean "no fucking way?"

Hey I didn't mean no offence. I was just blown away by the coincidence. That and it's not often you met a fellow Arborist on here. What are the odds? I'm also an Engineer too, to keep over heads down I work on all the 2 smoke and chippers.

I've being to the TCC's and timber shows too. I never competed cos it's not really my thing. I err... Lack grace but I used to do production climbing stuff for the Railways. Dismantles and stuff.

I just lost my job. I was severely depressed and at my job. Was so depressed that i didnt care for anything. Literally i didnt care, all i responded was i dont care. I still dont care though, im severely depressed

Hey man don't beat yourself up about it. It wasn't working for you. Get help for depression though and get back into work when you are better. Use that time off to figure out what it is you want to do.

Post latest Eliza Infos bois

There are a lot of tree guys everywhere with trees.
If it was a prestigious trade, I doubt I'd be top 1%. There are just so many junkies, convicts, and dumbasses around.

Because my biggest bout of worl history is plagued by my time working for a small business under a narscissistic asshole who has it out for me because I ruined his big plan by not wanting to buy his failing business from him for more than it was worth so his lazy ass can retire.

The conditions at that place were so bad because he never cleaned or got me any supplies to clean. Despite me asking many times.

Always wanted me to invest back into the business that I didn't have or would ever see compensation for.

But the worst part is the weeks where he straight up couldn't pay me. Yet he ate out every day. Its like man... Buy yourself some white bread and fixings instead of eating at subway and burger king every day.

The only reason I stayed so long is because I couldn't find anything else in my field. (Small town) and it was the jib that was provided to me by the people I got my degree from.

I've had plenty of work since but finding a job that that doesn't change over me on is hard. I just want that old bastard to just fall over dead already so I can not have him being a stain on my history.

i am a political prisoner

I'm not American.

I've been waiting 8 months for the Australian defence angency to finish all their checks so I can start my border security job. Now they're saying December. I'm out of savings, and living on the dole. It's fucking killing me.

Spotted the liberal art major trying to comprehend Economics. Lol

I mean he only improved unemployment by the same rate Obama was doing. The main issue with the low "unemployment" rate right now is that a majority of the jobs are part time garbage.

I just wanna die but im too pussy to harm myself

>There are a lot of tree guys everywhere with trees.

Yeah that's part of the problem right? Yahoos that go out, buy a step ladder and a saw and all of a sudden they're 'Tree surgeons'. Usually a lack of professionalism and tree care. Top and lop right? The business I part run was built on prestige and as a result we now have all the contracts for the Highways and Railways.

I know what you are saying though, this trade attracts some sketch people, we've being going through interviews and yeah... It's depressing to be honest.

Nah man. You haven't screwed up or done anything wrong. You are ill and you need help, you deserve that help. You gave life a go and it's just knocked you down. Getting up on a morning and keeping trying is getting back up. I've being there, you have to keep going. Don't let this win. But please get help.

unemployment is low because people stopped looking for work,we cant all be teenagers who think mcdonalds is a real job thats suppose to support a family because it isnt

I'm completely blind in one eye and only have about 20 percent visual field in the other along with double vision. Waiting to see if I'll get disability right now. Feel like shit because my wife is working a shitty job while I stay at home taking care of our toddler daughter.

Trump is owned by kikes, surrounded by kikes, and his kike daughter is getting creampied by a kike every night.

Attached: trump-cyrus-coin-mikdash-educational-center-600-300x300.jpg (300x300, 28K)

spotted the trumptard who thinks a guy who's filed for bankruptcy 6 times knows how to run a successful economy

hahaha that shit doesnt come natural

>8 years of obama's low unemployment

>no credit towards him

>drumpf fakes the unemployment numbers to


murica.also,op is probably some shitty burger flipper.those jobs would hire anybody anyway

Jesus. Give me just one guy who wants to take my job. It's terrible.
I just need some competition. There is none. Everyone that is at my skill level is busy owning a company, and the closest one is three hours away.

I don't have a job because america is racist and prejudice against blacks. America wants my people to suffer and stay put down. We have no help and we are slowly being murdered one by one. We just want white people to suffer too, why is that so wrong?

Because I rather look like a fucking animal with fucked up teeth.

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because white people take and hog all the good jobs.

I miss being unemployed with no debt

u try studying physics without being able to stick at some thing

studying =/= studying

I make over $150,000/year having worked my way up at the same employer that hired me out of college. HCOL area but still. Make your own luck as someone above said. Grind it out and you’ll make it.

i dropped out of higschool and neeted for like 6 years nothing but fucking gaming and watching shit online recently applied to walmart for 13$ an hour. Interview was absolute shit they didnt even ask me much was prob like 5 mins of just telling me how the job can be straining and asked if i was available i even forgot my SSN and had to wait for my mom to give it to me through text like 10mins while the manager just sat there waiting. Got the job unloading freight, pulling and stocking, all i do all fucking day now is go to work come home around midnight game for an hour or two sleep rinse and repeat. Even though i dont have much time for shit now its nice to have money but i am just tired all the fucking time gotta say my anxiety and depressed are all time low but still fucking hate a lot of shit and internally wanna kms but yeah it didnt take much to get this shit no experience whats so ever technically my first registered job.

>america is racist against blacks


>america just got done with 8 years of a black president

Bullshit. I’ve hired a few people and the majority are non-white.

because america isnt the place for people who work for a living,this was made clear by the past 2 presidents they have elected

your probably some soyboy who only hires non whites because your afraid of them calling you racist

I’ve hired plenty of white people too wtf lrn2read

I just got laid off and work is slowing down

That's the thing about guys like us, we need some friendly competition. It keeps our skill set sharp. But honestly, not going to tell you your business, but use that lack of competition to your advantage. That's how we started out, all the guys working this sector were just useless liabilities. So we got together, had this idea and took the sector by storm. They gave a fairly large area, 3 counties. Just for us, they won't give it out work to anyone else. If we want we price in their guys for the donkey work and we crack on.

If your on the TCC circuit your keen, you have prestige and there's opportunities. Going commercial is definatley the way forward. All the best of luck to you pal. Keep safe.

Because I'm 24 with the life experience of a 15 year old

Pretty much no friends

Never had a job

Social anxiety

General anxiety


Fuck my life ngl

He’s a million jobs behind Obama’s growth to date. So, no, he’s actually hurt The job growth. Plus the labor department just issued corrections in August reducing his job growth by half a million so the latest report is probably more hot garbage from this bs administration. FACTS.

Says a lot about you. The interview is just for analyzing of how much he can exploit you. And since you do the storage job you really made an impression of being a dumb fool.

Nah bro. You’re just blaming everything else for your own failures. Six figure nigger checking in.

Who pays the rent????

so here is the deal.. what do you want?
should he get a job with a living wage?
should he get underpaid and get the rest from your taxes?
should he get underpaid and steal your shit to get by?

naw job is ez af we can listen to music while doing shit even walk out to the floor with headphones on a lot of us take longer breaks than expected stuff is meant for like a 12 year old to do obviously the unloading part is a little sweaty but u get the hang of it and a lot of chatting occurs talking about random shit so its not bad, there is qt girls around that we all chat up around the departments and not to mention a lot of random shit happens at fken walmart already had some retard customer get caught jacking it in the bedding section definitely not gonna stay here long though just gonna try to build my resume from here.

you should stfu and let him be an hero

Luck is just hard work applied over time.

who is he?

who dat guy is

most jobs have completely incompetent people running the hiring/hr. I moved to a new town and applied to countless jobs. Got 0 callbacks despite having a great resume with tons of experience. The problem seemed to be a lack of effort on the HR departments side to bother with a response as well as a flood of unqualified people getting hired then quitting a week later. I had one place finally get back to me 3 months later after I had already been hired somewhere else because of this. I have experienced this alot in the past as well. HR people are generally just dumb fuck women with an overstuffed ego and a chip on their shoulder. The only reason I got the job I did is because their page is setup to auto schedule an interview. This is how all places should be run imo.

On another note, I have seen a terrible trend in this current generation of 18-22 year olds. They have literally no work ethic whatsoever. They were all coddled so much by their parents that they go into work with this attitude of 'this job doesnt matter. my parents will just take care of me'. They show up late, walk out in the middle of shifts, barely put in any effort into their work, half ass everything so that everyone else has to pick up the slack/do their job for them. Ive never seen such piss poor work ethic before. When I was 18 I worked my ass off to make sure I got hours/paid.

this. obama cut unemployment payouts time period from a year+ to 6 months to make it look like everyone just magically went back to work. the numbers are fudged beyond all recognition and trumps fudging is even worse

also this. companies would rather hire 100 people working 8 hours a week, than show loyalty to the long term ones they have by giving them 40 hours a week. its a piss poor business model and leads to countless turnover rates at most jobs that are available now.

another reason it looks like unemployment is low is because people are having to work 2+ jobs to make ends meet

First time being honest about myself, but I'm a fucking NEET at 28. I've had a few jobs in the past, but my undiagnosed autistic ass cant handle retail so I sperged the fuck out. If I get a job will It really make me want to change? Or will I just have money and want to blow my brains out?

Didn't the FBI go after her for sharing nudes on here while underage? and she has a sugar daddy too apparently.

Do her parents know?


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

My dad. And my sister lives here too, but she works. None of us know what the fuck to do though. They're debt free as am I, but we're not super social and don't bode well with the super religious family that we're familiar with. My existence is a mixture of cold, lifeless depression and bouts of pure ecstasy if I'm finally playing a game that intrigues me, or if some newsworthy thing happens that actually matters to the human parasites of earth.

My main hope is I survive long enough so the technology reaches a point where fucked up people like me can be accommodated and feel comfy. I could give a fuck less about ambitions of getting phat paychecks for IRL loots.

You're 100% correct

>HR people are generally just dumb fuck women with an overstuffed ego and a chip on their shoulder

I am having the same experience. And its worse in Atlanta with the 'Woke" racist nigger bitches