Imagine actually thinking liberals are the good guys in 2019

imagine actually thinking liberals are the good guys in 2019

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Other urls found in this thread: georgulas dallas tx&oq=anne georgulas dalla&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30.128703.129457..130980...0.0..0.152.509.5j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0i131i67j0i67j0.HXxB0i5jwqc

Clown World

Post link to actual article

Have fun being socially engineered, retard.

Totally real and not fake


There's about a dozen at this point

Why are you obsessed with women's news?
this kinda shit filled the pages of womens magazines for years. georgulas dallas tx&oq=anne georgulas dalla&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0i22i30.128703.129457..130980...0.0..0.152.509.5j1......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i131j0i131i67j0i67j0.HXxB0i5jwqc

I don't read women's magazines


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Well that is where that type of story belongs, why else are you interested in child rearing and sexuality?

When it forces a kid to commit suicide

utter balls
these kids commit suicide because they don't get treatment no because they do.
you're confused.

This seems to be the mother's wish. more than the poor boy's.

just don't have kids with anyone who thinks trans is okay

This type of story deserves to not exist fucktard, quit ignoring the elephant in the room

No shit. These people view children like pets

forced feminization stories are hot

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>out yourself as a retard
>keep digging

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boy happy and smiling, probably more to do with the faggot father and his 'religious concerns'.

if you have religious concerns please take a number and kys

imagine believing headlines as fact

Imagine making this thread every day sitting in a dark room covered in jizz, dorito dust, and mountain dew, room reeking of piss and thinking you're making a difference

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'cuckservative activism'

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Imagine making this thread every day sitting in a dark room covered in dorito dust, and mountain dew, room reeking of piss and wearing out the crotch of your sweatpants in your mothers' basement.

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What does religion have to do with fucking with nature?

>Go to a car dealership
>They will tell you you need a new car
>Go to a doctor
>They will tell you you need medication and treatments

No shit, businesses are in the business of doing business.

You're actually fucking retarded

who in there right mind would think its ok for 3 year olds to transition

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White people are hilarious. Seriously, how much did you fail as a father of your son wants to be a girl?

Your shithole is not the world

>sometimes go a day without eating

It really doesn't look like it.

Ask yourself, why are you so interested in people you do not know doing things that have no effect on you?


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In Texas mother's typically have more rights than the father. Assuming they're divorced she probably got custody fairly easy.

Empathy for your fellow human? Children don't deserve to have their parents ideology forced on them.

>the institute of marriage being destroy by a degenerate legal system working for the economy in order to promote individual weakness through brainwashing and blackmailing
>dad's fault

Having kids and divorcing is already failing as a father. But also, he failed to show him how awesome being a boy is. That loser probably didn’t pay any attention to the boy and let allowed the mom to be his hero. He’s probably a giant faggot.

Nicee one Elon...Nice one!

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If you had empathy you would see that the child wants this
what you are suffering from is getting angry because right wing trolls told you to get angry

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imagine being stupid enough to believe FAKE NEWS clips

liberals arent the good guys but they are the lesser of 2 evils compared to trump and his gaggle of retards

>you and your facts
Don't get in the way of a good troll.

Brainwashed much?

The article blatantly lies about what happened.
The father simply lost a court battle for sole custody.
The case was not about the jury forcing the father to "affirm" James' new gender or whatever.
The propagandists are not even trying anymore.

No one but the stereotypical evil lefty. Who probably doesn't actually exist.

this is what liberals actually believe
"a 7 year old should be able to get irreversible cosmetic surgery"

lets just ignore all the permanet side effects it has on the brain and hormonal system

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The Jury was politically biased ?

Also can't beleive someone's called Anne Georgulas

I'm gonna start advocating for baby burnings, for those babies who simply don't want to live any longer. I mean many are sad all the time, who are we to keep them in this world? FREEDOM FOR THE BABIES!

No one is performing transition surgery on 7-year-olds smart guy

How do you know? when did you go trough with your transition trannie and what other brilliant insights can you give us on the subject that you clearly mastered

Why even enguage, my dude? Hysteria can't be stopped with words and logic. it's immune. Starve it to death like a tumor.

When you tamper with the brain of a child you are performing permanent surgery on them. Just because you're not using a knife to do it doesn't mean you're not irrevocably fucking them up. This is cruel and unusual and future generations will condemn us for the monsters we have allowed ourselves to become by experimenting on children.

Fake news

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>is wrong
>immediately moves the goal posts
The worst type of keyboard warrior. Fuck off back to Sup Forums pseudointellect

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Is this a fuckin rage you lose?

Sup Forumstards out in force

Agreed. Whichis why little boys start wantingto wear dresses, play with dolls, and comeup with girl names for themselves we should beat the shit out of them in an whiskey rage and shame them.

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imagine believing this

Nappy-headed Nigger.

Fuck me you're delusional

You know, we talk about shills sowing degeneracy on this site...

But i really think it's just us doing this to ourselves. How much more trolling before you forget what you really stand for, shitheads?

>thinking hormone therapy doesnt equate to surgery
This is really sad, the dad wants to have a normal kid.

What a good guy.

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Bullshit, they can't go two minutes without eating

But then they just end up being a closet homo, posting headless crossdressing selfies and crapping up my trap thread.

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That's freedom, if you don't like it go to Russia or North Korea.


It doesn't, you literal retard. Words have meanings. Stop trying to stretch the retarded, wrong point you made to make some semblance of sense because you're allergic to being wrong dipshit.

it's like their only play, their playbook is a kids menu scribbled on in crayon

you are mentally retarded and indoctirnatred

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You know you're wrong but you're trying to push an obvious agenda that people who give their kids chemicals are normal and so are the kids. I know you're just trolling because nobody actually believes this :)

That is fucked up lol

Waaaahhhhhhh, everyone is a jew if they dont agree with my incel politics

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There is no change in the suicide rate after transitioning, even when fully supported by people around you.

pic related is another example of clown world

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Imagine your wife makes your kid a trap. And you still have to pay her child while she fucks a nigger. Ahahaha the American dream!

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they exist, they just never shut the fuck up so it seems like there's more than there really are, and they're mostly on the west coast

You and I both know the Jews are on here trying to squash anti semitism and subvert western culture even further

Ok, libturd, we heard your opinion. Now go back to shitdit

Refusing to subject children to experimental hormone treatments for social kudos isn't "beating the shit out of them in an whiskey rage and shaming them". Go strawman somewhere else. What you want "for" kids is roughly the same reason people hate pedophiles, but at least then they aren't left permanently impotent before they can even have a choice about the most basic biological function in life, just for a fucking cosmetic change.

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Good goys, look away.

>despite religious oobjections
Illegal, separation of church and state and against he 1st Amendment, He can sue the day lights out of that jury and court.

And they send you to take a fucking class on transgenderism. I bet they won't be showing him what dilation is all about, and what his kid will have to go through for the rest of his life. Fuck man, at some point a bullet through the head is more humane. I'm still hopeful the dad will manage just take his kid to Cameroon or some shit. Man this world is screwed holy fuck.

I blame boomers

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This. In politics the choice is almost always between degrees of evil. Even William F Buckley held that voting was mostly a negative, for throwing the rascals out.


So far the only actual credible links I can find are ones from 4 days ago saying the process is still ongoing and would resume Monday/The 21st, with all the ones on the actual verdict being from tabloid and sensationalist websites.

James’ “mother” has said in court, “No one wants their child to be transgender.”