Why aren't you married?

Why aren't you married?

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because I like sleeping in, I don't like being in arguments over bullshit that doesn't matter, I don't enjoy sex enough to warrant a wife, I want to keep my house, I don't want false rape/assault allegations.
Women made themselves obsolete, in a world where all they offer is sex.

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God I pity you

Why not just say; "Because i want to be with a woman without getting the state involved"?

There are ones that are worth a little effort, bud. Even at your age

the trancended mind. Maybe one day all will understand

you replied your own question with that pic

I don't care.
I own my house & my actions.
Having a live in girlfriend or wife is my idea of punishment.

Yeah, that's really sad

It’s too easy spotting the incels who have no experience with real women lol

I'm doing fine, stop being an authoritarian and try to force me into something I don't want.
I like freedom and self determination.
I'm strong, smart & independent.

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ya... like you

not even that poster but nothing he said is wrong

kek, it is unfortunately due to exposure to real women, that I don't want to risk cohabitation with women.

"No, you're just a virgin" - that's what you sound like.

I got married for the blowjobs which are 7 days a week. I feel guilty about it though. I'm bored with her otherwise.

just not the man for something as permanent as for life. i'd like to keep my house and inheritance my own and my pussy fresh thank you

You get people telling you you're an incel or whatever for this.
But it's how it is.
Like it or not, if you get married, you do what she wants. She will get the house decorated how she wants it. She will get the car she wants. She will have kids if and when she wants. You will wear what she wants you to.
If you find a wife who you can agree with on everything that matters, it'll be great. Or maybe you find fulfillment is making someone else happy though self-sacrifice, and not being able to play vidya for 6 hours a day and having a low-paid low-stress job.
Marriage isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it certainly not for everyone.

has no worth anymore, it was invented because the man of the house was the only one who could work and it secured the future of the womans existence because it was illegal to leave your wife if you were married

My wife found out blowjobs can cause throat cancer, so try not to let her on the Internet.

lol okay strong independent black woman alt right manchild settle down

Different guy here.
I have been with many women. I have tasted the rainbow, so to speak. I have been with every major race of people and have had over 100 relationships. This dude is not wrong. You have no clue what it means to be an incel if you think he is one actively choosing not to have sex or a relationship. One of my girlfriends got pregnant and had an abortion without my knowledge because she "did not want to ruin her figure." Then right after she cheated on me with one of my best friends. I have been accused of rape right after breaking up with a girl, only to have her retract after I brought forth all her texts and corespondents threatening me. Western women are the most privileged women in the world. Men have to deal with some of the most archaic laws when it comes to marriage. Women can work, but they still get alimony. Women use kids like weapons in divorce. Women can get away with abusing men. Women get lesser sentences for similar crimes. I can understand his jaded outlook on relationships. Does that make me an incel? No. I have a girlfriend lol. I just know the realities and the minefield that is dealing with women.

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Because it's a trap if you're a man.

Only homosexuals get married.

I come and go as I please, I do what I want, when I want to do it. I don't particularly like nor do I want children. Most of my friends who were married now aren't and their lives are a nightmare. I'll take a pass on marriage.

you are using shaming language, I am going to assume you are female.

Have fun being a slave for the rest of your life.

the thread asked me why I am not married.
I answered honestly and people got mad.

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You would assume that, because you're a woman hating aspie kek

Yes, I didn't think that I was hiding those facts.
You say this as if it is meant to be revelatory.

People in modern times get mad when you do not think EXACTLY like them. Fuck em. Go your own way man and do what makes you happy.

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Yep, this is definitely a butthurt woman.

Tell that to my dick and balls smart guy

well I'm not hurting anyone, I choose to live alone, I am gainfully employed and a law abiding citizen.
I'm paying into the system that caters to single mothers, I don't want to get involved with someone who is highly likely to take my house and bar me access to my own potential children.
Not behaving as these authoritarians wish me to makes them rage.

Or you don't be a weak man. Be the strong man she respects. You offer her protection and love, but don't submit to her every whim.

You stand up for yourself and your children, even when she gets crazy. And you know what, she will love you even more when you do this because she knows she gets nuts every once in a while.

Marriage is pretty great if you do it right. But it isn't easy. I have been married 25 years and have told my wife a dozen times if she doesn't change her behavior, it might be time for me to leave. I love her but I will not be miserable.

And, to be brutally honest, she has said the same thing to me. And it woke my ass up when I was being a moron.

But a wife wants a man. Not a puppet. She will keep a puppet around and play with it, but neither one of you will be happy.

Does this mean I smack her or yell at her? Nope. We have had 6 full-on yelling incidents in 30 years of knowing each other. Never a blow has been struck.

But we have had 100 long conversations where we laid out what we wanted, and didn't pull any punches. And it could have ended if we didn't believe in each other, trust each other, and most important, respect each other to follow through on what we have said.

So don't be a moron and be afraid of a relationship. But also don't want a relationship so badly that you will give up your self and your manhood to have it.

I am married

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A butt hurt transphobic woman.

Im married. Its nice to have someone to go out to dinner and stuff like that. 2 incomes is also nice. We have no kids and will not have any. It can suck sometimes though. We built a house together and I was the general contractor and my wife drove me crazy. Thats over with and things are back to normal now.

Spend too much time here


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But I don't want a wife, the costs outweigh the benefits for me , and that's taking into account that the relationship endures & works.
A man choosing to be single is met with derision, because he is not serving the gynocentric society.

I have no problem with you being single. Only half of the men historically have reproduced. So you are quite normal.

The key thing is that if you do meet a great lady down the road, don't preclude a potential relationship.

You're reaching bud

Not him, but the costs and benefits are different depending on the woman. I know a few married guys whose wives make way more money than they do. These guys have nice cars and big houses and they dont make much themselves

Divorced. So been there done it. Now living with someone and its good but I miss being able to do whatever whenever in my own house

but I don't want to.
I don't enjoy sex that much, I really don't like being in a relationship and I love living alone.
I am not telling other people what to do, OP asked why the individual anons were not married, I answered.

>I don't enjoy sex that much, I really don't like being in a relationship and I love living alone
That's all you had to say, not the other unnecessary bullshit you said making it sound like women were the issue, not you

I am happily married. No kids, I don't want them now, we'll see in a few years...

they don't, unless you force her to deepthroat like a beast every single time

My explanation is quite simple. Car accident at age 3 which literally crushed my developing balls. I have no sex drive at all. Too bad I can't sing for shit because I can hold notes higher than the best sopranos damnit

Most of the time, women were the issue for me. Not me. "You don't have time for me." Because I am working to pay the bills. "I cheated to get your attention." Get out of my house. " I am hitting you because I am an emotional being." No you are abusive, but no one will help me.

So many stories man. Just move on. Not everyone needs to have your outlook on women or life in general.

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Was cheated on too many times. After a while it slowly kills your want of a relationship. That's just life I suppose

Not women's fault you chose the wrong women. You probably picked them for looks over personality, something you undoubtedly criticize women for doing.

I understand and I loved living alone, but I was the oppposite. I loved taking home random women. Unfortunately marriage is not that much about sex

I would find that extremely uncomfortable and not enjoyable.

Women are happy to recognise the female brains ability to read and understand social situations far better than men, except when it comes to taking responsibility, men are not attuned to choosing good wives, women developed to choose good men, not the other way around.

>looks over personality
Get back from the clouds to planet earth, incel. Looks matter the most when making first impressions. If you look like angela merkel nobody will even want to test your personality lol

You serious?

I'm a believer in true love. And I believe I lost my chance at true love. Didn't know she was the one back then, didn't know how bad things get when you're approaching your 30s.
It's been 5 years now.
Maybe I'll get some woman I can tolerate when the solitude becomes unbearable.

One husband, one wife, two people sentenced for life.

You just made that shit up buddy

Are you retarded? I never said personality is all that matters

Yep. I do have a ballsack and they actually dropped but whatever is left of them is basically dead and produces no hormones. I have the body type of a fucking stick figure, my face and chest are smoother than a newborn's arse and I have made prank calls with my friends with me imitating my classmates. Female classmates.

it is an institution of the enemy goverment

what benefit is there to being married? there are slight tax advantages, other than that I only see downsides, such as the high divorce rate, and potentially losing everything if one were to happen.

don't forget that she can initiate a fight with you and the call the police to have you taken away.

Its generally because you have experience with women that people get like this

Only if you hit her retard.

......you haven't been to scandinavia or finland have you

Because I have ASPD and ruin every relationship I have. This last one I even proposed, fucked it up 4 months later. 4 years of my life, pissed away in 4 months.

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>not the woman’s fault you choose the wrong one
So what women aren’t responsible for their own shitty behavior? It’s Your fault for not being a fucking mind reader? That’s a bunch of god damned garbage.

Lol no. If you’re American and your wife calls the cops on you the cops don’t look for bruises first. They just arrest you without question.

>I have been with every race
>I have slept with 100 women
You obviously don’t value yourself so why should anyone value your opinion?

I am you faggot

You obviously have never heard of the Duluth Model, which is used to domestic assault cases.
in short it says to arrest the man.

>don't have sex = Incel
>have sex, a lot = worthless
geez bud

>woman initiates physical abuse, you defend yourself, you're a retard for defending yourself, you look at your Voluntarily Celebate neighbour who is happy as you are pushed into a police cruiser, why did you get involved with a chameleon female?

Yeah, same. I was engaged and it went to shit cuz she had BPD. I count my blessings now and don't even date, because I haven't recovered but also because it just isn't worth it to me anymore. I'm still open to finding a woman but I'm not exactly holding my breath. Cheers

when I say costs, I'm not solely speaking of money.
I don't want to be with a woman, because I am not willing to compromise, particularly with someone who uses petty manipulation to get their way.

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All the best and good luck mate, I'm not telling anyone to not get married, I've just learned that marriage/cohabitation is not for me, I really don't enjoy constant female companionship.

Cool situation that you fabricated in your mind and doesn't represent reality in the slightest friend

You sound like a bitch.

Stay mad kiddo

kek, your wounding retort has such affect that I am unable to continue.

>Even at your age
I'm 36 years old.
I don't want a gf/wife.
I gave my reasons.

because my fiancee died of complications from breast cancer about 2 months before our wedding date. sucks having to turn wedding plans into a funeral service.

because i went MGTOW<

there is NO FUCKING WAY i am going to get married,

MGTOW is the only way to keep your sanity in the 21st century

I am the guy who doesn't want a wife & I have genuine sympathy for your loss.

Decided to streamline the process. So now every five years I find a woman I can't stand and buy her a house.

Hi George Carlin.

i appreciate it bro. it's been a few years so a lot of the grief has passed but there's still little reminders ya know? i just have to take solace in the fact that she's not dreading chemo or in pain anymore.

Close. No cigar.

>I just know the realities and the minefield that is dealing with women.
This is truth
I am in my second marriage and am very happy. Life with a good wife that loves you is a bit better than not being married. But married to a bad wife is far, far worse than being single. Even though I'm happy with a good wife I love, she's an irrational pain in the ass at times and if she wasn't there I'd certainly spend more time doing things I want.

So I think marriage is the way to go if you want a family and I think a family that loves you is truly the greatest thing in the world. But if it's just the two of you, stay unmarried so if she turns into a raging controlling sexless bitch you can easily move on to someone else.

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>i just have to take solace in the fact that she's not dreading chemo or in pain anymore.
The death of one you truly love can really change your perspective. When my mom died, she hadn't been able to recognize me for years. Sometimes death is the best option.

my condolences user.

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