What are you looking for user?

- No illegal, minors, bannable stuff
- No gore and stock images
- Post all images and everything you've got, every little detail helps
- Keep thread alive. I'm gone when it's dead.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Been looking for the owner of these tits for months now
No dice.
Probably a tough one
That’s all I got

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Trying to find some horror movie that took place in a hospital, i think they got in a car crash or something. One dude pulls a shard of glass out of his stomach then faints and the nurse was tellin him to not pull it out. Later in the movie one of the guys in the group goes into the medicine room with one of the staff and the dude gives him some type of hallucinogen and he starts trippin the fuck out. Pretty sure he ended up gauging his eyes out or slicing his own wrists. And i remember the doctor there was putting them all in seperate rooms on seperate floors i think and was killing them off 1 by 1 and 1 of the girls ends up sneaking around and finding it out then tries to tell her friends about it and some other shit. Thats all I remember. If you can find it i'll be fuckin surprised cuz I couldnt find shit

I'll have a look
Only pic? Story?

looking for the sauce of this pic for ages...

Attached: 1.jpg (1252x871, 732K)

Nope, bit too hard.
Not getting much further that reddit.com/user/Ydarav/
Could be her, probable not. Got the freckle, but necklace mismatch.

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looks like it could be gcupbaby


Heeelp user!!

Pic related got posted in a FB/IG thread like 40hrs ago.

I need moar!!!!

Do your magic Mr. Internet!

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Looking for a lesbian bdsm porn vid with two blondes, one is a bit chubby, other thin. at one point the thin one calls the chubby girl "what if i told everyone you're a dirty little lesbian''

sheena shaw & mazzaratie monica by any chance?

Attached: 71686.jpg (480x270, 32K)

Lately been having trouble finding happiness. Where should I search?

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this it? seems to somewhat fit? imdb.com/title/tt0443435/?ref_=tt_urv

HOLY FUCK YES IT IS! I remember the nurses face distinctively! Thank you OP!

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No sweat my dude

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No more requests?
Pretty stuck with the rest atm, but I'll keep on trying

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Movie user here, i'll keep bumping for you to keep the thread alive.

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I've been looking for an old arcade game. I remember playing this on PC back in the day early 2000s or maybe even earlier, but around there.

It's top down perspective and you control a mech and have to destroy bases and stuff. It's in space. I remember the stage select screen being different planets. I'm fairly sure the OS I was playing it on was Windows '95.

I can't for the life of my find the name of that game.

Halloween cartoon, 4 kids dancing side by side during segways one is big/fat stereotype bruiser, catchy song.

good luck

Been looking for a YouTube vid I remember watching years ago. It was in some janky computer animation of an old woman shopping in a store at the checkout line. The cahier asks if she wants paper or plastic & the old woman says plastic. Young cashier asks her why she doesn't care about the environment, and the old lady goes through a bunch of random shit they used to do when she was young (like canning their own food & shit), following by "but we didn't care about the environment!" Kinda to rub it in the young cunt's face of how wasteful their generation is overall.

Antraxx (Windows) maybe?

Attached: antraxx.png (679x420, 75K)

I played it alongside the game Demonstar, if that is of any help.

If you manage to find as much as a clue to this then send a PayPal or something aswell, something might happen.

Ok nvm that, here's a serious request:
A first-person PC game where you are some kind of a detective, solving weird shit. It's also creepy as fuck, almost peed my pants as a kid.
I remember walking on a street, turning around and seeing a fat man with a swollen face. That happened a lot and spooked me every time.
Game was probably made in the 90s or early 2000s.

That looks very similar to the game. It's like that but older looking and in space. Might check Anthraxx out though.

Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde?

here, if you can find the sauce on this girl. someone sent me this meme, and ive been trying to find her for 2 days, think you can help?

Attached: 20191019_001940_EZRepost (1) (1).webm (640x640, 1.87M)

7th guest / 11th hour?

Attached: Library.jpg (1920x959, 245K)

i think shes on twitter

Nah, that's 3rd person
Good guess but no cigar

The spanking comic: Cynthia Visits the Spankers, by Drooaygah

Attached: Cynthia Visits the Spankers by Drooaygah.jpg (675x491, 456K)

How can I make a successful Twitter account that won't get banned? They have ip banned me and I can't find a way to make an account that will survive a whole month without being banned. Any clue how to overcome this?

Porn clip of a guy getting owned by a feminist. Spanks in advance.

>How can I make a successful Twitter account that won't get banned?

suck the left's cock, praise the globalists, and denounce anything white, male, or cis normal.

Stop using twitter

Rule 34 for Jane & the Dragon that includes Pepper

>Porn clip of a guy getting owned by a feminist. Spanks in advance.

2016 US election.

oh wait TRUMP WON!!!

Found this taking a shit in the public toilet

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Mf all my porn is there

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Zozzle. Hillary isn’t much of a feminist and I can’t fap to that, besides...you got the roles wrong. Still funny.

shooter? puzzle solving?

op? where ya at?

stop using the feminist dictionary

got some guesses a bit earlier
waiting on feedback from some others
is probably right
is the only real jackpot so far

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Is ordering shrooms online illegal?
If not, where?
Thanks in advance.

It´s the same author, yes. But not the comic.

Everyone calls her scumbrat, she’s from Georgia and is supposed to have lots of nudes out there, but I can’t find them, hlp op

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I'm trying to find a book I read when I was younger. The plot of the book is about some black orphan kid in Britian finding a treasure map for treasure in Africa and going there and finding it. Along the way people are trying to steal the map from him. Thanks to any anons that can help with this.

this then? pekbook.com/girlspic/cynthia-visits-the-spankers-drooaygah/#

Can you find me an easy way to run Windows for free on my Mac?

Guessing here goodreads.com/book/show/4438753-the-door-of-no-return

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Can you find more?

Attached: a5812cd8-a2e0-4f8b-99dd-20f3196d7244.jpg (1280x1280, 191K)

That's the book! Damn, you're good. Thanks user.

Movie user here, bumpin for OP

not sure what you're looking for

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bumping for this guy

Wasn't this in the last bread?
Spent some time on it already, no luck

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Getting nothing on this

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An anime, "hentai"
The guy cheats on his wife/gf with the teacher, fucks her in class and cumms in her ass, later she takes a shit filled with his cum, then she pees and the piss goes under the door and a janitor notices it, it cuts off to his gf/wife sitting alone next to a Christmas tree with a cake on the table,

I have been trying to find it ever since

That sounds pretty fucking horrible.
You can find it yourself.

Any sauce for these sisters?

Attached: 7079B904-A4B0-4841-9D3B-904E78FE5A97.jpg (750x914, 682K)

There was this hentai scene that was popular on websites like 10-15 years ago, it was a redheaded girl being fucked by an invisible man, or she was just fantasizing about being fucked. Just the girl going through the motions of being fucked in what was essentially a void.

If you could find it I'd be eternally grateful. Been searching forever.

Apparently the one on the left is a senior and the right is a freshman at umich

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looking for this movie i think is eastern european or russian, a group of young adult go camping and find an alien being, that slowly start taking over their bodies, similar to the Thing

Been looking for a while

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You know any way to reverse search videos? Need to find who this is

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Other clip

Attached: 1570794697280.webm (404x720, 1.99M)

A close-up image of this scene-ish looking woman with very dilated pupils, a really sore, bloody looking nose, and a line of cocaine in the shape of a heart near her. First found on imageboard 99chan, lost when old harddrive went kaput.

Not even close

Yo I think I found her
Video was made for the meme though

looking for it

coke istock images. wtf.

Attached: cocaine-heart-picture-id499956164.jpg (1024x677, 301K)

discord gg\4Q3pZ54

Nice find! twitter.com/6a6yglocc/status/1183942743552417792

Attached: detective-smoking-cigarette.jpg (1000x665, 226K)

Happy to help fam

There's this trap I used to visit on chaturbate, went by Pinkpearls on there. Apparently also goes by mew mew according to "ashemaletube.com's" model inventory. Also had a possible real name along the lines of Gene, don't remember what it was short for unfortunately. Very submissive, very feminine and petite. Disappeared a some months back, don't know exactly when, found out when the Kik went silent.

Kik I used to message was "cbpinkpearls"

I've found tons of camrip and a couple ameatur vids, don't want porn, want a location. If Pinkpearls is camming anywhere else now I want to know where it is, if doing more professional porn I wanna know the name it's under.

Attached: chrome_2016-09-03_23-07-56.png (962x750, 704K)

Jackpot for me would be a way to see or cantact again. A new Kik, messenger, WhatsApp or anything along those lines would he my Holy Grail.

bump this

This cutie has done some nude modelling, and there's rumours about a bj tape. Here's to hoping someone can find more.

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So this is pretty useless?

Unfortunately, Gene's been inactive across all camming sites for at least a year far as I can tell. Was really frequent, then just fell off the face of the Earth. I know where to go to find pics and vids, I want to reconnect. Got to kind of be pen pals to some extent, got personal, I'm on the same coast she was at last time we spoke. Had serious talks about meeting up, wanna at least pursue a friendship. Just need a place she's active online so I can restablish contact

If it helps, she's looking at the camera, her eyes are looking at the lens, she has like these raver bracelets on. Brown hair, younger looking

Genevieve, goes as mew mew

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Ah that's right, that's her name. But I already knew about the mew mew page, I want actual contact if possible. I've looked for awhile since I got here, last we spoke she lived in Cali.
Could have fully transitioned and separated entirely from this internet trans identity, could have fucking died for all I know. But if she's alive I want to track her down.
If there's anywhere she's been active online in the past year, that'll be a huge lead for me.


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Addded on Instagram, but it doesn't look like the same person. And if so, damn she moved to fucking Canada?! Thanks for digging it up y'all

got your jackpot, but 4ch is making it impossible for me to share


Google that, you'll find direct contact info etc.

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I’m looking for more of the Petco slut. Nicky.

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I need to find out how to get into contact with this guy to thank him for making this video. It's been a long running gag with me and my friends for a couple of years now.

milf kat/katy

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Minor. No.

Fuck yes that her. I used to go to
School with her. Videos??

google yourself you lazy fuck

sharpie in ass though.
looks like /ourgirl/
don't fuck with her

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Can’t find vids. Just trying to Jack off.