ITT we pretend we’re not made out of meat in an infinite universe on a planet made of mostly water and molten rock in...

ITT we pretend we’re not made out of meat in an infinite universe on a planet made of mostly water and molten rock in a space time continuum that of which we live for a short time before re-entering the void from which we came

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Bro, what triggered this questioning of reality?

Also, what's so bad about not existing again?? And who is to say that we won't exist again after that?

I am made of stone and I last billions of years.
You know how many girlfriends I had?

Everyday is a meat show of meat drama, only here to procreate little meat creatures or to further advance our machines slowly to atleast make a noticeable dent in history. Universe is 14 billion years old and we’ve been here for less than 100,000 years.

Who knows what’s out there. Everyday we go about our lives and yet we are simply like ants to the universe, maybe not even that.

Here for what? To watch the meat show? I reckon it’s all a show for some inter-dimensional entities

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>Universe is 14 billion years old and we’ve been here for less than 100,000 years.

Or so they say. Have you questioned if the Earth is flat or not?

First question, how would you define meaning?

To follow something in life that keeps you busy until the void re-swallows you.

Could be any hobby, life etc.

Hard for myself to find meaning in a universe so odd, it’s like I’m playing the waiting game

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So what you're suggesting is:
-we abandon morals
-we abandon reason
-we abandon any sort of reaction to stimuli that allow us to interact with our universe
-we abandon emotion

In favor of... what? Being inanimate?

It is all vanity, never expect men to abandon their own vanity.

Me too, but you are drawing conclusions. We don't seem to actually know shit about what the fuck is going on. And it's clearly all vanity.

I forget i'm on Sup Forums and you ain't even racist.

Which startrek episode are you living in?

But you told us to pretend not to be of this universe ITT

The fuck do you even want, then? Make up your mind.

Sounds quite nice actually.
Then find something to do damnit! You wanna know how I find meaning? The pursuit of truth, science. Those facts you quoted are the result of the endeavours of many generations of scientists questioning their reality.

Beep boop this is robotron 9000

The year is 4800.

Fuck space niggers


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I'm not OP.

We should all just shut the fuck up and watch until we die, watch and think and ponder. It comes down to blind faith in the end.

And that is scary, have no doubt about that. It is ALL just vanity and nothing but vanity, like it says in The Bible.

Nuclear WW3 is probably coming in a few years.

thats a bullshit meme
consciousness is the only thing that keeps physics the way it is
reality is a simulation of god's holograms to find love and return to god
im not joking

"The Bible"
That book is a testament to the vanity of humanity. Thinking god exists AND gives a fuck about us.

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I realized that the existence of God can't be proved I'M SORRY FUCK OFF

If there even was something like god it did leave us long time ago. Just look how shitty this world is - We are at edge of being eradicated by ((())), and worst of all even some of us are against us, especialy faggots and trannies

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Fuck off neckbeard. Nobody gives a fuck about your prejudice and love of starting a flame/argument wars

If chinks or slavs don't nuke shitsrael to bare ground we all, and pretty much every living creature on earth besides kikes ARE FUCKED UP FOREVER. SO FUCKED UP