So ridiculously overrated i cant actually believe it

so ridiculously overrated i cant actually believe it.

acting shit,story line shit.

totally unimaginative garbage.the world is truly fucked for this one.

imdb should go fuck itself along with all the sheep hyping this trash up.

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So edgy, you are totally counter culture for not liking mainstream things. You are the ultimate badass contrarian

>popular thing bad
Pathological contrarians are even more annoying than people who over-hype

it's a good movie.

go change you batman underwear son

A bit of an over exaggeration op

Wonder how long until people notice. ;)

good or average?far from great for sure

i liked it

Whether or not you think it's average or great is subjective. I thought it was good, towards the end when he goes on Murray's show genuinely unnerved me.

youre easily unnerved user.i thought for an R rated movie the freedom to make it really dark was there and the opportunity was lost imo

shouldn't you be studying for tests or doing your homework, junior?

i thought it was a good movie. loved the style of filming, the score was subtle but very impactful, and i don't get the bashing on phoenix's acting. it really did feel like watching a man become unhinged. his movements and facial expressions were spot on for me. and that final scene was done hauntingly well.

Acting was fine, especially by lead.

Script consisted mainly of simplistic bullshit with a strong undercurrent of pretentious moralising.

Beautiful direction and superb cinematography.

Considering the kind of cinematic garbage that has been glorified during this long and sad decade, I would call this film a definite improvement.

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>the score was subtle
>literally blaring “this is emotional and intense” music non stop

I completely agree. It was boring, NOOOO motherfucking storyline, and just bleh. Weak as shit. I don't get the love.

to me, it was a pretty realistic level of dark. i wouldnt have liked it as much if they went over the top and cashed in on the edge factor and shock value

agreed.seemed to diluted for wasnt dark enough at all

i didn't get that vibe but i respect your opinion. to me there's a difference between loud and bombastic/cheesy

Taxi Driver was subtle. The cool jazz somehow made his loneliness feel infinite and inevitable. Joker was BWAAAAAMMMM HES SO CRAZY BWAAAAAAAAMMMM WE LIVE IN SOCIETY BWAAAAAAAM

eh. to each their own. i'm still gonna stick to my guns though

Those aren’t guns those are bazookas

It was all in his head... Fuck off


sorry OP, you're trying too hard.

This is the kind of Joker who would have his ass kicked into Oblivion by any Batman
Just a lil faggot with mental issues, nothing about the criminal mastermind the original character is supposed to be.

This movie is shit for tards

joker was shite.point blank.if this is the best movie youve ever watched its time to start watching more movies

haha I can't imagine being you "junior", fucking pathetic waste of human garbage.

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you alright?

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Interested to know what movies you like?

agreed.watered down for fucking faggots and children

batman and robin was better than this garbage user

Even if it was R rated the core audience for comic books is still teenagers. You’re retarded if you thought it was gonna be all mega edgy.

That’s every Joker ever you brain dead retard. He’s a reoccurring villain. He exists to get his ass kicked by Batman. That’s why he was created. Did your mom drink while she was pregnant?

Why does he turn into a giant flaming faggot?

I agree with this. I felt every death in the movie had some level of real-world gravity to it that mindless gratuitousness would have definitely detracted from the tone of the film which was supposed to be bleak and hopeless but generally grounded in reality.

edgy and dark are not necessarily synonymous with each other

oh nice, the "I graduate in 2022" insult. You kids really think you sound like adults on the internet, its god damn adorable.

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This was just the beginning and origin story for him retard.
Sorry they didn't make it edgy enough for you fedora wearing faggot.

Yes, "Send in the Clowns" is totally emotional and intense. Off yourself faggot.

so you're not alright

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definitely. especially on the murray show. the way he draws out the dialogue and kind of seems to taunt murray, going in and out of being playful and being spiteful, seemed very true to form for character. kinda like a cat batting a snake around.

If it's for tards why don't you like it?
Strawman. Not everybody is saying it's the best movie ever and if they are that's their subjective opinion.
No, it wasn't.
So you edgy faggots are complaining it wasn't edgy enough? You guys are probably incels who bought into the incel hype and went to see the movie and came out disappointed when he only killed one woman.

come to think about it leaf has only acted in shit movies.

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band wagoner

Get this shitty bait out of here.

this is important for the future calling on IMDB to change the rating


Yeah but nobody cares what you think.


Nobody cares what you or I think either, shitstain. If they do then thats their problem, fuck em'.

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>sorry they didn't make it edgy enough for you fedora wearing faggot

i thought this portrayal was much more effective than ledger's joker. ledger's was over the top and even cringey at some points. just sensational violence sprinkled with that "control-freak" vibe that appeals to neckbeards with no control of their life. ledger was a great performance of a bad character, in my mind. however, phoenix nailed the aspect of a man struggling to contain himself with those small bursts of hysteria

joaquin was a one trick pony in this movie.all he had to offer was his uncontrolled forced laughter.annoying at best

there are faggots dressing up as joker and dancing down the stairs from the movie in ny right now
any nyfags able to go livestream and troll the fuck out of them?
i would but im in la


finally someone said it!

It wasn't that bad.
It was competently made.
The whole society and mental illness was ham fisted.
It was too long.
And the so serious coupled with the superhero shit drove the whole film down.
Still not bad though, it grows on you.

But it's not Taxi Driver.
It doesn't have the thematic depth or the same sense of dread and rigged game.
Taxi Driver is still the essential incel movie.

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Who is this Greek woman and what's going on?


I thought it was just OK.The buildup felt a bit too long, like it could have been shortened by 20 minutes. I wish it had more action towards the end because it kinda felt like the thing wrapped up very quickly.

Small thing but everyone who was nice to him were black and then the midget. No white person was kind to him until he went crazy, then all the whites liked him. Not only that, all of the black people who were nice to him, he treated like shit or killed. It could just be me seeing something in nothing, but it definitely made me go HMMMMM....

were you ever like really blown away by any scene?be honest

Funny because the exclusion of Batman in this movie is one of the primary reasons it failed.

Which is funny because it was more batman than batman begins.
Movie would be better if it was full comic book or full social commentary and of course if it wasn't pozzed from the start.
Still ok though.


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The subway scene and the show at the end are the ones that stand out to me

failed???its one of the top movies ever made and its absolutely average at best!

It didnt fail you trog

yea thats gonna be a no for me dawg

>Considering the kind of cinematic garbage that has been glorified during this long and sad decade, I would call this film a definite improvement.
agreed. i can't think of a single even half-decent movie that came out in this entire decade, outside of joker. bunch of overproduced nerd shit with shit plots and no messages. big fucking waste of a decade imo.

once upon a time in hollywood,released a few months ago

I didn't really like it but the acting is obviously very good. Suggesting otherwise just makes you look dumb.

This, and Alita Battle Angel

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name another movie with a sterling acting performance from Joaquin?ill wait

>the acting is obviously very good
I disagree.
I'm an incel and he didn't convince me that he's an incel.
He was acting like normies think we incels are.


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both absolute shit dork movies

post a selfie dude

Cringe bait

>you cant criticize popular things
Why do pathological brainlets think things are good exclusively because theyre popular? Take Nirvama, for example. Mediocre amd overrated.

took me til your comment

thats it right?

You got shit taste and you're a retard

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Braindead take. Its your fault for only watching cape shit and star wars. Plenty of great movies come out every year. Just in 2019 theres been Ad Astra, Parasite, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Under the Silver Lake, The Lighthouse, Dolemite is my Name, and more. You just don't watch good movies its seems.

lmao you're probably joking but the movie isnt about incel shit at all.


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You can't spell and Nirvana wrote great noisy pop rock, quit hating.

Walk the Line, Her, Brokeback Mountain, The Master, The Sisters Brothers.

It would be better if it was about incels.
Instead it was once about niggers, evil white men and imaginary mental illness and more money for dem programs.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Joker but Jewlywood should tone down the propaganda.

oh ok you're just a fucking retard, cool.


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no one will ever be as good as Heath Ledger so it’s unfair to compare this joker to one of the best villain performances in history.

Because sometimes it’s incredibly obvious that someone is just an edgy manchild and they only hate something because everyone else around them likes it. I have a friend who will shit on any movie that the rest of us like because he’s a fag who has to be special, and he likes to get on people’s nerves.

Blade runner 47

this movie was fucking rad


Holy shot bronies know totally sucked, plus his last movie before joker he was a skitso fuckin people up while taking care of his mom in a shitty east coast setting were never really here...much more of a joker movie

yup, so may cringey scenes were simply unwatchable.


I thought it was great tbh. The part where he killed 3 people on the subway and then turned from being scared to relieve to dancing in the disgusting bathroom afterwards. Amazing.

The thing with the laughter in u appropriate situations was also a great concept because you never knew if he was going to have a break down or just kill someone. I felt unnerved and on the tip of my chair throughout the whole thing.