Human experiments by japanese military in 1900s

Human experiments by japanese military in 1900s

Attached: geisha_joseon.jpg (344x554, 81K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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Holy shit it's a woman. Japan #1 science

She's korean naked by jap

Attached: geisha_joseon_3.jpg (366x561, 107K)

So you're not gonna offer any explanations? What is the experiment? Why tf should I care?

So? What was the experiment?

after fucked by man

Attached: geisha_joseon_sex_man.jpg (455x609, 91K)

So did a bunch of japanese virgins fuck this woman to see how the vagina looked afterwards?

How truly fascinating.

after fucked by dog

Attached: geisha_joseon_sex_dog.jpg (466x624, 111K)

No one cares.

How revolutionary

after fucked by monkey

Attached: geisha_joseon_sex_monkey.jpg (469x631, 117K)

Post vid or it's not true.


wtf is happening in this thread

probably not many vids from early 1900s japanese experiments on koreans you fucking boomer

This thread amuses me

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after fucked by pig

Attached: geisha_joseon_sex_pig.jpg (427x594, 86K)


after fucked by horse

Attached: geisha_joseon_sex_horse.jpg (454x597, 126K)

If the the experiment was Japanese, why is the text in Chinese?

because OP is a stupid larping fag

its kanji retard

Japan also use chinese alphabet

Thats racist!!!

Google says its chinese.

Do they?

Japan uses kanji, hiragana and katakana. Kanji is loaned from the chinese. So yes they use the chinese alphabet just mixed with their own.

Kanji is alphabet from china but jap also use it

After fucked by a elaphant

You could learn a little history and find out why that is.

Google kanji retard

A brief random image before main event

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Just read about it to confirm, thanks for the clarification.

After fucked by a rhinoceros

You could try being helpful.
Think about it, what has being a jerk gotten you so far?

After fucked by a snake

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After fucked by joe

I bet its gonna be a black dood

After fucked by a giraff

After being fucked by Godzilla

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after fucked by a graph

After fucked by jew

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Kek haha

There was no attempt to insult you. I was saying that it was an opportunity to learn something new. Not that most people know why the japanese and chinese have a complicated relationship from a historical standpoint.

But fuck you, cunt.


Kek and a half

fucked by a woman

After being fucked by the American voter

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Underrated comment

I can tell exactly which poster you are because you throwing up 9gag level memes all over this thread

stop it. These are cringey af. Go back to tik tok and ifunny please. This place is not for you

post gook puss

Underrated comment

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Well it bothered you enough to type this response. And I wanted to be mean to you because you googled enough recognise Chinese characters but not enough to learn about kanji. Then with half the information you came back to this thread to try and feel Superior.

In short enjoyment, I got enjoyment.


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After being fucked by newfaggyness

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TEXT) After being fucked by a pig, she vomited and smelled bad in her body.

TEXT) After being fucked by a horse, she had diarrhea, pee, bleeding and vomited.

translate horse, my man


After being fucked by a dog, she felt pain.

translate monkey?

Its funny, once in a while there comes an informative thread in Sup Forums and some goblin retard cannot handle that its not a generic ylyl or insta thread and spergs out

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nice thread op, thanks. quite informative


After being fucked by a monkey, she felt an orgasm and passed out with pee. After she passed out, the monkey continued to have sex, and diarrhea came out of the anus and the researcher blocked the anus with a stopper. Later, the researchers raped her in a state of fainting.

I need more information on this experiment, thread has kinda been derailed. OP any more dirt?

Source: OP's ass.

>it bothered you enough
Lofty goals there, user. If you get by on that, that's fine, I guess?
I honestly shouldn't have used the same response for both replies, so I apologize. It was an opportunity to learn a bit, i admit to having little to no interest at all in chinese or Japanese culture beyond some of their regional cuisines.

The text is entirely in Chinese, you fucking retards. Yes, Japanese use kanji, but where's the hiragana? You can't write ANY grammar in Japanese without hiragana. It's ok not to know that, but then don't lecture other and spread your retardation and ignorance.

Japanese used kanji more than hiragana in 1900s and the text only shows some keywords so grammar isn't needed

Standardized kanji is used today fucktard. This is from the 40s. And as user said before it is general observations, just terms. Either way it's unit 731 they did research as these. A true example of human cruelty.

yeah we got it now, unit 731

Unless someone can actually tie these images specifically to unit 731 then it's still probably fake.

I've read plenty about the atrocities, and never read a thing about them testing women by having multiple animals run a train on them. This reads like some weird fetish LARP shit rather than an actual thing that happened.

Does japanese use kanji? I thought they use their own

They did experiments regarding rape, birth as much as the nazis did. This isn't really anything suprising. Rape was really widespread so I don't really have a reason to doubt this. They were probably testing under the guise of crosspecies procreation.

Why is there no kana?

They use kanji for simple nouns, names but they usually mix it with hiragana when making sentences. Katakana is used for foreign words, and terms. It's honestly a clusterfuck.

I can't read chinese but are those simple words or sentences? If they're sentences then it's chinese, but if it's simple like words, like tall woman, you can use kanji for that.

Vietnam, that was the ultimate cuck


the most amazing thread in a while. I can't believe this actually happened. I'll never forget this!! Can't be unseen.

Hi jap

This was probably an experiment on the crossbreeding between different species.

"Experiments regarding rape" is a pretty far cry from "having an entire zoo run a train on one woman". Unless it can be sourced, it's fake. No exceptions.

Bro they did way worse shit than have animals run a train on a woman. They literally raped women into pregnancy, infected them with pathogens, then cut them open without anesthesia to see what happens to the organs.

But this "zoo train" shit is still fake fetish bullshit and you're dumb for believing it.

the "after fucked by" man was lucky, she's hot. Did they have the other animals waiting in a line, or what?

Meant to reply to not .

the sign for horse is not even in that picture