God tier thots

God tier thots.

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literally big Wow


Wtf, she's the cosplayer from the dobson comic

The what now?

Dobson the retarded blue bear

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That comic doesn’t seem to line up with the picture at all. That girl is obviously posing for the picture.

s Dobby on the spectrum?

No, worse, he's into inflation

living in your head, rent free

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Hmm, artificial finger nails, weird unsexy top, kiss kiss poser look, just a plastic person over all.. not quite god tier.
Why are so many young women so... made?

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You call that a penis?

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buuuuuut you'd still bang

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I might, but it depends on so much more than only looks. Didn't say she isn't beautiful in her way, but all the make up, finger nails, faces for the camera... all these things signal me a woman I'm not really after.

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my sister thinks shes god tier

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doesnt get much better than this

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do you have the pictures of her pussy i have no idea what i did with them and now shes wiped them off the internet


No, sorry.

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Google Rocksy Light.

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No it doesnt

stunning, more?

Lol, I went to school with this girl forever. Dated in middleschool; most I got was a hand up the shirt. We still hungout in highschool and smoked together. Porn name is Misty Gates, btw

>fucking 76 years young in 1991

>Porn name is Misty Gates, btw
I mean, it says it RIGHT THERE on the fucking image.

I didnt bother to expand it, but thank you so much for taking the time out to let me know. Do you feel better?

She was god tier before she fucked up her tits

>thank you so much for taking the time out to let me know
You're welcome.
>Do you feel better?
Yes, thank you.
