Image upscale thread

Image upscale thread
haven't done these in like a month

post an image, i will use an artificial intelligence program to enhance/upscale/stabilize it

results may vary, low resolutions pics of faces almost always turn into nightmare fuel though

Attached: kt6bmzfugebbi6ja2j0hleq6hztjssbto8rj7z3tar6jicfrbzxtu0qs6x8vd8tx.png (1020x576, 256K)

Attached: Ants.jpg (50x50, 2K)

nevermind, i can't stabilize the image, other features are still available though

Attached: 1571774497262 (1).jpg (1200x1200, 787K)

I like it.

Attached: applause.gif (314x314, 491K)

Attached: 1569070239297.png (560x763, 54K)

thank you, it can guess pretty well for anything but the faces, if you feed it like 24 pixels of different colors it can make a pretty vivid image out of it

Attached: 1571775002153- upscaled.png (1120x1526, 1.12M)

Attached: 1568655214888.jpg (236x314, 11K)

Attached: 1571775429261- upscaled.jpg (1416x1884, 1.94M)

what program are you using?

topaz ai gigapixel, they're giving out free 30 day trials and you can easily reset them

Attached: 1474472865627.jpg (848x598, 80K)

Attached: 1561332768869.jpg (1000x1000, 93K)


Attached: horpler.jpg (2000x1333, 1.59M)

Attached: 1571775842826- upscaled.jpg (1950x1375, 1.54M)

holy shit! not bad!

sorry user, nothing to enhance really, the photo is already high resolution, any upscale and it will bump it over the 2 mb limit

Attached: 1571775851463- upscaled.jpg (2000x2000, 1.37M)

yeah, the program is specialized for faces, if the face is already in a decent quality, it will most likely turn out better in the upscale

Attached: C0dM2K9WEAANOIC.jpg (680x680, 49K)

>next one

Attached: 1503197290858.jpg (500x667, 69K)

Attached: 1571776330139- upscaled.jpg (2040x2040, 1.96M)

>low resolutions pics of faces almost always turn into nightmare fuel
Holy shit.

You should find regular photos, downscale them to half crap, then upscale them back. Thats a work of art.

Attached: creep1545418192666.jpg (657x1024, 139K)

Attached: 1571776405602- upscaled.jpg (1250x1668, 1.78M)

Attached: 1571776516343- upscaled.jpg (1301x2028, 1.95M)

Attached: creep_1533772211992.jpg (3984x2656, 923K)

can't help with this user, this high up and it spits out more than 2 mb, plus there isn't much to upscale here

Attached: 79C40DCF-45D5-48B5-8FE9-B35C60D88CB4.jpg (750x732, 417K)

ok. whats the size limit?

Attached: 1550719926245.jpg (500x375, 39K)

Attached: hman.jpg (720x713, 130K)

Attached: 1571776918872- upscaled.jpg (1500x1464, 1.98M)

2 mb
usually you can upscale up to 4000 resolution total, but it depends on the picture, if there's plenty of colors, it might be over 2 mb at lower res

Attached: 1571777067274- upscaled.jpg (2000x1500, 1.5M)

Attached: 1571777088331- upscaled (1).jpg (1440x1426, 1.87M)