Why is everything shit in the world?

Why is everything shit in the world?

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Cuz of lefties.

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Because humans exist.

What do you think “lefties” did to make the world worse?

Life is all about suffering.

Yeah fuck south paws. I heard they have no souls. Probably plotting with the gingers against us now.

it's not, its just the clickbait entertainment-news trying to get more views. Stop watching the news and ignore mainstream culture

Yeah because working a job and half for pennies is very fulfilling

everything bad eventually boils down to someone somewhere being greedy.

It just is. Life did seem a little better in the 90's but it wasn't.



Every dumb public education and college idiot is obsessed with race and its causing massive fractures in society.

We all got one fucking enemy. Politicians.

Yep. But the galaxy brain assessment is that it takes indifference to support that greed. That's even worse because that is a callousness from people in a similar situation.

Add bankers and lawyers and I'm on board

The rich hoarding everything for themselves and destroying the planet.

Pro-tip: those are either in bed with politicians (bankers) or are future politicians (lawyers). So we’re good user

white people;(

Postmodernism, hedonism, abandonment of tradition and values, I don't know

Cool. I just bought 1000 rounds of 7.62x39. What have you done?


Life was so much better when we burned heretics and repressed the lower classes

Encouraged suicidal idiots to take some politicians out when they go out.

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>repressed the lower classes

You mean the lower classes knew their place. Nothing but trouble has come from ending serfdom and democracy

cause of niggers, faggots, sjws, greed.

whatever mr white flour face

Great tactic!

Because people blame eachother, and are too insecure to listen to, or have conversations with people they disagree with.

shut the fuck up u fucking lame piece of shit. that was the gayest thing anybody has every typed. Kill yourself

..because we are species in limbo whether we wish to destroy ourselves despite being at a technological cusp for celestial greatness, it is unfortunate

Do you have any idea how frequent revolutions and famine were?

We'll eat the rich soon. They know it too and are investing in thier own bunker which will become thier prisons. Wealth ain't nothing but a byte now anyway.

you appear distressed...

And yet here we are, you mopping up the jizz.

cause nobody tries anymore. also selfishness. nobody wants to make the world better for everyone, just better for them and theirs.

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Parasite trying for global control. They have to make the host sick, weak, conflicted to continue to feed off it...or the host will identify and remedy as much as it can.

It's the post modernist mantra. Everyone is afraid of truly expressing themselves for fear of offending someone and being censored or admonished as a result. Additionally, the product has been replaced by intent and skill has been replaced with expression. Modern art is total shit. You have dumb cucks with too much money that will pay $4mil for a "painting" that is nothing more than a ten foot tall canvas that has been painted blue with a single white stripe down the middle. At least Banksy likes to troll those faggots. It was priceless to see that piece of art that he made get shredded live at Sotheby's moments after the gavel dropped.

At this point it's hard to tell what exactly is wrong and shit so I say we just blame it on kombucha. Kombucha is poisoning the minds of inner city folk and turning everyone into brainless commies.

nigga yo mamma distressed cuz her sun a cuckold like you!

I blame Trump

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The other interpretation is that richfags have plundered so much shit from everyone else that they can "invest" in "art" as another speculative capitalistic endeavor. Art has been subsumed.

You won’t because the rich are the ones promising revolution to the lower classes, thats how they got rich

See: Bernie Sanders

Because you and most of this board is depressed. Looking for what could go wrong and is wrong blinds you to what is right and could go right.

I agree bit I think the game is nearly up. We live in a gilded age where the moulding of gold are just leaf over rotten pine. Ultimately the revolutionary potential lies with the rural folk. Once they wake up from this personality cult and realize they are poorer maybe one day we will have change. Hell even if it is the milita sovereign citizen nutters that kick it off I'll make use of that power vacuum to make space for actual real free people.

Looking for what's right in what isn't right is the boot on the throat of the common man for all eternity.

because you're depressed because you have a shitty lifestyle and don't
>Exercise every day
>Socialise with peers regularly
>Get an hour or more of sunshine every day
>Have good sleep hygeine
>Have good management of stress
>Have a good regular diet

The vast majority of Sup Forums is depressed because of their computer based lifestyles and most of those are unaware of it

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Looking like that, I'd buy pizza or pasta from her and or get some home appliance serviced like a central heating unit, washer dryer or plumming.

it's not you have to remember no one does stories on good or nice stuff happening


That's possible. However, the rich have been doing that for thousands of years. The Medici practically ruled Florence, and they were benefactors of renaissance masters such as Michelangelo, Donatello, Botticelli, and Da Vinci. Look at the art that they produced! If money were to blame, we'd actually have better art. Based on the evidence, money isn't to blame. The people are. We are a fat, lazy, and entitled society. The prevailing idea seems to be that you must accept it shit art, my fat body, my crazy ideas, and my gender choice. Otherwise, you are a bigot. That arrogance, unfortunately, has permeated nearly every facet of our society.

That's a cop out. This problem has been festering for over twenty years. It's just finally come to a head.

Not him, but they have used the media to propagate an artificial and highly dysfunctional timeline. When you try to play God, bad things always happen.

>Having hope and optimism for progress is a form of oppression.
I know you think you're being deep, probably smoking a cigarette as you type that, but come on. Almost all metrics of human progress have improved since the day you were born.

Well that holds except for the fact that a camera was invented and captures that better than the Dutch masters. And so here we are with HIV rags flown over crowds and 5 yo splatter paintings being sold as high art. They are just BSing each other as to the value of the art for 1) wanting to seem more cultured and with it then each other AND 2) hoping they make money of thier scribbled picture of a guy jacking off

They introduced modern authoritarianism. If you have a dissenting opinion, you are shouted down. You are banned from social media. You can be banned from paypal or patreon and have your chase account closed. The only choices are to either live without social media, which I do, or to stay silent and submit to the tyranny of the mob.

Try since 1980

Wasted trips.

Kek, good point user. However, even into the twentieth century, you had artists such as Norman Rockwell and architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright who continued to make beautiful work. I suppose that the prevalence of the camera might have influenced the decline of realism. But, I can't rationalize placing the blame entirely on one device. It has go be something more systemic.

What is this even trying to convey? Skinheads are the problem?

Architecture and food are the two basises for defining culture. As for Norman Rockwell, he wasn't remotely selling realism. He was selling a fiction at worst or nostalgia at best. No different then anime todsy.

They are a symptom, misidentifying the problem

The fact people are reaching and grasping at random societal topics instead of basic tangible things says plenty about Sup Forums

You're all depressed. Actual useable information here

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That's a consequence of mass monetization of media in general. Same shit, different message for right wingers. Both sides are more interested in selling you shit then telling you truth.

Of course proof has never convinced anyone of anything. That's the human condition.

the endless want..it is both what makes us great and is the source of our suffering...countless have tried to answer this question..materialism, religion, love, everything we are is in pursuit of an answer to this problem..and i will tell you the answer now..understand that this is what it means to be human and we all must live with it..enjoy moments of happiness without questioning them and know that being sad will pass as it always has before..

It's not either, or. You can advocate for a better society and at the same time work on yourself.

The faceless anonymity of modern life is cause of a lot of depression, boredom and dread.

Truth Siddhartha Gautama

>>social media

But user, all of those are private companies with the freedom to choose who they do business with...


I do all of those things and them some. I don't even believe in depression as an actual illness, it's just the feeling people get when they have unresolved issues. An emotion like any other.

>destroying the planet
You learn that shit in libschool?
>Protip: You did

As it should be. You are free to be an asshole and society is free to austricize and ignore you.

10 people in the US have more wealth than the entire southern hemisphere. But they aren't hoarding or greedy. They are blessed and it is truly a sign that god favors them.

>private companies
>in government bed
surely you jest

>But they aren't hoarding
They're not. They took nothing from you.
If you simply envy rich people, look at how they got rich and that's where your hate should be focused.

This is an issue the left and right should agree on. Megalomania should be classified as a dangerous mental illness.

Most of the current rich are that way because of inheritance and/or crooked finance schemes. They also stay that way by consolidating power, monopolizing and paying for politicians that will do their bidding, to get elected. That last part highly affects the 99%.

No, that the person who posted that is taking a stupid, easy route by blaming Trump. It's a nothing burger. Even the ADL (anti- defamation league) has stated that there are more black extremist groups than there are white extremist groups, and, according to the department of justice, blacks perpetrate violence on white people at a rate of 10 to 1! That's right, black people, who are outnumbered by whites at 5 to 1, commit ten times more acts of violence on white people. Why isn't it called a hate crime when a black robs, beats, or kills a white? It's utter hypocrisy.

Then you don't understand basic physiology
2 minutes of basics on hormone regulation and health will teach you all you need to know for the literal thousands of studied observable negative results on the organs and body, including the brain, as a result of depression
It's 2019, you're not allowed to be sceptical of climate change, the moon landing, a spherical earth or depression without being called a retard

Agreed. However, there was still some virtuosity present in his work, and anime is especially better than the cal art crap that infests modern cartoons.

>because of inheritance
Almost none of them are
>and/or crooked finance schemes
>by consolidating power, monopolizing and paying for politicians
No, no, and yes. Monopolies don't last very long unless aided by the government, like #3 there.

BS. They have taken plenty. Why should Elon Musk pay in all likelihood 0% effective net taxes to be able to live like a member of nobility of old without all the pesky social responsibilities that came with it. Rich people have never done a god damn thing for me besides try and screw me with the law at every turn. I'm a self employed guy now and doing great in spite of not because of the parasite class.

We got rid of nobility and replaced it with an even less accountable system. They have all the trappings with none of the burdens.

They still have not taken anything from you. Elon is also one of the biggest government teat-sucker faggots with no ideas that ever existed.

Very true. It's like the allegory of the cave. You can find the objective truth. But, the moment that you run back into the cave to spread the word, you are beaten to death with sticks. It's because if the truth is contrary to whatever fiction an individual has accepted as THE truth, it is a blow to the ego, and people, who lack self control, tend to respond violently. I can't think of a time in recent history, perhaps aside from the 80s, where we've been so smug.

I would agree but I also would posit that I'm probably just getting old and out of touch like every prior generation bitching about how the youngins are lazy and ruining everything.

When the printing press came along people were arguing that it would ruin humanity because no one could retain that much information. Now we have the internet that ensures no one retains that much information and yet can access all of humanity's knowledge at thier fingertips.

weed is preddy gud bro

Correct, that's why I simply buck the system. I just dropped playstation and am building a gaming pc because they had the audacity to suspend my account for calling some griefer a nigger and suggesting that he kill himself. I also bank with Navy Federal, have car insurance through USAA in addition to closing my social media accounts. No one that doesn't either pay me or fuck me tells me what to do.

Sure they have. I was a welfare system for an entire family for a decade before going out on my own. That SOB did nothing but spend down the fruits of others labor until the business couldn't make payroll and everyone was fired. I quit and took all "his" customers that had never seen or met him and started my own business. Now I am petty bourgeoisie. I need to grow soon but I'll be damned if I become a leech like him. I want partners not employees.

This has been said consistently since the 1870’s.

Its nothing new, you’re ideas and beliefs are not special.

God favors a gun to the whole thing

Were all victims. Every single one of us.

That's really brushing past the fact that since the 1870s we have had the collapse of all empires and 2 world wars. Last gilded age gave us a depression and some racists to BTFO. I believe this one will provide us the same with maybe a chance of tempering the worst tendencies of capitalism. Maybe if we are lucky the nation-state will be replaced with something better. Nations are better than empires. What's to say thier replacements wont be better still. The arc of recorded history had bent towards justice.

Let's just bend the curve down towards the common man. There is no reason all the benefit needs to accrue to the useless superstructure.

Let me be that trigger finger if it is so willed.

Kek, Johann Gutenberg destroyed us all. Seriously, though, walking into a public library can be bewildering. I can't fathom how one person can possibly absorb and retain all of that information, let alone what's on the internet. I'm no fan of Karl Marx. However, he did say that the by product of too many useful things is too many useless people. I'm getting older. I'm 36. But, I have two step kids who are 11 and 12 that keep me young. I have learned to take the good with the bad. Some things are still well made and beautiful. It's the mainstream stuff that's mostly garbage, that includes people. It's sad because it seems like the only good music that is produced these days comes from bands who started twenty years ago or from EDM artists. TV and movies are mostly shit, and so is most food. Therefore I cook, play Guitar, Piano, and Cello, perform my own vehicle maintenance, am learning to draw/paint, and keep about twenty terabites of movies. The sheer number of grown men who don't know how to change a tire, an air filter, or change their oil baffles me.

ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!! Message me if you’re interested! Add me on discord @ DumbassFaggot#8613

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We’ve also seen a sharp rise in population, due to massive advancements in technology and medicine

People are living longer than ever before, and violence and suffering has basically been eliminated from daily life.

You have access, 24/7, to a wider range of food the richest of the rich in the 1920’s could dream of.

>stick it to the rich, via the rich
Keep dreaming.

People are strangely lucid today.

I'm 38 and can relate but I also see the potential in the future even if I think mumble rap is fucking cancer. Most peoples music taste is pegged around the end of high school. I perform mechanical work as a job and it blows my mind how little people think about it but then at the same time they can ID a rare shoe or headphones. Different kinds of knowledge. They may not be able to cook or whatever but they in hope will rise to the occasion if it arrives.

Times change and I'm getting old and grumpy. Probably because it is harder to find dope and hangovers fuck me up way worse now. That said I am glad that I hear kids advocating for their futures and change. It is up to us old farts to help guide them and get the hell out of the way.

Not going to stick it to the rich via the rich at all. I hope for a chance for genuine liberatory self defense.

If you want some empowerment I highly recommend the book "Setting Sights " by Scott Crow

The problem there is that we're "progressing" under the pretense that change is inherently good. Not all change is, especially when it infringes on the liberties and individual rights of others.