Do you despise gay people?

Do you despise gay people?
Proper faggots that flail their gay shit all around.

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I'm kinda gay myself, but only subtly. It's mostly to hint at it to other gay/bisexual guys. Guys who do the whole lisp and dress in makeup and pink shirts+boas every day take it over the top.

idgaf if you're as gay as a pink unicorn riding a rainbow - the rest of us don't need to know

nobody cares that you're a faggot

I hate faggots

Nah, gay folks are generally great fun.
It's "straight" dudes who can't deal with their hidden homosexual feelings who gross me out. The kind of people who start threads like this.

I hate the type of gay people you find on tv or at pride parades. Me being gay myself kind of makes it bad for me to say that but i would rather look like a normal guy than some fag who wants to go down an alley to get gang raped by 10 homeless people while flying lgbtq (mental disorder) flag.

This. In my experience, the cunt-to-cool-person ratio is just about the same among gays as it is among straights.

No, the fuck do I care what other people do with their lives?
I have enough shit to worry about in my own life.

>some fag who wants to go down an alley to get gang raped by 10 homeless people

What TV shows are you watching??

I don't watch tv

I don't give a shit but I also don't want that certain agenda pushed down my throat .
Some Gays are great people to hang around with others not like most people .
But I dislike faggots if your 15 and saying your gay you deserve to be beaten . I think you should voice your sexuality when your old enough for it . Also fuck faggots huge difference between a gay male and a full on raging faggot .

A lot of guys realize their sexuality in their teens.

>But I dislike faggots if your 15 and saying your gay you deserve to be beaten

To oversimplify what I said is that they look so flamboyant they look like they are begging to be noticed and fucked.

Why does that bother you?

The attention whore part of it bothers me the most, it just happens so often with raging fags that I have just started to hate that sort of culture.

But why does it bother you?


why is that any different from straight people who flaunt their sexuality?

It is also becoming a stereotype that gays are the extremely raging fags who wear make up and it seems like I am getting dragged down and grouped in with those.
I have even had friends take the piss out of me saying that I am not gay because I dont look or sound like them. I have always rather talk normally and be regular rather than an abnoxiously loud guy with a lisp and a voice higher pitched than a woman's.

And you're blaming other gays for this? You should blame your friends for still believing in retarded stereotypes.

Because the straight people who do it don't go as over the top. Also the guys who only talk about fucking women arent what people immediately think of when hearing the term straight guy. Unless you're a femenist who thinks toxic masculinity is an epidemic.

What do you think caused them to have the stereotypes to begin with. The best thing to do is to remove the source of the problem first then changing their views.

How do you think stereotypes are perpetuated? Your very existence proves that they are not necessarily reflective of the whole. So it falls upon your friends to change their views to represent reality.

Kill all fags

i have yet to see this other than a straight pride parade which was a response to gay pride parades that happen during gay pride months (because one day isn't anywhere fucking near enough to tell the world you like to stick your dick in a hole filled with shit and spread STD's)

>you like to stick your dick in a hole filled with shit and spread STD's
That's not what gay pride is about lol

If these people are flaunting their sexuality, they're doing an extremely poor job of it.

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I suppose so.

Kill all faggots