Nostalgia general get in here

nostalgia general get in here

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I love that glowworm

Love like benis stuffed into it love or like what kind of love?

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It is comfy looking, creates a safe feeling, and was a great toy. Saving for /comfy/

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What the shit?


Are you a female?

That feels good

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No, females dont exist on the internet.

I had a blue one.

I'd say bye to the computer as it shut down.

I forgot about the bigfoot pizza..

Micronauts bitch

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Little ceasers had pizza kitsch that the kids would sell to go on trips. Shit was as good or better than the store bought.
Wonder what other pizza gems we took for granted then.

I didnt have this, but it looked like fun.

The fact that you started a nostalgia thread just gave me heavy nostalgia.. I’m so happy

u got the story to go with this?

This and magic cards for when its storming outside.

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It's a glow worm.


Its a glow worm, thats old school stuff. I had one as a kid.

mah nigga

That AC vent at your rich friends house is the best part of the summer when you grow up as a poorfag

I forgot I had that, those were fuckin awesome.

Got that car for my birthday in 1993. Eventually broke it rolling it down the stairs.

I'd stand on it with baggy pants and feel the ac wick away my crotch sweat.

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Why is that? The same goes for Gen X'ers. They simply dont exist

Were you born in 1972 or something?

>the world of magic
>big dumb stupid barbarian with broadsword at the center of the cover art.
Why were thr people that made toys retarded?

ahh my time in the army i remember it like it was yesterday

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Are you sure youre not a woman?

one of those toys I wanted so badly but just never ended up getting

can i go back to being a kid?

Bigfoot Pizza was okayish. Purplesaurus Rex Kool-Aid tasted pretty gud

Those crash tesr dummie toys costed more than the average toy.
I remember some of their shit costing 13$ where as an equivalent toy costing 6-7$

Wow, you must be middle Gen-Xer user

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I just want things to be the way they were, I dont necessarily need to be a child

That caterpillar thing makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. Idk why, it just looks kind of innocent and wholesome.

I miss destroying peoples' accounts with progs in the wild west days.

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Hi-C Ectoplasm was top tier

TFW You will never be as cool as John Cougar Mellencamp playing Q*Bert

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like less fag shit like trannies and being able to enjoy shit

>from space
Man, did we ever get that one wrong.

Fuck sunny d. Purple stuff all day, even for us non basketball-americans



Yes, girls dont exist on Sup Forums in particular.

They only exist on Sup Forums, but for different reasons

Ill see your melencampfth and raise you pic related.

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Starpath Superchargers, basically a tape recorder to load data into an Atari 2600

It was the golden age of video games. I remember when even my little shithole town had an arcade.

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DOS, Borland Turbo C++, and programming back when everything you did had never been done before.
Nowadays, GitHub has 100 versions of everything I can possibly think of. I miss when programming was a secret club for smart people.

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If we could collapse the internet and mobile communications, we just may be able to return to normalcy

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have been reading the manga that inspired these, the oldest shit is pretty lame but the most recent is kino

Fukken saved!

Remember when these were in nearly every mall in America?

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That was my coffee table

Those arent real girls. Lad. Traps are gay.

Havoc Final
So many progs the years just flew by, those were the days

I miss those. They weren't too janky

Dont make me cry. There were literally two arcades, walking distance from my house.

Would this fit inside a retum?

Notice how both females are biting their lower lip in response to the groping.
Man, I want to go back :^(

My little shithole town had an arcade, the next town over had an arcade, and the county seat had a whopping three of them.

Also remember when every grocery store and pharmacy had an arcade game.

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US blades anyone? It was perfect for those 5 years.
Rollerblading, arcade games, some circus games, rad 90s music (no rap), lasertag/minigolf, pizza and drinks, tickets for get shitty prizes.
We thought it would last forever.

Nope. Little sister had one

my friend had that watch you could program to control the tv and we figured out how to turn it on and off and the volume up and down.
we were gods that day.

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I saw xmen figures packaged like the originals today.

That's all I got.

Rofl I remember that. My school had digital clocks and the kids with the watch could fuck with that too. Itd say ass or poo. Back when the 'IT' was the 70 year old librarian that didnt know how to turn on a computer

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I wanna rewatch that and Ghostbusters and wild n crazy kids. Some fun shit back then.

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I dont know much about him, but he was a good madtv guest.
Also, MADtv was great. Snl never compared well for me (other than the early stuff).

I had 15 out of those and no, I didnt fall for buying prince Adam knowikg he was also heman

"and music still on MTV"

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Remeber when we all tuned in to see the new ghostbusters after the original ghostbusters ended amd all it was, was slimer fagging out now that he could speak and some nigress working as an icecream man?

I would use my sisters vhs mixtapes and rerecord cartoons over them because fuck her for trying to control the narrative

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HOLY SHIT!!! The yellowish cups on the rocked glow in the dark. Nostalgiad hard

Night light plush toy for kids.

>Shove batteries in it's ass
>Squeeze it
>Head lights up
>Still can't see shit

oh my god these

Really cable tv in general last century. Each channel actually had a theme and was good at something niche. Then reality tv came and all channels became the same shitty generic garbage. Even the weather channel became a reality tv channel, wtf?
I miss tech tv, court tv, TNN, weather channel, history channel, discovery, TLC, nick at night.

The Wild West one was my fav

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