Go Go Power Rangers!!!

So how bad is this movie gonna flop. Its made 97 million but it was said it cost upwards of $120-150 million to make not counting how much it cost to market the movie

The steam is definitely going to start running low on this movie in the coming weeks. So how bad will all the producers and investors feel when it doesn't add up to what they thought? Will there be a sequel? Whats next for the "Power Rangers" ?

How much money do you think they got from krispy kream


Power Rangers thread=Kim posting!!!

More Kim!

I think It will do well enough. A sequel isn't a given but if they wanted it they could probably make it happen.

I don't see the point in you guys posting really bad quality pics. Also she isn't wearing anything that would make me save these pics or fap to them

pretty lame stuff

There's a Power Rangers movie?

Toys and China will probably push them to make at least one more, I think.

I hope so, I really liked this one




In case this isn't bait, no. The movie is doing fine. It was less than $150 mil to make, and it's made almost $100 already. That's not including Krispy Kreme sponsorship money, toys, or China / Japan box office. Hard to say whether it's getting a sequel until the China box office numbers come out, but it should do OK.

That's a Thicc mamasita

I always figured it would fail, but it's honestly doing better than I thought.

I mean the show was at it's most popular like 20 years ago. I think they thought it would turn into the new transformers franchise or something. And no there won't be a sequel

30 millions of power rangers budget was payed for by kripsy Keme

If this Tommy is brainwashed, it will probably be one of the worst decisions in the sequel.

What would you guys wanna see in the sequel, assuming there is one?

>Dont suit up until the last 20 mins
>"Goldar" was shit and they never fought him at normal size before the lame ass "make my monster grow"
>Not enough guitar riffs, main theme was cut short for Kayne's cancerous song
>No tank mode in megazord
>No cool overly dramatic Megazord transformation sequence
>Shit Megazord design, ugly, and rangers are OUTSIDE the fucking thing when controlling it
>No power sword finisher, just a lackluster dual sword takedown
I wasnt expecting much, and I was still disappointed

If female Tommy, Tommy best be the bitch that Trini had gotten with, and she don't give zero fucks for ruining Trini's life.

Won't happen. They risk a china ban for gay shit alone

>Tommy being an absolute badass villain
>Tommy turning good at the end of the movie and helping the rangers defeat rita
>no forced love triangle between jason, kim, and tommy, just setup tommy and kim
>morphing scene set to the MMPR theme
>Lord Zedd tease
>maybe introduce or tease adam, rocky, and aisha
That should be it

Oh have to have a megazord vs dragonzord fight.
And the random ranger explosions

Honestly thought I don't think they're making a female Tommy, and even if they did there's no way they would set her up with Trini. That would pretty much be an automatic ban in Russia and China. Plus it would probably trigger a large amount of the American audience. I mean a lot of people were already upset over the 2 fucking lines in the first movie.

I've been watching the first season lately.
They don't fight with their individual zords anymore, or even in tank mode after a few episodes; they just get straight to Megazord.
When Tommy's candle burns out, he fucks off but they still get to use the Dragonzord, and it's getting to the point where they Megazord up and then call on the Dragonzord anyways.
Sometimes they have like a Brontosaurus zord that's basically a tank for the Megazord.
Rita's monsters get stronger, but she still follows a formula of putties>monster>make my monster GROOOOWWWWW>oh I have such a headache!
She needs to shitcan Finster, I swear.
Don't get me wrong, for some reason I can't get enough of it but after awhile every episode is basically the same. Loving the monster suits though, and Goldar gets funnier the longer it goes on.
And another thing - why don't her monsters start smashing shit? First episode, Goldar grows and does fuck-all. I'd be wrecking shit. If Rita needs the job done, why doesn't she just grow herself and zap everything? She's like a manager who can't do the job. Where the hell did she transfer from?
I also like having the ASJ/JDF hatred in my mind the whole time. When Tommy came back and Jason goes "welcome back, old friend" I bet they yelled cut and he goes "and THAT is acting!"
I really liked the scene where punk Kimberley asks Skull out on a date.
You can tell she had a lot of fun with that.
That episode where her and Billy switched bodies, it's like David Yost finally got to reveal his power level. I bet that's when he came out.