Do American cinemas really serve hot dogs on sticks?

Do American cinemas really serve hot dogs on sticks?

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you mean like a fucking corndog?

Yes. And bulbous candy bars.

>haha it's like a dick right guys, I put it up to my face and smooch haha, please give me attention, feminism wasnt a mistake

there's no corn





it's coated in cornmeal batter and then fried.

Found the virgin!

Where you from OP? Obviously not America.

I havent eaten a corndog in a longe time but I would right now

If I post your info(I work for twitter and I can see who you are based on what accounts you've been visting and then posting theri pics here) would you cry to the mods to save you?

are they nice? they look pretty good.

They're delicious, at least when made with fresh cornmeal batter, and not like, dipped, frozen, shipped, and then fried to order somewhere. When they're dipped and then immediately fried they are so good.

Sort of like a hotdog wrapped in a lightly salted cornchip. They're quite tasty but obviously not particularly nutritious.

Do you like corn?
Do you like dogs?

If yes, you would like a corndog.

Corndogs are pretty delicious if you get one with a decent hotdog and good batter
Being able to dip them is less messy than some of those giant over topped hotdogs that hipster places serve

I never trust the theater dogs because of fluke worms, but I do usually bring two bags of chili.

thanks for the info chaps. never seen them on sale here in the uk, so I might have a go at making a few.

How can white chocolate bars compete?

check and check, lad.
going to have a go at making some fresh, as the other user suggested.



I don't have the ja/ck/ webm, but I'm sure someone will post it

It's the type of thing you see at county/state fairs or amusement parks. You haven't lived until you've barfed up 2 corn dogs, an elephant ear/funnel cake, and a turkey leg behind the tilt-o-whirl.

We call them Dagwood Dogs in Australia for some reason.

I haven't seen them sold anywhere that isn't a carnival or similar sort of event.

I'm 32 and I think the last time I had one I was 12.

>go to the store an hour ago
>a box of corndogs caught my eye
>kinda wanted them, havent had one in ages
>stick to some decent foods instead
>get home
>thread about corn dogs

Remember to like and subscribe!


would you suck it

you stupid fucking faggot lmao

>calling a dagwood dog a corndog

do americans seriously do this?

for what reason?

>Pan nice and cold
>Oil nice and splashed
>webm nice and JACKED

thanks so much, lads

I'm coming to the states this summer, so I hope to get out to a fair of some kind.
Do they sell them at baseball games?

It's kind of a pain in the ass because you really need to deep fry it. Pan frying is just not the same.

Yeah, this is a good guide on what not to do.

>that much oil
>it's fucking cold
>dropping the meat getting all dirty with oil

>waffles with cream
>hot chips
>dagwood dogs
>fairy floss

I have a deep fat fryer, so no problem there.

God damnit, this has to be one of the things I hate about his videos the most, always throwing shit in oil and splashing it everywhere
How much of a soft pussy are you


every time

In America every food takes phallic shape. It is known.


Man it's been many years since I've been to a fair. I need to go to one just for the delicious food. Turkey legs, corn dogs, and funnel cakes are great.

Found the redditer!

What the fuck was his problem?!?

cheers lad.

He doesn't want to get burnt

You ever bring in beef vindaloo?

I literally upset by this

You're good to go then! You could probably even spruce it up by using some good sausage instead of hot dogs.
Get some pancake mix and powdered sugar an make some funnel cakes as long as you have all that hot oil. Go full fairground cuisine.

Ahh the classic holes argument in action anons. Found the roastie

yea, i'd savour it

I suggest you dont bother looking his channel up on youtube or you might kill yourself in frustration


In australia they're called pluto pups. I wish I was not australian.

I'll never get tired of how Australians come up with such crazy names for food.

He has downs syndrome.

you're a culinary scholar and gentleman, thanks for your suggestions user.

kill yourself reddit

Jesus Christ, I worked in a fried chicken restaurant when I was in college and there is an art to putting things in a deep-frier without burning yourself. Step one is DON'T JUST DROP IT IN THE OIL!
Seriously, after a week of working in any kitchen you should be completely numb to anything less than a nasty second degree burn.

here's a good guide.

not today m'sir. travel on m'gent!!!!

If Jack ever properly cooked anything even once in his life he might have learned something by now.

jesus FUCKING christ


Point taken.

People often learn more from their mistakes than their successes.

It's astonishing he hasn't learned a single thing from his many, many, many failures.