Who are the best guests?

who are the best guests?

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the weed has been lit


Jordan B Peterson. Nobody else comes close.

That guy with the history podcast and pain pill addiction.

I liked all the Sam Harris ones. Rhonda Patrick was interesting as well.

milo yiannopolous, dr peterson (disgraced psych major) and joey diaz (pothead)

there are no good guests because the JRE is a farce and so is anyone who listens to it

but when is Joe gonna go after Amy Mencia for stealing jokes?

The Milo Yiannopolous eps were interesting but he's full of shit.

Rhonda Patrick
Duncan Trussell if you have a kegload of weed
Tom Segura and his waifu have some great clips but I find watching the whole episodes kind of tiresome

Jordan Peterson, Alex Jones , Graham Hancock

Dan Bilzerian

.. Yeah man, like, I knew this one guy who was like REAL into hunting and shit, and he said that this one time he was out camping in the middle of the fuckin woods somwehere, a fucking bear came into his tent and tried to fucking eat the dude man! I mean like, wooah, could you imagine that? A fuckin bear literally trying to eat you in your sleep and shit. Imagine the power those things have man. That's like, what 600 pounds. And them fuckin claws man...

Jamie pull up that video of that baby getting eaten by a bear..

Can someone give me the rundown on this guy?

I can't believe that you even have to ask.

The one and only


I can give you the basic gestalt

Theo Von had me laughing out loud multiple times, hard. Such a funny fucking episode.




Sometimes it was so difficult to see whether he was joking or being serious. I think he's genuinely a republican, but exaggerates his positions for laughs very often.


Graham Hancock and Russel Carlson podcasts are god tier

Which guests talk about Singularity? I want to see those episodes.

Joey Diaz has led a life that is interesting as fuck to listen to now that he's been through it, but it would be absolutely fucking nightmare inducing to be in that life and live it.

probably Ray Kurzweil

This and the "YOU'RE GONNA MISS YOUR FLIGHT WHY DO YOU HATE WEED BRO?" are the only ones I've watched but the Jones one is literally too ridiculous to top. I feel like I can't even watch anymore.

Why did you screencap a quote from Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas?

he was not on the show, I checked.

shane smith and gavin mcinnes are good

graham hancock, duncan trussel, rhonda patrick, jordan peterson, louis theroux, joe diaz, tom segura, joey diaz, nick dipaolo, henry rollins, james hetfield.

desu id say probably at least half of the jre podcasts are good once you cut mma fighters and women

WTF i'm watching that right now

Who the fuck even watches this lefty piece of garbage? I would rather let a jew suck my dick than watch this shlomo

Aubrey Marcus

It's so great that Joe brought those two together to discuss their overlapping information of huge natural disasters, mass extinctions, and global pre-history cultural amnesia.

The whole "scaled up water bed ripples" segment was absolutely horrifying and mind-shattering

Laying it on pretty thick rabbi

I really liked the James Hetfield one, real /comfy/kino when he went in depth about his bee farming hobby.

kys jew shill

Lefty? More like righty though.

You callin me a Jew you kike? Listen here Schlomo I could kick your little ass back to Isreal with my pinky and dont make me do it, I just got my hands done.

So we're just going to ignore the elephant in the room that Joe's clearly an overcompensating closet-case, right?

James Hetfield is pretty interesting.


There are plenty of youtube clips of it split into subjects such as Napster, bee keeping and getting sober.

Considering this gets brought up in literally every Joe Rogan thread, no, nobody's ignoring it. We're just TRYING to move on from repeating the same statement over and over again.

no one ignores it, it's part of his charm

This, his shows are only ever good when he has right wing people on and probably kills him inside


Needs a Time-Warner logo somewhere.

It's not from that. I wrote that myself.

25min edit of all the best moments of the alex jones episode
featuring every big enchilada


The Alex Jones podcast is probably one of the best podcasts that has ever, or will ever, exist. I say that as someone who thinks he is a total nutjob, it was still incredibly entertaining.

its worth watching the whole thing

The guy is a moron in general riding the anti-PC train but he looked even dumber on joe rogan's podcast. Then I lost any respect I had left for him on the first sam harris podcast. The fact that you think "Nobody else even comes close." just shows you're one of his mindless followers sucking his cock because he agrees with you.

Joey Diaz

The Church of What's Happening Now > JRE

>Taught at harvard and other prestigious universities
>Written several great books
>extraordinary understanding of themes and symbolism

Yep sounds like a moron to me. I bet you won't even post one thing you think he's wrong about.

oh so you suck sam harris cock instead?

He's not even a regular. fucking casual

Hello Sup Forumsmblr, why aren't you in your containment board?

I think he's right about the insanity of PC culture and the lack of substance in the social sciences but whenever he tries to express any of his other viewpoints he fumbles and stutters trying to hide his lack of evidence or logical conclusions. At times he almost breaks down into a rambling trainwreck of overlapping statements with no bridge between them and no clear data to defend them. Which is one clear sign of a person with illogical emotional beliefs.

Scott Adams is my favorite after Alex Jones

Because he's a butthurt tumblrtard who's only here for marvel capeshit and doctor who, you're arguing with a literal teenager buddy

I think you're reading too much into this

why is Sup Forums so emotional

Conservative beliefs are based in the fear center of the brain. New research shows that if you suppress fear, people become more liberal. That's why all conservative issues are based on fear and the terrifying slippery slope fear.
>Abortion is baby murder! It will lead to white genocide!
>Immigration will destroy our jobs! The economy will collapse if any immigrants are allowed here!

I liked their episodes, but I always feels like I'm not getting the full story. Especially from Graham.
All he ever wants to do is go on about

seems like they all accept now that human societies are older than they were thought to be now that there is proof (Gobekili Tepe), and graham was just butt hurt that no one was believing his cannabis induced thought experiments without evidence.

Both TJ Kirk episodes.

Yeah, that's right. The """Amazing"""Atheist has been on twice, within the last 4 years.

Steven Rinella. I'm no hunter, but their talks about conservation/animal behaviour are fascinating

wtf? im afraid of fear now.

fear and survival are closely linked. Conservative beliefs are individual-first, instead of working for others. It's the more evolutionary way of thinking.

For me it would be, Louis Theroux, TJ Kirk, and Alex Jones.

>t. sunshine

Liberal arguments are as well, arguably much more so. Jordan Peterson outlined an interesting idea on his most recent podcast concerning liberals and SJWs.

The basic gestalt was that these groups are mostly made up of women, and their maternal instinct is leading them to trying to protect "oppressed" groups because their brains are registering them the same way they do helpless children.
It's especially interesting when you consider the stereotypical grrrl power feminist dyke that never has kids because they want to spend their lives working to be empowered women. They never have kids to focus that maternal instinct on, so it ends being entirely focused on these groups, and thus these women are often the most radical.

Purely conjecture, but it probably also explains why the most extreme liberal/SJW men all look like low test, beta faggots. There excess estrogen and lack of testosterone is leading them to think like women.

>>Written several great books
>>extraordinary understanding of themes and symbolism
nice word soup buddy
>>Taught at harvard and other prestigious universities
alongside several of the types of professors he/you hate. Honestly, are you really so stupid to not notice the irony in that sentence?
>bet you won't even post one thing you think he's wrong about
his attribution of a pragmatic necessity to truth values.
funny you'd say that, considering you sperg out like a child when someone insults something you like.
Of course he's right, but like I said, he's just riding the anti-PC train. Same with Milo. They're psuedo-intellectuals who look smart by attacking an even dumber group. Remember when bush was in office and even the dumbest people in the room would make a dumb-bush joke and everyone would laugh? Bill Maher did it for years, now he's doing it with trump. He's right in both cases, but he's still a moron.

Like most things in life, a healthy balance is best. I.E. letting in well educated immigrants that can contribute to society is good, letting in hundreds of thousands of uneducated Middle easterners that come from a completely different culture that is almost entirely incompatible with western culture is bad.

The far right fails to see the former, and the left fails to see the latter.

Conservatism at its fundamental level is tribalism.

They only care about things that directly affect their in-group and hate/fear anything outside of that group. Which explains why they oppose gay rights, social welfare, and immigration, and are quite racist. Anything that benefits people outside of their group is considered wasteful to them. It also explains why they'll suddenly do a 180 on issues like gay rights or abortion when their daughter becomes a lesbian or their wife needs an abortion.

It's also why they're so religious. The way churches work mimics tribes. Moderate sized groups of people meeting together behind a charismatic leader. They say that 150 people is about the number of people any human can really know at a time. That is to say that's around the hardwired size of a tribe. The average number of people attending any particular church is around 180 people. This is not a coincidence.

They think with their gut instead of their heads, and their gut is fine tuned by evolution to be tribalistic.

I've noticed a trend whenever Joe has some kind of political figure on, regardless of their base, where Joe seems to be totally unable to allow discussions of points because he goes full devil's advocate and needs to disprove even the most broad of hypothetical statements.

It's very annoying.

Even down to like someone going, "Well, you know those Cuban girls, they're fiery as fuck!" and Joe goes "Whoa whoa whoa, hold on, I know plenty of Cuban girls who are totally chill" or whatever and it's like that's not the point of the fucking discussion

.. Alex, Alex, all I'm sayin is, go check out Buzz Aldrin's instagram, THEN come talk to me...

i like the one were the athiest who shoved a banana up his ass one that one was a good one

>letting in well educated immigrants that can contribute to society is good, letting in hundreds of thousands of uneducated Middle easterners that come from a completely different culture that is almost entirely incompatible with western culture is bad.

The problem is that the former are inevitably used to justify immigration by the latter. I mean look at all the idiots at the height of the immigration crisis claiming that Steve Jobs was the son of a refugee (even when he was the biological son of a guy from a wealthy Middle Eastern family studying for a PhD)

Kino-tier: Jordan B. Peterson
Cinema-tier: Alex Jones
Film-tier: Graham Hancock
Flick-tier: Dr. Chris Ryan

Eddie Bravo. Nobody else comes close.

Yep this

The part he talks about God, life and Pinocchio is pretty Kino tbqh

The Krauss ep was good. Joe didn't have a fucking clue what he was on about. His face was this for the full 2 hours.


>*inhales weed*
>*exhales weed*
>*Injects marijuana*

I felt sorry for Krauss. He knew Joe didn't have a fuckin clue but kept trying to explain it anyway.

Krauss is a pompous fraud that loves the smell of his own farts, god I hate this fucker

Gavin Mcinnes
Dave Smith (also crushed it recently on duncan's podcast)

also anytime they have Ari, Duncan, or even Redban. it's less like a guest and more like a cohost, and the vibe is even more comfy. there's something to be said for confrontational, challenging interviews, but there's also something to be said for longtime friends shooting the shit about shared interests.

I loved Peter Schiff because he BTFO Rogan in an economic debate

Bill Burr #727


>seems like they all accept now that human societies are older than they were thought to be now that there is proof (Gobekili Tepe)

They say Gobekili Tepe was built by hunter-gatherers.

Recently? Leah Remini was great. Her awkward flirting with Joe was charming as fuck.


just by definition alone that sounds dumb

She definitely wanted the big enchilda.

She was clearly a crazy person.
She had the personality of a slutty 16 year old girl in the body of a MILF.

Is this a joke or is that actually what was said in the Alex Jones episode? I feel like I should watch it now that sounds fascinating.

"It's just so bizarre how we (social norm)"
"Isn't that weird how we as humans have taken this thing and made it into another thing? Like how weird is that?"
*low whisper* Well I was just talking to (JRE guest) the other day about this; these (extinct animal) used to actually EXIST. Jaime can you pull up a picture. Yeah look at that. It's massive! *chuckles* Can you imagine being face to face with one of those things? *whistles* fuck that!
>name the episode

I mean she did give away like most of her money to a cult more or less so yeah she's not the most mentally sound person.

>the personality of a slutty 16 year old girl in the body of a MILF.

*new york accent*

>Hey, Joe..
>will you fuck me Joe?
>I mean like, really slam it on in there like a fucken salami Joe
>my pussy is fucken dripping like a tap here Joe

He said most of that, you should watch it.

Sturgill Simpson