Why the fuck was their house so big? It was just the mom and 10 year old kid

Why the fuck was their house so big? It was just the mom and 10 year old kid.

What happened to the father Sup Forums?

He was a cowboy that left them to be with his gay lover.

That house is obviously for sale as they cannot afford it though.

why would they even need it

At one stage they were a happy couple with 2 incomes. Planning to start a new family.

She is a newly divorced single mother, now forced to move.

How did the mom even support raising Andy and her sister. You don't see a new father figure in 3 or in 2.

Unless the father died and she got a life insurance claim that had her set up to raise them.

The 90s were a different time.

Serves her right. Only married women deserve to live in a house.

It's not that hard. My mother raised my brother and I on one budget, and we did alright. It was so much easier to 'live' in the 90s.

My mom raised me and my sister on a teacher's salary with no child support. Stop falling for the single mother meme.

Back when houses weren't minimum 400K

You forgot the little sister

Obviously, Andy's dad was in the Army and got killed.

You now realize that Andy's mom is a fucking bitch who divorced his dad and ruined him with alimony. He's probably a miserable drunkard living in a shoebox paying every cent he makes to Andy's mom so she can relax all day and buy lingerie and lure black men off the internet, and she fought like a tiger in court to keep Andy's dad from even getting visitation rights just to see if she could make a grown man cry in a full courtroom. She doesn't even give a shit about Andy and his sister she only did it to hurt Andy's dad more because she's a sadistic bitch. Probably selling the house to fund a little vacay in Mexico where she'll slut it up while leaving Andy and his sis to raise themselves in front of the TV.

It still amazes me how they could make such a film using stuff like Windows 3.1

they were using macs :^)

Stop calling everything a fucking meme, it makes you look dumb and uneducated

Why were the 90s so subversive? Nuclear families are more prevalent in popular media of today than they were in the 90s.

I'm a dumbass. Of course they were. My point still stands though.

she knew about the Monsters inc monsters and fucked the bigger ones

delete your post or we'll delete you

Whoring herself, obviously. She's like Mrs. Cartman from South Park.

Because (((they))) noticed white people were getting too strong culturally in the 80s. So began over a decade of subversive media. From niggerthump record labels to single moms in houses they clearly can't afford in children's movies. Not that I even have to bother pointing this out since you either already know it or you'll reject it because you think conspiracies among ethnic groups for their own benefit are just impossible for non-whites to even fathom.

It wasn't subversive - it was reality. Divorces were a big thing through the 90s.

Did your mother smoke during your pregnancy or something?

sweet alimony bucks

Everything is a meme though. Everything. Every archetype and idea you are is literally a meme.

nice meme

Was it incest?


shes hot though would definately

American McMansions

this is what houses look like in the suburbs

Looks comfy 2bh

>this is considered large in yurop

normal sized house in the central USA for even a single person

your pic related is probably like 200k in most suburbs

that's not even that big of a house though

pretty average sized for an upper middle class middle-american

the father was Brendan Frasier

That's a half a million dollar house.

McMansions are bigger, that's just a cheesy 2 story house.

>live in australia
>decent homes anywhere cost upwards of 400+ a week and have rooms the size of a shoebox
Our housing market is so fucked.

It was probably affordable in the mid 90s, it was the perfect time to buy a house.

Shit's fucked. Can't wait for the bubble to burst, rendering (((investment properties))) worthless.
