Hateful 8


Just saw it.

I liked the setting, the mystery to unravel, and the dialogue. However even for a Tarantino movie I thought they went overboard with the blood effects. It's as if entire scenes were made because "lol, some people don't like blood, so lets have a silly amount of it".

Better than Django.

Really? I thought Django was better. I can't say for sure though because I only saw Django and H8 one time each.

Did people actually dress like that back then?

Django came off as something stupidly fake, like the fake movie trailers you see in Tropic Thunder.

>stupidly fake
As opposed to smartly fake?

Don't talk back to me you little cuck

I did

This movie was really unsettling honestly, I'll never watch it again. They nailed that fuckin soundtrack.







What do you mean? They seemed practically dressed to me.

This, Jackie Brown, and Kill Bill are the only Jerome films that aren't vastly overrated

Sam, you were born a free man. You were never in chains.

it's shit, Tarantino up his own ass

his dialogues used to develope characters and tell stuff about the plot and you didn't even noticed it because they were funny and interesting and seemed random

>"YOU are major Warren??"

this goes on for three hours, it's all filler, movie was shit, he peaked with IB, it's all downhill from there

Wow, really scrambled my eggs

Was I the only one that cried of laughter when the white Sherrif was passing the message from the old dude to Samuel

>General Nigger

or something like that, hahah

>Major Nigger

and yea, I couldn't stop laughing at that.

what about Reservoir Dogs? its similiar to H8 tbqh

i really like it ... its, dare I say it, KINO

Childhood is when you idolize Walton Goggins.
Adulthood is when you realize Major Marquis Warren made more sense.

RD is a quality film but it definitely hasn't aged well man

That slow mo in the beginning is fucking cringe

you're a goddamn demon


>Hateful 8
>It's a 5/10

What did they mean by this?

>it definitely hasn't aged well man. That slow mo in the beginning is fucking cringe
That's a dumb way to look at it, it's still a good film. The stuff that seems "outdated" now will be nostalgia in 5 more years, and you'll be right back on Quentin's dick

That needless narration by the director in the middle of the movie giving exposition that would have been better explained any other way.

It's not the same thing.

That's the point though. Tarantino is in love with cinema. He loves reminding the audience they are watching a movie. That said, I thought it could have been worded better.

>That's a dumb way to look at it, it's still a good film.
Never said it wasn't bad, just vastly overrated
Most ppl think it's one of his top 5 films, I don't

>He loves reminding the audience they are watching a movie.
He also loves ripping of Godard every chance he gets.

He should have gotten anyone with a better voice. It doesn't have to be fucking the ghost of orson welles but anyone who can do a western drawl would have been great.

I was wondering who was narrating actually. I can't remember the voice. Was it Tarantino himself?


Like this guy

What's her favorite ice cream?

>Breaking news: Popular filmmaker STEALS IDEAS from popular filmmaker of the previous generation!!!

Banana split from Häagen-Dazs

Were you her high school classmate?


Hi, Jennifer.


Yes fuck yes. If H8 had sam elliot and no dick sucking and some better editing and minor script editing it would have been great.

>no dick sucking
But that was the most memorable scene of the movie.

bump from beneath the floorboards



hmmmmmmm... no
