Are you ready for Tom Cruise's Mummy masterpiece?

Are you ready for Tom Cruise's Mummy masterpiece?

God I hope I age like Tom

Im excited for monsterverse desu
Can't wait for wolfman and creature of the black lagoon

why is there so much action in a horror film?

im redy to FUCK that mummy

I want to fuck that mummy

>no "hey, O'Connel!"

damn she looks fine as fuck

What are they doing? Seems to big an ambition for an antagonist. The she would replace the whole world line is basically repeating the same mistake X-Men Apocalypse made when characterizing Apocalypse.

I wanna fuck the mummy

>qt mummy
>qt blonde
Always delivering the goodies.

Reminder that only the first half of the first Brendan Fraser Mummy movie (i.e., before the fucking mummy even wakes up) is any good

it looks pretty lame to be honest.
The CGI mummy looks like something from a videogame. Some of the line delivery was pretty awful just in that trailer. "She's got PLANS for you!"


I'm going to see this. Cruise is consistent as fuck.


>it's a trailer uses an edgy version of a classic rock song episode

When will this cancer end?

Cast her

Mummy reboot 2: electric boogaloo when?

check out the edge on this one


wtf i legit want to fuck this mummy now...!


what did he mean by this