Just a reminder that this is happening.

Other urls found in this thread:

Thanks Patton.

>joel isn't even the host

>inb4 drumpf-jokes


wife killer

Don't bother mass voting against it, they're victims of hacking by bullies if you do. Just don't watch it. Let it die like Patton's wife.

Why though? 1 guy who played 1 role and two robots talking shit about old movies. It's a perfect formula how can you fuck it up by admitting Patton Buttwalt?

>There are people already cosplaying as the new host
Fucking degenerates

Very easily. He's got just enough star power and nerd cred to weasel his greasy micropenis into most scifi projects.

>there are people on this website that have downvoted something at some point.

Having a problem?

Holy fuck Frank looks ready for the tombstone, he looks like hell warmed over.

>None of the classic cast
>New VAs for the bots
Honestly this sounds about as appealing as the Jim Mallon webshorts from a decade ago.

That's not Frank but I saw Frank last weekend and this could kinda be an accurate general description. Although he seemed to have lost a bit of weight so that was good.

>Although he seemed to have lost a bit of weight so that was good.
Unless he lost it due to cancer or something.

It's gonna be shit.

The camel and widower aside, the brunt of how this does will be entirely up to the main crew. Three people I never heard of.

They managed the transition from Joel to Mike and honestly I think Mike era and Different Crow has more fans. It's at least on par and tolerable if you came from before.

Even if - IF - the writing was solid, I think it will fail. Because the format is old now. People have been doing this shit for decades. Nostalgia goggles for the old MST3K will only work against the new one.

In practice I think it'll be worse because everyone involved is tied to the SJW takeover of comedy as well. No feelings must get hurt. No edgy jokes. Only safe PC comedy. Expect lots of "jokes" about evil patriarchy (they're never actually jokes, they just seem to be feminists stating what they believe) and white men this, white men that. Look forward to pay gap jokes. Comments about "the diversity of this scene".

Just thinking about it makes me want to kill myself.

Lord, don't let him be right.

satan says he's right

>People have been doing this shit for decades

There isnt a single show apart from MST3K and Rifftrax (which is garbage, thanks for memeing into watching that shit) that has utilised this formula.

>one off

>There isnt a single show apart from MST3K and Rifftrax (which is garbage, thanks for memeing into watching that shit) that has utilised this formula.

There's this amazing new site called Youtube, you should check it out.

You're also forgetting Cinematic Titanic if you're listing "official spinoffs". Maybe the fact you didn't list that should tell you something about the viability of this project.


>tfw you roll honest and kek spurns you

Please point out the Youtube channel that has entire movies posted where people are making jokes over them. Only videogames have it with lets plays.

No differently aided transperson of color. Fucking bigots!

i once saw a shitty elvira show where they made fart noises and shit over the movie.

Darwin Finches

Pudgy Couple Riffs

Joel Hollywood

Muppet Riffers

Just a random shitty selection. It looks like the bigger people got booted off and most switched to the Rifftrax format of podcasts you synch up. Even RLM has that but under the guise of commentary.

I haven't really kept up with this niche scene in years. Obviously Youtube changed enforcement and that's cut out a good chunk of what was.

Point is, the format is old, people have been doing it, the idea of riffing on movies is old, the attempts they did at relaunching the idea weren't very good.

You didn't talk about Cinematic Titanic did you?

>entire movies posted where people are making jokes over them

Isn't this almost every movie review channel? Nostalgia Critic does this, it's just chopped up. The Plinkett reviews were the same. What other imitators are there? Movieblob? I really don't follow these people.

It's the same idea really, just with more editing and less copyright problems.

Or just take react channels if you're scraping the bottom of the barrel.

Mind you these collectively have more views than MST3K ever did.

Fuck you, you crazy shit. I want it to be good. What are the odds of this being good?

Who's up for some xanax smoothies?!

Not patton's wife, he already gave her hers

Master Pancake in Austin does it live and that's where I saw Frank and Trace last weekend when they joined them. Mary Jo Pehl has also joined them before.

He's good friends with the cast of MST3K and rifftrax, you're a fucking retard.

>You didn't talk about Cinematic Titanic did you?

Theres nothing to talk about.

Also Woody Allen was apparently the very first person to do this in his very first movie. Although it's not riffing and instead replaces the dialogue, I think it still qualifies because mst3k does a huge amount of replacement dialogue if not in fact being the majority if what they do.

2 dead wife jokes in a thread with 33 replies with Oswalt in the OP is not nearly enough.

Exactly my point.

They tried bringing it back with the original cast and shitty movies and it didn't work out. If anything it was a more updated and relevant format, just the cast, together, riffing on the movie.

The fact that they're choosing to double down on the ugly puppets and sets is just highlighting that they think the selling point wasn't the riffing or the personalities of the original cast.. it was the puppet show?

Activate your almonds.

Honestly, this. We have a station called Comet in south GA and reruns of the original show come on every Sunday night and it's unwatchable for the most part. I loved it when I was a kid but I'm not making time for it even though it's on TV for free every Sunday night for three hours.

Things have their time and then it's over, people need to learn to move on. We didn't need another Robocop movie and we don't need this shit either.

This. Are you me?

There are some bad episodes sure, and the first few seasons are jank but the greatest episodes are timeless and still funny.

Nah. There was a time/cultural climate/circumstance when it was funny/entertaining and the format worked then but that time has passed. Same thing with SNL, it's become irrelevant in the information age. Is it funny that the Mr. Tarkanian skit aired on national television? Yes. Because it was unique within the limited context of pre-internet comedy shows on television. Do we need SNL for a Mr. Tarkanian skit today? No. And SNL has long since stopped being the conduit for that kind of weird creativity.

I don't know what happened in popular cultural where everyone is looking backwards but it needs to stop.

Do It for Her


>The fact that they're choosing to double down on the ugly puppets and sets is just highlighting that they think the selling point wasn't the riffing or the personalities of the original cast.. it was the puppet show?
Pretty much, but I think the main problem is the original cast just isn't as good without Kevin, Mike and Bill. Cinematic Titanic was not funny, plus it was really expensive to buy, so when people realised it was shit they lost their income. That's why Joel is doing this, ripping millions off the fans up-front from the Kickstarter, then selling it to Netflix and doubling his money. Nostalgia has blinded people.

I started watching last month and I find it very funny. Heard about it for years, only gave it a shot once episodes came on Netflix (apparently again). I liked it so much I've bought seasons 4 and 7. So, I disagree with your opinion of it being dated.

And you're over 35, right?

I'm 21.

inb4 newfag

>finds a comedy central shitfest from the early 90's entertaining
Something's wrong with you, be honest. This is like admitting you were born in 2003 and find Caroline in the City funny.

Why did they have to pick a fat beta male for the lead-
>target audience

i want to punch each of them in the face

robots included

>Let it die like Patton's wife.

by feeding it drugs for years and then looking the other way when its starts feeding itself more and more drugs?

>That faggot from Nerdist
>Fatton Oswalt
>A Somali refugee

Oh wow how could this remake possibly be terrible!

You missed the aids cherry on top, the lead mad is Felicia Day.
Can't wait to hear her "woops I farted, raunchy for a lady amirite? Ell ohh ell."
Yeah it's the worst possible cast imaginable

I guess I was just born in le wrong generation :^)