ITT: shameful actor/actress faps

ITT: shameful actor/actress faps.

This bitch.



Viz magazine used to have an intermittent list of women you're ashamed to beat off to. "Borderline Boilers"

my favorite was pic related

how is that shameful? she thicc af.

she's grown up to be soo THICC, I had to pause it in the newest season when she's wearing those camo shorts to relieve myself



I like this thread. I hope it starts to pick up steam.

Not that ashamed really, I'm into fatties


I honestly can't even imagine fapping to this.

I can relate


Is she a midget?

It's a lot like fapping to the alien dad from Mac and Me, notice the similar pose.

I'm more of a S T I C C guy, but she really provides protection for my erection.

Nope. Now go watch Trailer Park Boys for the first time in your life apparently.

We /chunky/ now

I stopped watching at about S07 or whatever when they took 3 years off to make a movie. I lost interest.

The reason I asked is because look at her arm.


I wanna see her get huge implants

I want to see her with a smaller fourhead

Both are possible with today's technology.


I thought about Rosanna Arquette gilf version, but I went to google and my dick got hard again

honestly, Id probably fuck her and cum super fast. Idk what it is about fatties and me. I think like its a nature thing. If we were the only humans I'd have to fuck her to make babies, but at least I get it over with fast, I barely even enjoy myself, probably to leave quickly and go impregnate a more suitable female.


I hope you die.


so did you fap to Ryan Gosling or to Russell Crowe first ?

that ain't shameful user. Adele is a qt.


Two gay guys here.

Holy fuck that is so sick. That is so fucking gross. What a fucking disgusting fucking "person".

This pic makes me diamonds. She just looks soft and has nice skin, it's appealing in a comforting sort of way.

She was cuter when she was fatter