ITT: Characters that are literally you

ITT: Characters that are literally you.

umm no sweetie im not going to post pics

Fucking autismo couldn't bring a gun to school like a normal kid no he HAD to use a bow and arrow like a special little snowflake. What a laugh. The movie was pretty silly and awful. It was practically a Lifetime movie considering how they made it mostly about Cate Blanchett's struggle as a mother who didn't want to be a mother. Boring. Some hilarious scenes though, like when she walks in on him masturbating and he stares her down.


more sportsmanlike to use a bow, dude. takes precision. if i was good with a bow and loved archery, i definetly would have used it too

shoudda cast this fugger as hawkeye



>Cate Blanchett

c'mon senpai

Hundreds of people have made that mistake before me.

Hey what's up :)

Ezra Miller is cute! CUTE!!!


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see my digits now.

Cate Blanchett looks like a man, Tilda Swinton also looks like a man. Which one should I jerk it to?




nice user


Why did he go straight to a basketball game right after escaping the police? You'd think he would have bigger concerns. Even before and during a heist, he's watching basketball and listening to it on the radio. This dude is obsessed. Is this a part of the drivers backstory or something? Was he a failed basketball star forced to turn to a life of crime, and now can only spectate as a fan?

Guns are for cowards
>Cate Blanchett



Ezra Miller


yeah, but check these bad boiz


I always enjoy dubs threads.

let me swag this thread then with some dubbz


Trips guy here, this is the happiest I've been in years. I just want to thank all of you for checking my digits.

why do my threads always turn into dubs threads. fuck off


The movie takes place in the future you idiot. All personal gun ownership has been completely eradicated.

I liked the movie, but the biggest problem I have with it is that Kevin is pretty much Satan from day 1. Like literally from birth. I understand that they don't want to show shooters in anything that could even be remotely interpreted as a positive light, but come on now.


>tfw I'll never check your digits
And you can't make me. How does it feel knowing that I'll never ever do it, user? It must eat you alive. How do you even sleep at night. Try to cope.

In the meantime however, go ahead and check my digits.

Wasn't that basically the whole thesis of the film? Some people are just born rotten, and there wasn't really anything the parents could've done.

>not gettin them in your own thread lmao

this is wrong because it is shown the mother didn't love him at all from day one and screamed at him as a child about how she should be living it up in France instead of taking care of him.

your digits suck

Yeah? Well how about now?

It can be both

Jesus Christ...


Any second now...

Hey Bateman!


That wasn't the way I saw it. The whole film is structured around the mother's flashbacks after the shooting, wondering what she could've done to fuck him up so badly. So we're ONLY seeing the very worst moments of her parenting and his childhood.

From what I remember, there was nothing close to abuse, or even really neglect. Nothing that would excuse or explain the murder of a bunch of random classmates. Most of the moments where she loses her temper with him, she's reacting to his malicious, bizarre behavior.

I don't think she seemed like a great or perfect parent. He would've been forgiven for some basic, garden-variety mommy issues. But the school shooting was all him, that was just who he was.

I'm the not-fat version on this piece of trash.

Pic related is literally me

Hi :)

like, right now?


Congratulations, you got your dubs, now what is the next step of your master plan?


Check em, shitwits.

shut the fuck up

make me, bitch

I enjoyed that movie, it gave me insight on the lives of white people behind closed doors.
I also liked The Cement Garden, another movie that deals with adolescence, it's set in england

>it gave me insight on the lives of white people behind closed doors

Man they make a ton of movies about teenage lesbians don't they


based, do you commune with wild co-yo-tes

What do you mean?
Are you talking about the cement garden? She wasn't a lesbian, maybe masculine but not a lesbo


>op confirming what we all knew, he's a spic twink that enjoys the taste of feces and cum

whichever character has no friends and doesnt leave the house

good, I don't want to throw up my dinner

The character was whiter than bleach dude


You absolute nigger, you robbed my fucking digits


Yet ezra miller is a spic twink that enjoys the taste of feces and cum and op posted an image of ezra miller.


Maybe - maybe not, he was playing the role of a white guy. What you saw on camera was a reflection of that

>that one autismo that says this in every fucking thread


Hi! few things to start off with =]
1. yes I replied to you because you're a female on the interwebz, 'tis an awesome thing to see!
2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen.

Tilda looks like an alien. Cate looks like a goddess.

>qt3.14 friend looks like him
>he's funny and wants to hang out
>want his dick so bad but hit rock bottom and started a life of isolation






Let's see Paul Allen's Digits...

are you sexually frustrated by your dismissive husband?


Pose and all




Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor



This is exactly how I interpreted everything. Her harsh responses were always preceded by his shockingly abnormal behavior.