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something something rick and morty somehing reddit

Because there are people out there stupid enough to spend this amount of money for a sauce that has its recipe online

Autists who's parents died and they inherited a whole bunch of money

Has Rick endorsed cuckoldry yet?

lol thats the power of rick and reddit for ya


It is the thinking man's fetish, I'm sure they'll bring it up soon.

I could get a chinaman to make a box of fake Mulan sauce for a third of that amount

>hidden label
The perfect scam for ledditors

Because it's a charity auction and 100% of the proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity

literally on 5th episode of the first season.
Morty's grandmother gets fucked by a black man while his grandfather watches from the closet

>Because it's a charity auction and 100% of the proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity

why dont those people just donate anyways lol

it's not an endorsement tho

because they're greedy fucks who don't give to charity out of a desire to help. Rather, they give to charity as a form of social currency and extravagance. the faggot who spends 100k on some twenty year old sauce isn't doing it out of compassion.

I knew a guy who got a settlement from botched surgery. The minute he turned 18 he blew it all on game books and rent for a fancy apartment. He was broke by 20.

The West deserves to fall, Islam is the only solution.

wait what?

not a condemnation either

yeah but i bet he had 2 good years of gettin pussy and playing dungeons and dragons

absolute state of redditors. You can buy a Szechuan sauce at the corner shop.

It makes a joke of it. You're supposed to laugh at Jerry for having cuck parents.

>haha cucks don't exist
>but we're all a little weird lol
Cuckold has 145,000,000 results on google

Why is this a thing? My facebook was filled last week with twitter screencaps of soemone asking mcdonalds to bring back the sauce, and they said something like 95 years to make it

dude random lmao

Does it really matter why someone donates to a charity?

The other thing is, that sauce is ruined by now.

Almost always dressed like Superman

yes. Suppose I donated twenty million dollars to planned parenthood because I I hate women so much that I want to rip the fetuses from their wombs.

Is it still a noble contribution?

It's no fun to donate unless everyone knows you did.

The internet has turned more and more people into egomaniacs.

>getting laid
>playing dungeons and dragons


Where's the corner shop?

That's a terrible analogy user. That's a selective procedure. You're only helping women with that.

walmart for yanks

RPG nerd girls are sluts

Suppose I give a million dollars to a heroin addict, knowing full well he'll likely die of an overdose within a week.

Is my charity still noble?

Or let's say we give an unsustainable population billions of dollars of food so that they can grow even more wildly unsustainable.

Oh wait.

You don't remember that?

name one topic that doesnt result in a 9 digit google search result

>because they're greedy fucks who don't give to charity out of a desire to help
isn't giving to charity to satiate your desire to help also greedy?


>by the end of the episode, everyone is happy and the black dude is part of the family
>not an endorsement

Probably the same reason why people give $3000 to random women on Twitch.

Do you think that's a realistic and positive portrayal of a happy family? It wouldn't be funny if it was.

So this is the power of reddit memes.

I had a buddy who inherited 200k from his mom's death at 16 and her house
same deal, but throw in booze and a coke habit
that poor house was almost condemned by the end

Some schools of thought would certainly suggest so, that the consequences of an action ultimately matter less than the motive behind them.

A seemingly good done out of self interest, rather than the simple fact that it is the right thing to do, is, in effect, not truly good, or indeed moral.

does it really matter why your mom sucked my cock for a $5 crack rock? SHE DID IT. thats the point nigger.

oh i saw that same shit but in spanish. they translate screencaps now.

somebody end this cancerous internet culture.

third, fifth is meeseeks

i inherited 1.5million USD, 2 investment properties and grandmother is about to die (soon another 1/2 mil) plus got a new job.
how fucked am i?

McDonalds in general is terrible. The only thing I ever liked from them was the Chicken Selects