If one of you says the N word again Tyrone is going to beat the shit out of you

If one of you says the N word again Tyrone is going to beat the shit out of you

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N word





UH OH....


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I wish jews would stop trying to get whites and blacks to fight, we should befriend each other and kill all Jews

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Back to retard

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I'd just tell him he's my father, that'd get him to go away pretty fast.

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Back to you sensitive swine
If you don't like political threads, ignore them you absolute fucking monkey

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I only call white people niggers so it's ok Tyrone, you can get back to jerkin off to bodybuilder vids

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Hmmm...So he was behind of that..

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OP should go and drink sulfuric acid so we dot have to look at his annoying incel cuck bullshit anymore

Back to retard


I'm doing this to as a joke you autist
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Know your place, stupid nigger.

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>political thread

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Nigger Blood stained my bat but I left it there to dry up as so all the other niggers know

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>when you're so racist you can tell if it's nigger blood.


it's the smell

Smells of shit and weed. Do not confuse with sand niggers, they smell of shit and spice.

>green text time niggers

I bet "Tyrone" is slow as fuck and can't throw a punch, but I wouldn't want to find out.

For a tough guy he's pretty sensitive to words

You're right this thread is no fun

Fuck that nigger!

nigger and I am a masochist by the way

on the internet?

only trips can stop the giganigga