"Hey son, I found a girl for you when I was at the mall, she was in that gamestop store you like."

>"Hey son, I found a girl for you when I was at the mall, she was in that gamestop store you like."
>"I let her in your room."
>*go upstairs*
>*see this*
>wat do?

Attached: tonka_truck.jpg (671x1080, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


shit thread
fuck off

Rage because that isn't Bailey.
Fuck you OP

too old

>Snap the tranny's neck. Its easy as fuck since hormone therapy fucked his bone density, so it's like snapping a dry twig.
>Go downstairs and best dad to a pulp.

Nat's my tranny crush so I'd melt into the floor boards.

how does one best their dad to a pulp?

fuck her

Let him suck my dick.
Then kick his ass out.

With his pure intellectual capacity, he was able to use .0000000001% of his power to crush his dad's body like a grape.

>go to amazon
>order tons of best dad trophies
>put dad at bottom of a pit
>bury dad in trophies

take her penis in ass

do a 1080 then moonwalk out of there

Ask her to change my lightbulbs

Attached: 1571590737807m.jpg (1024x683, 85K)

stand back and admire her hammerheaded cockie.

That's a lot of water.

>the chad chug


I’d suck her cock and then let her be on her way to her job at GameStop.

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Its ella Hollywood and the companies logo is in bottom right

Pound that pink hole raw till my dick hurts, then wife her!

Attached: Screenshot_20191024-134744_Chrome.jpg (1080x844, 308K)


Attached: Screenshot-2019-10-24 Two petite shemales Natalie Mars and Ella Hollywood are on the bed kissing eac (844x476, 829K)

Isn't that title the black guys signature line in "Holes"?

>after taking a sip of water, aaron said to himself
>"tonight i'm gonna ask that new hot intern out"
>but, little did he know that she... was actually.... a he...
>as soon of tamika (real name tommy) lifted her (his) arms up to change the light bulb, his skirt (kilt) also lifted, exposing her (his) gigantic clit (peepee)
>as soon as aaron saw this... monstrosity, he instantaneously spat out his sip of water so that he would not choke on it (hehe) while gasping for air
>aaron then asked "why didn't you tell me earlier!" tamika (tommy) replied "i'm afraid of being a man, so i act all cute and girly to impress you (teehee)"

Attached: frans feet.jpg (430x640, 37K)

the only correct response

"You're topping"

Answers have already been given. As for the result of besting him to a pulp?
He bursts into treats.

>cool image
>see video
>she takes the skirt pretty much instantly
boner killed

Eh I'll get my dick sucked. Maybe fuck Nat doggy.
Natalie's cock is ugly as hell.

HAHAHAHA, holy fuck, the onion man!

>wake up
>realize it was a dream cut short
>eat minimal breakfast
>let dog out and pet him
>take adhd meds
>go to class
>review from high school so not hard
>come home after doing some work
>look for open job spots
>find nothing
>play vidya
>no friends online
>play monster hunter
>mom calls me for chores
>finish them cuz her house her rules
>eat dinner
>play more vidya or go on Sup Forums
>kek a little
>find this thread
>realize its garbage
>scroll more
>12:05 AM
>shit time for bed
>take melatonin and sleep

Attached: endmysuffering.jpg (228x221, 7K)

This would not give the detectives any leads whatsoever.

Thank my dad

Do they even sell Dad Trophys on amazon?

>job spots
>>find nothing
>>play vidya
>>no friends online
>>play monster hunter
>>mom calls me for chores
>>finish them cuz her house her rules
>>eat dinner

If you are hurting for some extra cash check out mechanical turk, or Mturk - it's through amazon. Its a micro job website where you can rake in 5-20$ for a few hours of work each day. God's speed user.

is this actually Sup Forums's ultimate fantasy? Their parents putting a man into their bedroom to fuck them in the ass? Y'all faggots gay.

Full stop. Rotate 180 degrees. Slam door. Walk away. Beat mom to shit becuz I am weeb not into 3DPD BULLSHIT. Go back. Murder the trap. Fumigate my dark lair becuz God knows what diseases it's carrying.

getting deep dicked by a trap isn't gay

"Hey Brian, how's the porn stuff going for you and your faggot boyfriend?

Thanks lad

Attached: Cheers.png (690x526, 278K)

when a trap is as girly as her, if you say no, that mean you're gay

U godman right

I will just fuck her throat and explode her asshole in doggy and cum on her mouth and face

She doesn't deserve cow girl position

His. His cock.

I prefer to think of it as a Trap cock
Traps are their own category
Trap cocks aren't gay to suck

sucking a trap cock is on the edge of being gay, but fucking one is not for sure

you are a homosexual, without doubt

if you are insecure about your sexuality because of transgirl, that's your problem lul


Kiss her!

This is a 11 year olds fantasy.

Therefore you are 11.

Log off.

Moar of her

Right on, Sup Forumsrother.

Fuck the shit out of her and put a ring on it, liked her when she was Natalielovescum, still like her now.

Bailey is a fat balding mess now. 5, 10 years ago, sure. Now, no.

how dare you
Bailey is QUEEN

Was. Look I liked Bailey as much as anyone but you're deluded if you honestly think she is even half as hot as she was a while back.

I still like her.

Run downstairs before your parents have the last suitcase loaded in the car

Clap them cheeks in an awkward virgin style

But make her put on her pink chastity first because that dick ugly

I know you're a child, and public school is failing you; but I want to kill you.

I hope someone in your school is the next mas shooter.

any ;link

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-10-23 at 1.31.42 PM.jpg (1024x683, 111K)

MLM schill

You're eight years old and what is this

I'm trying to but 4tard always gives me this error:
>Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again.

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I hope Ella never gets implants. Perfect DFC trap.

Ask if Sue can come over.

I rike hamburger


try carol penelope on Xvideos

Oh fuck yeah, thanks dad!

>Rage because it isn’t Ella


Attached: 76ABB269-4952-493B-B47B-8612B0A634D7.jpg (1024x768, 96K)

Ginger or Domino > all

T. Never heard of cyproacetate

>When you go to correct op for typing 1080 instead of 180, but the you realize 1080 is divisible by 180, dividing 1080 into 6. You he'd come full circle, but just in case you can contradict, you prettily imagine him doing six 180s or three 360s just to confirm. Your sinks when you visualize him moonwalking out the door leaving you there with the tranny in your imagination as you seethe with anger, yet there's one thing you didn't count on. After you leave the room, I shout out:

The game.

>The dream of our shared imagination collapses after you read those two words. Every thing within it becomes null and void, the tranny, me, you. Everything. There is no winning a game that never was.

Now let me see them (you)s

ask her if they have the game battletoads

turn around 3240 degrees then 69 for a bit until i get horny enough to fuck it in the ass and cum like my eyes are exploding out the front of my face
then cry in the shower for a week

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Love when she is being silly

hey man, thanks

Attached: donk.png (1200x909, 1.65M)

>See This New Chan-Board. Your Opinion about design please ?


how much would it cost me to suck off natalie?

is this from a movie? If so know where I could find it?

I would probably guess that it is but I don't know the name of it, sorry.

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I wonder what he looks like without the bangs.

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lol wtf!! i would fuck her immediately lol!

Sheesh, sauce?