I'm a Mental Health Nurse, AMA

I'm a Mental Health Nurse, AMA.

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Are you a mental health nurse?

Great question, yes I am

Are you male or female

Do the patients ever ask you for help with a sexual “release?”


It has never happened to me

Ever slept with a patient

What’s the craziest thing that’s happened at your place of work?

Post a photo of yourself.

What does a health nurse do and how do you know youre mental?

Are you mental?

Will you help me with sexual release?

Hi Mental Lady. I’m starting to feel sexual attraction to lolis. What should I do?

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What's the difference between you and your patients?


why are so many nurses niggers

why the fuck did they try in hire me while i was in the ward

Pro tip and warning: OR is lovely.

>Ever slept with a patient

>What’s the craziest thing that’s happened at your place of work?
My most dangerous experience was probably when I went to visit a patient at their home, they very clearly under the influence of speed. They did not answer the door, so I went inside to chat (as prior agreed). Walked in, almost got punched and he had his angry pitbull out of the cage. I immediately ran for the door, left, and drove off.

>Post a photo of yourself.
That is not a question, also I will not for privacy's sake.

It's another term for psychiatric nurse. I am responsible for diagnosing, treating, monitoring patients, updating their records, educating them and their family members, implementing various therapeutic treatments.

In a sense. I suffer from Bipolar II with Psychotic Features, Anxiety, Insomnia and PTSD. However, my own mental disorders do not impact on my ability to work.


What country do you work in as you called speed which sounds like the UK. If you are a mental health nurse in the UK you never visit anyone alone. a

Helloooooooo Nurse!
I really wanna fuck Dot’s tiny little petite body. It’s all I think about, grabbing her hips and thrusting into her soft, tight little honeypot. I want to impregnate Dot. Should I kill my self

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Can you help people online? (Even if its not as effective)

If you genuinely believe you may be experiencing that kind of sexual attraction, that is catagorised as a Pedophilic Disorder. I suggest getting a clinical evaluation. The way that you will be assessed for it is on the following criteria:
- Recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving a prepubescent child or children (usually ≤ 13 years) have been present for ≥ 6 months.
- The person has acted on the urges or is greatly distressed or impaired by the urges and fantasies. The experience of distress about these urges or behaviors is not a requirement for the diagnosis.
- The person is ≥ 16 years and ≥ 5 years older than the child who is the target of the fantasies or behaviors (but excluding an older adolescent who is in an ongoing relationship with a 12- or 13-year-old).

There are treatments available through different interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Behavioural Interventions or medicine to lower the sex drive. Also, nobody is going to judge you for getting an evaluation. The point is we want to see people recover and perform a timely intervention before something bad happens. We are not the police. I have come across many patients with pedophilic disorders through my time at work. It is not particularly uncommon.

Honestly, not much. Considering I have mental health issues of my own and I visit a therapist and take medication. When I talk to my patients, the point is we are on the same level. A lot of people have had very unfortunate occurances that led to them developing their own various defense mechanisms e.g. social functioning, aggression. What my biggest aim to do is to find areas that my patients want to improve on in their own lives and working on a common goal to achieve this. My role is helping them develop healthy habits, strategies, social skills, relationships etc. This in turn can help them with their mental state and hopefully avoid relapse


Is it normal to get sexual satisfaction from a large bowel movement?

>literally said "nurse"
imagine being this retarded

Yeah. That was my experience. I work as a travel nurse and took a contract at a state hospital on a dry spell. It was enlightening. Many of the nurses I worked with had their own demons that were managed to a greater or lesser degree. Snark aside I think a lot of mental health nurses fall into the paradigm of the wounded healer. I applaud your openness with your own problems. At the end of the day, we all could use proper mental health coaching and therapy. I know as a new grad RN on the floor that I wouldn't have been able to adjust without the help of my therapist.

For me though? I'll stick to what I know. Balloon pumps, vents, levo, and ECMO.

How big are your tits

What are some of the clues that a person is faking a mental illness?

I have an appointment with a mental health nurse next week and I haven't seen her in a while. Anything I should be aware of or any tips?

inb4 men can be nurses now

i thought it said "metal health"

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I am clinically obese. Do you think this could be hindering my mental health progress? (I suffer from social anxiety and depression).

inb4. duh fatty!

most nurses have tits

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It depends on the employer. Maybe they are looking to achieve certain race / employment statistics and it would look bad on the company to not hire individuals of a certain race. Happens frequently.

I work in the United Kingdom. Also, that is actually not a true statement. There are many times when working for the community and you will be sent out completely alone. We have special devices with us when we do home visits that record our time, have a GPS tracking device and voice recording of the intention of the visit. If something is to go wrong, we can sound the alarm and everyone at work will be notified that there is a danger in my location. It will also alert the police. There are special cases when it is not safe to go alone, that is correct. For example, when a patient is known to be particularly aggressive, there will have to be two staff members. If a patient is known to have sexually attacked a female staff member, only male staff will be sent out. It all depends on their level of risk.

No, you should not. If you are feeling suicidal you should talk to someone you know or a trained professional. Also, it is not uncommon to be sexually attracted to various cartoon characters.

It is extremely common. The large bowel movement stimulates other parts of your body including the vagus nerve which runs alongside the colon. It is responsible for recieving skin and organ sensations. Stimulation to this nerve drops the heart rate and blood pressure, causing a relaxation state (which is necessary for a bowel movement). The reason why it may feel so good even in a sexual way, is because of the brain associating sexual feelings with relaxation.

Well, there are an increasing amount of male nurses

tits or gtfo

>tits or gtfo
>femanon not asking for help
>ama thread
lurk moar newfag

Where do you like to go on holiday and what do you like to do in them?

How old are you?

Mental health is a concept of the elite to sustain order in the lower brainwashed classes. Hav someone fall out of the line? he must be depressed, the system is perfect, give him Pills to fix him. I'm not saying there aren't patients out there that really need help, I'm saying that mental health is beeing applied way too often applied. People who shouldn't take meds gets them described anyways because it's cheaper for the gvt than to have a therapy going. Therapy cannot resolve childhood traumata, unconditional love can, which is free but most people forgot they can give it. Attempting to help a trauma victim is most likely a job that is for your whole live, that is how you can provide unconditional love, not via an institution that is basically just determined to program your brain in a way to make you somewhat functional again. Thus Psychatry should be much more regulated, and their nurses are their pawns that doesnt know better

>There are treatments available through different interventions such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Behavioural Interventions or medicine to lower the sex drive. Also, nobody is going to judge you for getting an evaluation. The point is we want to see people recover and perform a timely intervention before something bad happens. We are not the police. I have come across many patients with pedophilic disorders through my time at work. It is not particularly uncommon.
This sounds bad.
In what consist the CBT abd behavioural interventions?

I think a personal reason for me wanting to work in this profession was, like you said "the wounded healer" phenomenon. I have personal experience in knowing how my mental health has effected me, so I feel that I am in turn able to provide better care for my patients. I would like to think I know what they are going through, at least to some extent and feel a strong sense of compassion so I can give them a dignified treatment plan. I know nurses that just try to follow everything like in a textbook, and I feel like they are really missing the point of what is important to a patient or how they really feel because they're too busy thinking of things like putting on a great big smile and speaking on a slightly condescending cheery voice while nodding to show the patient they are "listening". To me I always found that annoying, counterproductive and not a good reflection of actually understanding the patient

I fail to see the relevance of this to my profession

What is your height and weight?

Do you worry when going to see patients that are much larger than yourself?

You are the newfag then. Back in the days it was totally normal for Femanons to show tits or fckn gtfo.

Shit whiteknights these days.

back in the days women didn't have rights, cooked in the kitchen and men brought the food. thus she isn't even supposed to be posting here. Tl;DR WHERES MY SANDWICH

What is the best way to help my gf with her depression and self esteem?

In your opinion is social media a contributing factor to the huge uptick in mental illnesses among teen girls recently? Seems that the graph takes off just as smartphones are properly adopted by the general public.

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mental health is a scam
literally made up to trick you into buying into something that doesn't exist (a scam)
>take these anti-suicide pills to take care of something you can't even see
>would you like some invisible dog food for your imaginary dog?
>that will be $2,222.22 for a one-month supply for the namebrand. or $5.50 a month for the generic (which does the exact same shit [nothing but poison your body cause tardive dyskenisia {however you spell it}])

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Get a new girlfriend. You can't fix her.

It's not opinion anymore. Social media has been directly linked to mental health issues in numerous studies.


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Anyone who is going to succeed in healthcare needs to find their spark. Mental health is stigmatized and you being able to advocate for your patients is laudable. We all have our place if we just fight to find it. I'm an archetypal ICU nurse. I do well with information and order, with managing a patient on the edge of life. All good nurses have your drive, they just show it in different ways.

sned us your bare mammaries or begone

There are a lot of clues. The best example I can think of was when a woman was referred to my team. Her father said that she was perfectly alright, and her mother was saying the exact opposite. The way that the woman was trying to present herself when being assessed, was by putting on intentional slurred speech and tremorts or 'ticks' as an excuse to cuss out the professional. We could tell it was being completely faked as the woman was observed when she was alone in the room and she was sitting completely still. When the staff member came back, her nervous ticks and speech came back immediately. When this was pointed out to her, she completely denied it. As it turns out, this lady was wanting to get herself sectioned so that she would stay at a hospital and avoid real life responsibilities such as caring for her children.

Now, as mental health professionals we cannot simply mark someone down as immediately "faking it". We have to take all enquiries seriously and first of all assess all possible reasons for patients to be presenting with their symptoms. It is hard, because a lot of it is not obvious.

I think a few main or noteworthy things are how you have been feeling or thinking through the period of time that you were away. What has changed in your life. What are your stresses. How have you been with keeping to deadlines, caring for your hygiene etc. Have you had any suicidal thoughts, or thoughts of harming yourself or others. It depends how truthful you wish to be. Lastly, what you wish you could achieve.

Is it a good band?

That looks like a slightly constipated stool sample. I'd suggest drinking more water and eating more fruit and vegetables

>Where do you like to go on holiday and what do you like to do in them?
I love visiting the mountains or cooler climates. My main travel interest is nature rather than site seeing. I think it's very relaxing.

>How old are you?

The uptick in mental illness has several factors, first of people not satisfyed with the system they ar ein, but we ar ebeeing told to go to see a therapist to make us fit into the system we are enslaved in.
Then its also naivety, people think they are mentally ill because most people think bipolar without realizing... You cannot be either mentally ill or not, your mind is a quantum state, you are both and neither, if you give in to this mental health concept, you'll find yourself in the fate of the psychiatry and the collective stupidity of humanity. You give away your free will and thought, and you'll fight a problem that has been mad eup to keep you busy and an excuse to look away. Again not saying that there are no Mental health patients at all, Shizophrenia and hallucinations are real. but occassional depression... most likely its just child traumata and lack of unconditional parental love, which I said is sometihng that psychiatry can never provide.

What are your most depraved sexual fantasies/fetishes/experiences? I used to be married to an ER nurse who got me into bondage and pretended she was being raped every time we had sex.

Thank you, I appreciate it.

How many "depressed" teenage girls with self diagnosed disorders do you see?

have been abused by my therapist, she got away and cant sue her due to lack of evidence. I am not able to work anymore for my entire life, my ptsd is worse than ever, same goes for social anxiety and a strong distrust in therapists and people generally, making it almost impossible to go to a therapy or find friends thx psychiatry this institution is more like a concentration camp than a place to help people?

>oh you have depression?
>take these happy pills
>side effects include suicidal thoughts, death, cancer, liver failure, kidney failure, coma, weight gain, severe muscular atrophy, sudden addiction to gambling (yes it very real), restless leg syndrome, spontaneously falling asleep (how the fuck do i drive to work safely then) and psychotic breaks

are you kidding me, these drugs coming from the same people who want to keep weed illegal are making things 100 times worse.

we really getting trolled harder than a diamond by our own overlords.

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POST TITS WITH TIMESTAMP, tenda! Fucking larping fag.

This is literally the 'nigger dick poster', how are you guys so gullible?

It is very possible. Physical disorders most definately play a huge role in mental health and the other way round. Depression is more common among people who are obese. There is a level of truth to "a healthy mind in a healthy body".

>the system is perfect
Far from it. That is why I went in the profession to at the very least be able to make somewhat of a positive impact on the larger scale of things.

>People who shouldn't take meds gets them described anyways because it's cheaper for the gvt than to have a therapy going.
That is a true, and sad fact.

>Therapy cannot resolve childhood traumata
No one single medical intervention is proven to be 100% effective. It really depends on an individual basis. But, it is proven that using more than one medical intervention has a more positive outcome on the patient (alongside other factors such as economic status, social status etc.)

>Thus Psychatry should be much more regulated
I agree.

I'm sorry, I don't understand your question

>What is your height and weight?
I'm 5'5" (165cm) and weigh 116lbs (53kg)

>Do you worry when going to see patients that are much larger than yourself?
Yes, it can be very frightening

Be willing to listen to her problems. It will make her feel less isolated and alone in her thoughts and experience. Try not to be too critical by putting pressure on her about her mood or self esteem. Help her out with various tasks, she will really appreciate the help. Try to encourage her to form healthy habits or doing nice things for herself. Tell her you love her, and compliment her on the things she does well. Help her change her focus to positive things that have been happening such as her achievements. You could try to encourage her to see a professional to talk about her problems too. Most importantly, don't forget to take care of your work health.

26 yo female, 165cm and 53 kg, are you single? i wanna marry you.

In your experience is alkohol as bad for mental health as hard drugs ?

nice one you scared her away

There is certainly a correlation. There have been multiple studies proving this to be a case such as Anne E. Becker's study on "eating behaviours and attitudes following prolonged exposure to television among ethnic Fijian adolescent girls".

Looks like a stool from someone that has been taking a lot of Iron supplements. If it continues to look black for a long period of time and you're not taking any altering medication, consider speaking to your doctor. In the worst case scenario a black poo can mean internal bleeding.


At this point in time I'm honestly fairly "vanilla". I prefer romantic pleasure a lot more than fetishes.

In practice, not many. Though this may be mostly due to the fact if someone is self diagnosed they would not be seeing myself, but another medical professional before they would be assigned to my caseload.

Sounds like a very terrible experience. Have you told anyone about her abuse?

Me? I have not posted on Sup Forums for months. I only come back when there's something interesting in the news or I think of a semi-interesting thread.

Sorry, I am taken. If for whatever reason my relationship does not work out I may look for someone else but I don't want to think about that possibility.

From my own experience, alcohol can be worse than some other Class B or C drugs. It depends on the patients' level of addiction.

No, I'm still here

WHAT, do 'you', this of this?
From his wiki:
After at first successfully using “complicated multi-exposure techniques”[2] to enhance Silver’s natural endowments for still photography, Myrdal later persuaded Christopher Tucker, the makeup artist for the film The Elephant Man, to create the prosthetic which greatly contributed to the notoriety of Long Dong Silver. Myrdal comments that, “It was very light, a very delicate foam latex sleeve that fit on over the cock, carefully glued down underneath by the pubes and then made up.”[3]

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>Sounds like a very terrible experience. Have you told anyone about her abuse? yup reported it to my govts ethics&human rights institution, allthough it is known they work wit hpsychatry together, have been seen a few users complaining about how they do not care about issues like mine. Besides that the University offered me an out of court deal paying me basically 3000 Euros, which is just the sum i paid for the therapy in the first place, no compensation for either the suffering, nor the lost years i did the therapy. I'd never ever sign shit like that. The govnmt here seems to do this quite often, there are some shady psychological practices going on its fucked up. People wouldn't believe me anyways.

1. It's disgusting
2. I am not sexually or romantically attracted to Africans
3. I am not surprised that the length of someone's penis can be surgically or photographically manipulated to appear larger


What country did this happen in, may I ask? I am interested in looking into the legal details surrounding this malpractice

How do I get back on Prozac without having to go through the shitty, over worked state run mental health clinic?

The main reason i post here is anonymity, so i'll only tell you it is one of the wealthier european countries that is ironically reknown for its human rights standards. I already settled wit the fact that the govt gonna pay me money for the rest of my life(if you can call that life what i have left), i literally told them this story at the evaluation, they sent me to a psychologist told him the same story, they were like well we can't really do much except giving u money. So i determine the rest of my life&time of denouncing psychatry and warn people about it.

Get a real job faggot..

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Honestly, the best way I'd suggest is make the doctor aware that you are relapsing and need it again. Emphasise your symptoms and the frequency of your symptoms

>The main reason i post here is anonymity
I completely understand, as do many people.

>So i determine the rest of my life&time of denouncing psychatry and warn people about it.
I agree with your notion. It sounds like utterly terrible service and the sum of money that they throw at you is pitiful in comparison to the damage that has been done. I really wish you all the best and hope that in the future you will not be treated in such an undignified way. Absolutely every service that fails on a fundamental level should be reported and warned about

I have to go now Sup Forums, I have things in real life to attend to. It was really nice chatting and answering your questions. This thread was more popular than I expected

Last answer since it was posted before my reply. It is a real and a well paying job.

Goodbye Sup Forums, all the best

I don't judge a collective by the actions of just one individual

How do I get proscreptoin drug the no condition

So what you're saying is all mental health nurses and psychiatrists are fucking psycho's?

Thank you. In my experience, a person who is faking one particular type of disorder is likely dealing with a different disorder. Sometimes the real issue is depression, anxiety, or similar, but over-acting the symptoms of, say, BPD is to mask those issues. By comparison, the real issue can be treated more effectively than the faked disorder.

>t. Been in the Mental Health unit for major depression/PTSD twice.

Tips for going to an interview when you've got weaponised social anxiety?

Mentally ill people deserve a bullet in the back of the head of the thrown off a cliff like the good old days.. you're just a leech on the druggies hanging around nowadays.. Good luck! The job can pay $10 million dollars a year, but you'll still be seen as a useless joke in society

>weaponized social anxiety
Is this what they are calling school shooters these days?

Mentally ill people deserve a bullet in the back of the head of the thrown off a cliff like the good old days.. you're just a leech on the druggies hanging around nowadays.. Good luck! The job can pay $10 million dollars a year, but you'll still be seen as a useless joke in society just keep the pills coming

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No thats weaponized autism

Do you agree with my opinion :

Regardless of :

-skin colour
-political views

Most people in every country in the world is just annoying uninteresting and boring . So we should sterlize at least 80% of humanity ?

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