Ever just wake up and realize your scared of your significant other ? Though they've never put a finger on you

Ever just wake up and realize your scared of your significant other ? Though they've never put a finger on you

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*poke* :3 why are scared of, user? it's just my finger

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Feeling so emotional lately so I've bit my tongue, but this morning his attitude was about as bad as it gets.
If I did something wrong or unfair, or could justify his rage, I think Itd be easier on me, but hes been so vicious and I just do what I can to let him vent , but venting turns to his anger being directed right to me

I'm not sure ..

I genuinely need him in my life , just not the way hes been treating me


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7 years together, that's alot of history .. I'm just really upset. Excuse me for attention whoring on b .

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>Excuse me for attention whoring on b .
That's fine with me but not sure with the other lot. What I think -in my opinion- you need to do is to talk with him about how his venting turns to anger and it's blow in your direction. I think by making him realize how you feel when he's like this, it will make him understand.

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Opefully that'll turn out to be good advice. Hell probably think of a reason to be angry with me specifically tho

>Hell probably think of a reason to be angry with me specifically tho
I'd say for that, try to look professional when handling the matter, and what mean is, have a body language which he can't get angry over, use a voice tone that isn't loud or quiet, and when he's talking make sure he get's his side but if you (really) need to cut him off, do so. That's the only advice I can give for that

Thank you. I appreciate that advice, solid advice , thank you pal .

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tits or gtfo

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This is like saying is it weird that you'd have the thought of slapping the shit out of someone randomly during a conversation. If they're not abusive in anyway why are you falling into this weird intrusive thought if they wouldn't ever hurt you?

Stfu newfag. No one stated their gender and the rule only applies to sluts posting to mention their gender . Ffs.

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I'm more emotionally scared them physically scared just the way he is sometimes his lack of acknowledgement for my feelings

What's causing him to have such a bad attitude towards things/you? Have you tried talking to him about it so he knows how you feel. Maybe he isn't aware of how it's affecting you

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np hope you and yuor bf will get along soon

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Usually he's upset about money which makes a decent amount or he'll be upset over waking up early or he'll be upset about the way his boss is treating him and I try to just empathize with it all I just don't feel I should have to be the metaphorical punching bag

You shouldn't have to take all his anger. It sounds like he might have a bit of an anger problem. I agree with what the user said earlier with getting professional help. I just hope that things won't turn physical if he gets too angry. It's really not good to feel unsafe in your own home, having it get bad enough to ask for help is already a little bit worrying.

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You do have a solid point. I just . Idk what I'd do without him ? For one I'd he homeless and heart broken ..

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I'm sorry you're going through such a hard time and I wish I could give better advice. Just try and relax, maybe have a calm chat with him and tell him how you feel about everything and he might be a little more considerate when his anger acts up. He seems to mean a lot to you and I'm sure you mean a lot to him so I hope he will understand and try his best to be a little nicer when he feels angry.

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I hope so too. Thanks for the advice

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I wish you the best of luck, nice friend :)

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Thank you friend.

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Trust me, if I know someone well enough, i don't have to touch them, to deeply hurt them. Then on the other hand I wouldn't do this on purpose unless it was agreed upon beforehand.
I see three possible reasons:
1) It's the first time for you to open up to someone, that can be scary.
2) Or you alread made bad experience and you don't trust him enough.
3) (s)he did something you only subconsciously regognized as a red flag.

I told that to my ex too when in reality I was just fed up with our boring sex life. I suggested diving into BDSM on multiple occasions, but while she promised to be open and try things, she always rejected when I actually wanted to initiate something. At some point I was just so frustrated I didn't wanted to continue, on the other hand she hinted that she would kill herself if I wasn't in her life - yep full on abusive, but I don't think she knew back then. So I made up bullshit excuses, like stressed work, or headage if she wanted sex.