Sup Forums why doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me now I'm pregnant?

Sup Forums why doesn't my boyfriend want to have sex with me now I'm pregnant?

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Because fat bitches are disgusting.

because it's not his you cheating bitch

How pregnant?


he doesn't want to inadvertently become a pedo

Maybe because he's normal and you're a fucking psycho.

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I’ll answer whether LARP or not.

When my ex-wife got pregnant, she became the horniest she’s ever been in her third trimester. My testosterone plummeted. It’s actually a documented phenomenon. For me, it was a combination of not wanting to mess anything up/my kid being in her belly. It felt off. It wasn’t the weight gain

I'm very lucky I haven't put on that much weight and I can see what your saying but I'm so horny all the time and it's pur first and I know my vagina will never be the same! May as well get it while it's still tight right??

Come on over, I'll fuck you if he won't!

your bf should fuck his brains out while he still can. he will regret it when your kids cry 24/7 and you never get enough sleep or any rest.

Post a pic of yourself so we can see what he's missing out on.

Because sex with a pregnosaurus is like putting gas in the car you already wrecked.

He's beta sorry to tell you, where are you from? You need an alpha.

Actually, if you don't wuss out and have a C section, but squeeze it out like shitting a watermelon or pulling your bottom lip over the top of your head, you're liable to tear the wall of the vag at the entrance, splitting yourself getting that huge thing down that tiny hole. The good news is that you won't feel it, either from the epidural or from the general agony if without epidural. Then the doctor, being mostly men after al, can fold one side of the tear back over the other and sew it up, making a puss tighter than it ever was before. Then all you've got to do is lose 30-40 pounds and better than new.

because he's gay and a fag.

my wife is pregnant and that actually makes my dick harder.

No man wants to feel his dick sliding inside a pregnant woman's pussy, that's creepy you slut.

Because he's a low test normie fag just like

He doesn't want to poke his spawn in the head and cause brain damage,
Give him a blowjob instead.

Are you making milk yet? Would love to see if you have a kik
Mine is mabale93
Pregnancy is a kink of mine

Fucking psychos all of you.
He’s probably just worried about the baby. I personally fucked my wife every chance we got with all three of her pregnancies so it’s just different for every guy I guess.