Post landmark, guess location

post landmark, guess location

no cheating!

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too easy - guelph

Somewhere on the east coast of the United States

Hong Kong

Mormon Temple. Nauvoo, Illinois. Am I correct?



guys i'm telling you it's Guelph - home of sleeman brewery. true fact, john sleeman's old house is now a strip club.

i used to live in the house he built for his daughter

where in town is that?


Interesting fact: City laws prevent any building from being higher than the basilica.

yup thats true lol

where are you from?

K-W. I lived in Guelph for eight months in 2005-06. Spent some time there this Summer, too. Beautiful city.

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another easy one

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I believe this is Seattle's famous Space Needle. I'd recognize it anywhere.

you think coffee built that?

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gay land?
somewhere gay

somwehre shitty like oxford is britbong land

Harvad University

Cyber police headquarters

homo land


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Suck my dick faggots

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Humberto's 24hr Taco Shop in Long Beach, CA
*great monster chicken quesadillas

MegaFlicks Headquarters

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is that ur moms house?

not really a landmark, more of a view

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Lake Louise?


ill give you a hint: if you look closely at the right side of the water there's a dark blue swirl. thats fresh water mixing with salt water