My roommate is out for the day...what should do I to fuck with her? Dubs decides l, trips I do it 100 percent

My roommate is out for the day...what should do I to fuck with her? Dubs decides l, trips I do it 100 percent

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Why is she packing?

shit in her suitcase

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Take all her panties and hide them

piss on her bed, OP

shit on her bed, OP

Clean her room.

fuck her clean air unit to establish dominance

Show her panties drawer

Clean her room


Purchase a whole fish from the market. Place it in a paper bag and hide it in the void under her dresser.


Her clean one or dirty one

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Send her a picture of this thread.


Replace her shoes with smaller similar shoes.

set fire to something, leave it and embrace the heat

Find her dilldo and wave it around pretending not knowing what it is

Send her this thread

Drink water.

Right fucking now

agree, do it

Cum on her pillow.

Leave a letter on her bed that you have her nudes and are blackmailing her for sex

Cum in her suitcase

OP is too much of a faggot to do this stunt.

Pure cancer

Hide camera in air vent

Have some dignity and respect her privacy incel.

leave a note confessing your love for her and your desire to have her shit in your mouth

Shit in bed

Piss on shoes

you heard the man, spread cancer all over the room

Find her tampons/pads
Carefully open a corner of one
Roll a piece of paper into a cone and tape it to serve as a funnel with a fine point
Pour cayenne pepper into tampon package
Shake vigorously
Return it to the top of the package or drawer

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Put shit in her clean air unit

whipe your ass with her shirt(s)

Do you have some sticker notes? Autistically paint the wall with it until as much of it is yellow. If you don't have sticker notes make the ground free and leave blank paper on it until the ground is white


Shit in shoe


Put the hat on one of the other 3 table legs.

jerk off into every pair of panties she owns

Buy her a nice present.



Go to a pet shop buy a couple of rats or as many as you can afford and release them in her room shut door and then just chill and wait for the shit show

you overshot buddy, reroll

Sweet. C'mon OP, pick up that hat and put it on a different table leg. No harm in that.


Go to the pet store and buy as many budgies as you can and just let them loose to shit all over her room. Maybe put a cat in there as well if you can find one.

Go to the pet store and buy as many bunny rabbits as you can and just let them loose to shit all over her room. Maybe put a cat in there as well if you can find one.

What is that white thing in the middle?

clean her room

flip her mirror upside down. She will look into it and not realize that she is now upside down too.! Many LOLs will be had at her expense.

get naked, wait until she gets home, stand in the corner and record her reaction


fold that shit properly for her and clean her room

it's a fan you 3rd world shitter

Cum in a pair of them


cum on her toothbrush and post nao

get to fapping OP

find her vibrator and put it in your mouth and suck on it


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trips shit in pillow case

this is the only logical next step

probably to get away from her creepy roommate(op)

Rolling for this

Take nude of yourself on her bed with her dirty panties in your mouth. Send it to her and post reaction itt.

sell everything and buy sweets

Clean her room, but cum in all her panties and put them back.


Nut in her socks

Double dubz u must a deriver Op

OP is gey and not delivering. Fuck this thread. Reporting now.

Wreck everything.

Jerk off in shampoo


OP is a faggot, abort

Kill yourself


Fill walls with pictures of toshino kyoko.

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Set room on fire

Re roll

This roll again now trips go


Shit in the room and blame it on a cat

Who the fuck needs a fan? No AC?

>Cum all over her dildo so she gets pregnant next time she masturbates.

Fuck idk user. Steal something? Check her cameras for nudes? Plant a knife with blood on it so she finds it and freaks out?

Got any pics of her? Let’s see what you’re working with.

And her clothes too! Make her thing she’s gaining weight.

Find her dildo or hot panties , send pic of it to her and show us what she answers


be a decent human and don't do shit you weirdo

Win are

Move everything 1 inch to the left.

clean her fucking room for her but remove any sex toys you can find

shit on her pillow

sex toy room search

This, as well as scramble the mess of clothes on the furniture/floor so she can't find anything

THE SMELL! rolling for this