You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American

You have 10 SECONDS to name something dumber than an American.

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given the recaptchas ten seconds is a tad short, BUT:
that's a trick question, there is no such thing

>somebody who browses Sup Forums

bro i love chocolate pudding too

Kraft singles

someone who makes a post like this

Any Nigger

that's actually one of the rare valid answers

Non Americans



ez. Two Americans


this basic nigger who runs the splendid rain CO page on facebook.

Attached: Basic Nigger.jpg (960x960, 350K)


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That nigger part zebra? Check out those zebra teeth

you-with 9 seconds to spare


A canadian

African American


i couldn't name anything dumber than an american in 10 years.

A Trumptard

Another American

A trump supporter


Cucknucks for voting Trudeau in again

A Mexican. No, wait a minute, most spics can speak beaner and English. Big, fat, stupid ameritards are, invariably, monolingual. There's nothing dumber than an Amerifat.

Donald Trump

I vote niggers and white people.

what are we voting on again anyways the answer is niggers

AFRICAN americans for sure followed by the light skins

What if the nigger is also an americunt? Double indemnity?

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A Britbong

Better than the American other option.. Sheer lost the conservatives the election if you can’t beat a guy like Trudeau you failed yourself. Jwr/snc scandal, blackface.. sheer is a joke

I concur.