Anyone here had any experience with rolling while on an ssri...

Anyone here had any experience with rolling while on an ssri? I know that the ssri will negate the effects of most hard drugs and there's the slight risk of serotonin syndrome, but I've also read that some people simply stopped their meds for a few days to roll. Can't seem to find any straight answers
Is this a very stupid idea or could I stop for a week and be safe?

Attached: mdma.png (768x432, 184K)

it blocks its effects for me. i was on lexapro at the time. 100% sure the stuff was legit friends were taking it.

Did you take a break from your meds at all?

I've done this a lot and you will roll just the same as someone without it. I've done both so can compare.
Just be very careful with the dosing as your serotinin reintake is a lot less, so the serotin that gets released by the MDMA builds up.
Basically, you need less, dose carefully every hour or so, better to start of with too little than with too much.

theres no real emotional connection to how you feel and how the world is so just take will end up depressed and unhappy because its inevitable, the only substance life has to offer is thru an altered state..true happiness is a fuckin mark up shitstain that was pissed on by someone else. look at your family for example.

How much would you suggest is a safe dose to start with? Should I stop ssris for a few days before rolling?
Some may say it's a stupid idea, I rarely take hard drugs, mostly stick to drink and weed. I limit myself to taking mdma on certain occasions, halloween is coming up and all my friends will be wired and I don't want to miss out but I'm willing to just stick to drink if I don't feel a high

If you can stop your meds for maybe a month id say do it, but Serotonin Syndrome is no joke. Also if you're already on something to stabilize your serotonin then taking a Serotonin draining drug is a bad idea anyways.

Also, without serotonin I've had the occasional panic attack with MDMA, with serotonin I've only ever had nice experiences, just smaller doses.

Do not stop your SSRI's. You need to taper off of them in order to prevent your symptoms getting worse. They take about three weeks to take effect, but stopping will only take a couple of days for the original symptoms to reappear with a vengeance.

Take your SSRIs as normal, just take smaller doses.

Sorry for being unclear. I mean take smaller doses of MDMA, keep your SSRIs as normal. Don't fuck around with the one thing you need, just adapt the doses of recreational drugs you want to take.

Thanks for the genuine advice. Do you mean smaller doses of ssris? I'm on 50mg of sertraline at the moment

Ah thank you. I think I'll dabble in just a little at first. From what I gathered, worst case scenario is that i feel no effects and a bit groggy while everyone else is up. I wouldn't take high doses as I've heard a few SS horror stories now
It usually doesn't take much for me to be wired anyway

On a further note, has anyone ever tried psychedelics while on tabs? I'd like to do lsd again in the near future, there's not much online about its effects while on anti depressants

That's an awfully bleek outlook

That's what I had. 50 mg of Zoloft.

You keep your Zoloft dose the same, just take tiny amounts of MDMA throughout the day, monitoring how each dose affect you and then deciding on what the next dose should be.
The nice thing about being on Zoloft is that your comedown will be not nearly as hard as it is to people who don't take SSRIs. It softens it a fair bit.
Also, do keep in mind when your symptoms reappear after taking MDMA, that it is only due to a very temporary lack of serotonin and they will only last some days at most.
Also, when I did it together with SSRIs, I would carefully watch the amount my friends took, wait for an hour or so to see how hard they rolled. When it's a strong batch and the weaker ones would roll too hard I'd know to down the dosing. I would, on average, take around one third of their dose, and I never really went wrong with that.

They don't really affect it too much. You're a bit safer when on SSRIs because they prevent panic attacks and generally bland your feelings down a lot. They're not a serotonin drug.

Waiting for an hour to see how the others go is a good strategy always, with any drug regardless of symptoms.
It might be a bit sneaky, but I do this all the time with LSD or MDMA or ecstacy when it's an unknown batch that no one has tried yet.

If you don't want to feel groggy, take XTC or use small amounts of coke or speed with it.
The speed in XTC is there for a reason, it counters the grogginess that comes with MDMA.

Yeah I sometimes did this when I wasn't on meds. There were times though where I'd get impatient and at the time it's seems like it's worth the risk to be able to come up at the same time as your friends. Risky, but it's a lot of fun.

So I seem to have gathered that a few of you have tried it and it seems to be relatively safe, so long as I try very small doses at first? I'm hoping for the best and from your advice I won't stop my ssris prior to rolling

At this party where I want to take it at, I believe there will be ket, mdma, coke and lsd. Mdma and lsd would be my drugs of choice, but I wouldn't take a psychedelic at this sort of party. I've tried ketamine a handful of times but never got much from it. Would mdma be the best route?

Yeah, MDMA is perfect, if it makes you tired just try to buy or blag some coke of the coke crowd, it'll lift you out of the grogginess.
Stay away from the ketamine, if you're not that stable mentally a khole is extra unpleasant.

This is not safe and should not be attempted. Do not listen to people who tell you they have done it, since you are taking a risk with your body and not theirs.

If you are on meds, hard drugs should not be a priority.

I have experience with taking large amounts of 5-htp while on SSRI’s. It gave me serotonin syndrome and could have landed me in the hospital. It was also extremely unpleasant.

So because you fucked up, everyone who is on SSRI's should not attempt? Is that how it works?
I have done this tons of times and had more issues without them because it means I'm a bit less stable mentally. I honestly wished I was still taking them every time I use MDMA.
I think your outlook is skewed because you fucked up and used drugs irresponsibly.
Also, alcohol should not be taken with SSRI's. But if you take care, you can. And you can have a normal social life, like all your friends. Enjoy the occasional mental outing, whilst being perfectly safe, in the form of drugs or alcohol.
50 MG is one of the lowest doses you get prescribed and if you are careful you can enjoy the normal things in small doses.
Fuck you.

Also, fuck your Reddit spacing.

hur dur i need pills to feel happy i alsp need more drugs to feel even more! shouldnt become a tranny in the first place

You must be loads of fun at parties

Psychiatrist here. Just hold your SSRI for 4 days before MDMA. Drink plenty of water, and prewrite a note for the ER on the off chance something goes wrong.