Ask me anything ?!?!?

Ask me anything ?!?!?

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Why are you such a fat fuck? Lay off the burgers.

I would love to punch you constantly, not because I'd like to hurt you, but because you look very punchable

Is your nickname "Dick-Do"? B/C your gut sticks our further than your dick do.

If that is really you should consider the auschwitz diet brah.

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Show me your dick and balls. Flaccid dick please.

show the cock!

which board are you a janny of?

Your body type is basically the same as mine. Height/weight?

Per (Tutatis)

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Come on OP show us

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Ugg no i pass

being a fat fuck > dealing with loose skin after weight loss.

stay a fat fuck, op

Speaking from experience?


Did you vote for Trump?

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Tell us more. What's to deal with and why is it a problem? Genuinely asking.

used to weigh 280, now i weigh 160. i don't have a shit-ton of loose skin, but enough to bother me. if you stay a fat fuck for years on end, you will more than likely have to deal with loose skin/stretch marks unless you have good genetics--it's simple physiology.

it's a problem when it comes to sex. i don't like the way i look with my clothes off and won't allow myself to get with anyone or have a girlfriend because of my shit self esteem. i'm pretty handsome (not posting pics), but the loose skin issue is a serious hit to my confidence. i am transitioning to becoming more solitary and hope i can live the remainder of my life as a wizard.

thanks fat bro, I'm doing at least 25 pushups and situps after writing this


Oh interesting. Skin doesn't rebound once you lose weight? Cosmetic surgery is the only option?

Full disclosure I WAS going to ask for pics because this is Sup Forums and I'm obsessed with other people's bodies. Still, good on you for losing the weight.

How's the sex life?

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Start answering questions you's lazy fuck!

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some people rebound their loose skin, most don't; it depends on age and genetics. plastic surgery is outrageously expensive for cosmetic purposes and results will vary. not worth it imo unless you have A LOT of excess skin.

what is the weather from where you are from like?
what are some of the things you will be doing tomorrow?
what do you think future generations will be like?
do you think Trump will get reelected?
what's your favourite animal?
what would ww3 be like?
what's the difference between a star and a black hole?
is global warming a threat?