Reddit:The Movie

>Reddit:The Movie

>Someone thought this was worth a discussion

So now the usual suspects is bad because it's 'reddit'? Where does this madness end?

Reddit: The Movie

>the usual manlets

Except that it was pretty good.
It's the kind of movie that works perfectly perfectly because of the cast.
All gave the perfect performance for the parts.
Somehow they got the right chemistry and the movie worked as a clockwork.
Yes the plot is convoluted and not that great.

I am sure if someone tried to extract same movie with the exact same plot, it would be reddit tier trainwreck .

>Where does autism end?
user.. it doesn't

This actually quite accurate. The second you think about the film or try to analyse what happened, you realise how incredibly one-dimensional and flawed the plot is
I wouldn't be surprised if it was one of Nolan's favourite films

the entire film relies on a twist which actually makes no sense. But it's fine because the film hopes that you never bother to rewatch it

This is the actual reddit movie but I'm not suprised a shit tier garbage board like this one to have shit taste. Fuck off faggots

>guys do I fit in yet?
>omg, stop liking what I don't like!

Not an argument
>do I fit in yet
Sup Forums likes this so it would be the opposite. I think your just an assblasted capeshit fanboy

It's a fine concept. It just sucked massively in execution.

The one thing I remember the most is that they all started laughing when del Toro was supposed to say his line during the lineup scene, because del Toro kept farting big and loud stinkers.

I was so fucking disappointed when I watched for the first time.

>being this triggered that he didn't get a superhero film

LOL fuck themes and characterisation and shiieet it's all about le epic tweest right redditors?: The Flick

This. Every time I say it's shit some fag comes along with a 2deep4u explanation how the movie is about the battle of ideologies.

A supernatural alien with almost unlimited strength, ability to fly, x-ray eyes and laser vision is matched by a rich dude with an utility belt. Give me a fucking break.

And no, I have not watched BvS because I watched Man of Steel coming down from a trip and it was the dumbest shit I have ever seen.

Kill yourself MCUck go cry about it to /r/marvel

>pic related

It was pretty good. Nothing amazing but an enjoyable experience.

Autism: the post.

What are you talking about?

>liking capeshit at all
Sup Forums is the gayest board and Sup Forums is the worst blue board and the amalgamation of that are the stupidest faggots here, worse than Sup Forums

that baldwin power stance

OP: the faggot