Attention Sup Forums. It will soon be time to piss off every major media outlet in North America and Europe. How...

Attention Sup Forums. It will soon be time to piss off every major media outlet in North America and Europe. How? With this poster. Put it in public on Oct 31st, wear a costume to protect your identity. Here are some previous media reactions:

This meme has actually gone so far that it became a Senate motion in the parliament of Australia:

Lulz will be had.
Butthurt will be inflicted.
International news will be mind-hijacked.
All from a piece of paper.
Who's in?

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Other urls found in this thread:

IOTBW main thread on Sup Forums:


imagine the seething niggers trying to pick off the tape on light poles

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this will be epic. support

Motherfuckin' bump

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Hey, anons, have you heard about printer fingerprints?

I wanna help out with the war you're waging.

So a printer fingerprint a digital watermark which certain color laser printers and copiers leave on every single printed page, allowing identification of the device with which a document was printed and giving clues to the originator.

In 2018, scientists from the TU Dresden developed and published a tool to extract and analyze the steganographic codes of a given color printer and subsequently to anonymize prints from that printer. The anonymization works by printing additional yellow dots on top of the Machine Identification Code.The scientists made the software available in order to support whistleblowers in their efforts to publicize grievances.

Any user that plans to do it MUST remove them if he does not want to get caught by (((Police))) and get raped by antifa tranny vigilantes

And hey


or trying to scratch it off of a wall like pic related (different poster)

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did you ever try to peel this shitty fucking tape off? Its impossible to find an edge and even when you do it falls apart like flaky nigger skin. Good luck taking it off without chemicals or a razorblade. Even then it'll take a long time and theyll look retarded doing it

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I'm posting this shit all over reddit, if we can get some reddit subs to do it this will be bigger than it's ever been before

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go for r/the_Donald

Bit of a shame that there is no point in doing this where i live - the sjwfaggotry hasnt reached us yet
Good luck though anons

>It not rayzist
>We just say white ok
>Proceeds to say racist shit

Not a whole lot of it where I live, but I'm doing it at my university. There's always sjwfaggotry there


is it your first day here?

Imagine how insecure you need to be as the least oppressed race in history to actually go around and do this.

And yes, I'm whiter than you.

Get out newfag
Also if Hitler said murder is wrong does that make murder right?
Your logic is mind boggling. The statement "It's ok to be white" has nothing wrong with it

Why not just use white spray paint?


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Too risky if caught, with paper can plead innocence and freedom of speech if in the United States, much safer.

But if someone wants to take the risk and use the spray paint, hell that's even better. Much harder to remove it, do it!


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Destruction of property and it's not legal. Best to use formal means of public communication like posters/flyers

How big is your nose?


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if you believe it's okay to be white then why are you being such a whiny bitchy vagina about people saying it?

>wear a costume to protect your identity

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Buy cheap on sale printer and saran wrap or packing tape. Wrap the bitch up and turn on the news and watch everyone seeth.

It is okay to be white. The (((media))) doesnt think so though. When they blow up about the posters normies will wake up

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poppy concrete

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Are you gonna cry about it?

>A-and yes.. I-i'm wh-whiter that... than.. th-than you....

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You really should open a history book, your ignorance is truly astonishing if you think white people have never been oppressed...

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Lol awexome cross this is edgy :p

If I say "it's ok to be white," the left's kneejerk reaction (because it's how they REALLY feel) is to say "NO IT'S NOT!" then they show their true colors.

If you think it's OK to be white (and clearly you do, and very few people would dispute it), then why would you feel the need to put up fliers like an attention-seeking child? If you're doing something just to piss people off with no benefit to yourself or anyone else, then it's a childish waste of time.


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grimes go

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Why don't you go to a party on Halloween like a normal person?

Don't get caught. A white person should be smart enough to not get caught if they plan ahead. R-right?

>mfw putting up posters this halloween in commiefornia occupied enemy territory

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>implying you cant do both
how long does it take you to put up 30 posters retard, do you need help using the tape roll or something

Get caught doing what exactly? It's not a crime to put up posters. Just as if someone were to advertise guitar lessons - you have the same right to put up posters.


Jew detected

>implying you were invited to a party

that's some real black hawk down shit, m80

Dank meme



Then you don't need to wear a costume. Stand up for your beliefs. No need to hide when you put up your little posters.

I don't get it... it IS okay to be white.

I never planned on wearing a costume anyway. Just going to walk my doggo and put up posters


Nice reddit spacing.
Don't hit your nose on the way out.

check that archive link it's real:

you see the left makes the act of not hating whites de facto illegal by threat of doxxing and attempting to ruin people's lives. remember, this isn't saying to go shoot blacks or anything outrageous, because preferably we could achieve our ends without violence, but the left will violently stamp us out. make no mistake that the left IS the establishment, and corporations and banks are your sponsors working in tandem with so-called communist and feminist groups

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This bottom feeder who runs the Splendid Rain Co group on facebook disagrees. this basic nigger has it out for white people.

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I mean, just use a public printer or something.

Also why would the police get involved? This isn't inciting violence or is hate speech.

I've never been told that its not ok to be white though.

Then what the fuck are posters going to do? Burn those fuckers down.

>Then you don't need to wear a costume. Stand up for your beliefs. No need to hide when you put up your little posters.

Did you forget this kid under 18? The one who was flooded with death threats and had bomb threats sent to his school because CNN decided to organize a left wing hate mob against him for smiling in public while wearing a MAGA hat?

that's why people are wearing masks: to deny the left that ability to illegally retaliate against them

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kek at the triggered replies to this. i agree with the base message but overusing the word nigger religiously is just childish

White people arent oppressed though and even if they get made fun of, so what, everyone gets hassled,d its just history catching up to you freaks.

they want you to hate yourself and your own kind

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he was laughing at the irony.

Whiite people brought diversity to the bigots of the New World, they were simply too arrogant to embrace it

I've never been told there isn't a McDonalds on the corner of the next street over from my apartment but there's still a sign for it in case anyone doesn't know.

God I’m so glad I live in the country of a red state.

Good luck anons, the outside world is turning to shit.

Will she become a victim of black on black violence?

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Get them first. Use their tactics against them...

Thanks Schlomo Goldbergerstein

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Costume or not this whiteboi is spending his night on incel nerd beatdowns
>b-but the t-tolerant left

ITT: People who seek identity from a larger group because their own lives are so shitty.

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I never claimed you were tolerant. you use whatever hodgepodge of easily manipulatable groups you can find. you actively going against your race is the sorriest thing you can do. "my ancestors smile upon me, imperial, can you say the same?"

>not racist
>not a snowflake

I'm glad to see this hasn't been forgotten and is happening again this year. I wasn't able to participate last year, but will be doing so this time.

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prove the left hates whites, pushing any whites who don't hate themselves to the end of their own self preservation

Hit ever university campus and bus stop you can manage


antifa are soft targets
they should stay out of the way of people putting up posters for their own safety

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>wear a costume to protect your identity

So you people really are scared of leftists. The same people you routinely call pussies. Lmao.

Kek holy shit I can't believe how much of a loser you must be irl

I mean what can be done besides your little posters tho? If you're not ready to act do me a favor and shut up.

antifa cowards are easy to knock over

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and antifa cowards are easy to bloody

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If you don’t fear a group that has no problems with destroying an 18yo’s life for smiling, than you’re retarded.

What are the leftists in costumes afraid of?

I'm not antifa. I think y'all are all a bunch of retards on both sides who talk alot and don't do much.

bottom line: if you're some delusional leftie who thinks he's tough and is going to go and "beat up Nazis" who are putting up It's Okay To Be White posters, stay home for your own safety

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im tired of white people getting away with saying nigger in public, fuck you guys


Itt: right wing cowards with no spine and no conviction to do anything beyond sticking paper.

"I taped paper to own the libz kek"

You're all a bunch of pussies.

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you sound upset
gonna stop us tough guy