Taking 2 grams of these shrooms tomorrow night. First time taking shrooms. Anything I should know...

Taking 2 grams of these shrooms tomorrow night. First time taking shrooms. Anything I should know? Any music recommendations for while I'm tripping?

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You might puke but that's ok, you'll feel better after. Listen to Rider's on The Storm - The Doors

Should take at least 8 grams for the real effects.

The golden rule is don't fight it, whatever happens. Other than that, every trip is different.

Make sure youre in a comfortable environment and if people are there make sure your comfortable around them as well, last thing you want is a bad first trip, but worst case scenario just remind yourself its just a drug if you feel like you cant handle it. Also get a playlist ready, listen to a ton of music.

When I was in high school I used to deal these- also used to help people out and give advice for first time trippers.
Be careful of day to night/ night to day transition- loss of daylight can give you a depressed feeling. If you chew outside, try not to go inside until you're done peeking- clasterphobia. And finally don't hang out with people who aren't also on mush.. they limit your experience.
Just guidelines, I'm no guru.
Enjoy yourself!!

Bit much for a newbie bro lol

Well said.
I just avoid people who aren't also high cause they're always asking questions and shit "what's it like, what do you see?" eff off, let me trip lol

Shrooms are my drug of choice. Enjoy the ride. Welcome to the real world.

drink your own pee

no really like 40-60% of the psilocybin is washed away in your pee

Make shroom tea.

remember they can take up to an hour to hit you! be patient.

Thats more for the vets man, not a newb

For spiritual- write a list of questions to ask yourself. About morals and what you want from life. Why you think things happen. Ask yourself em when sober and tripping. Or Terrence
McKenna way sit in a dark room. Down it. And let it happen.. But for fun. Have good juice. A bike ride is always fun. Smoking weed doesnt heighten or lower the effects. To me smoking during come up helps you ease into it. Watching tv or video games can be fun but to me its dull. I like to do things with my hands. Like paint. Or play with play doe. Instruments are fun. Eat before hand. Alot of people dont like the textures in the mouth.


Cringe, fedora.

Dont do 2 gram. Just half. Get to know the beast before you ride it. Seriously. I know people who are still traumatised from it years after using.

the best way of getting a bad trip is to worry about having a bad trop

A bad trip can be terrible in the moment but amazing over long-term, for me it started off as fun for the first 4 hours and that transition from fun to it's time to figure your shit out is incredible

Real good shit, thanks guys this helps a lot. I'm pretty excited.

The best advice some can give you !!

>the best way of getting a bad trip is to worry about having a bad trop

Plus mushrooms are usually super positive vibes while tripping. More of a social trip imo than like acid or something

Sure. Best way to avoid a bad trip is handle with care and get experienced with a drug.

Don’t take more even if your not feeling anything yet (I’ve fucked myself so much by not following this rule).

Make sure anything you need is in plain sight before you start tripping, couldn’t find my phone as it was in my back pocket.

I’m not too much of music guy, so I like watching tv or youtube joe rogan.

I’ve never had a “bad trip” the way others describe them. Just to fucked to do anything with the “I can’t breath” chest, just remind yourself it’s a drug and you can.

Again, thanks a lot. I gotta go to work but I'm gonna check the thread when I get off. Thank everyone so much, I'm pretty excited.

Only a little meth at a time.

I feel it's the other wat around. Shrooms are introvert/introspective. Acid extravert.

Agreed they have it backwards I got quarter of shrooms 2 weeks ago just reup’d
Finding acid is harder but my friend texted today and said he found laced candies I’m gonna trade 3 g’s of shrooms for 3 300microgram candies

Disagree. Less than 2 grams will literally do nothing. Waste of money and time

Good, you should be! Have fun man

Yea don't just take them. Break or grind them up small and mix them in on with some extra lemon juice squeezed in and drink it slow like you would alcohol. Eating 2 grams is like chugging a bottle of vodka. Good chance your gonna feel bad.

If you're eating garbage.

>this thread
shroomfags sure are cringy attwhores.

go in with no expectations it’s nothing like everything was something.

>posting anonymously on a website in a thread about shrooms
>Omg what fucking attention whores?
>literally being that retarded.

I will say there is cringe, but this is b

I'm 35 and looking at tripping for the first time this weekend.
Been dealing with some serious depression and a bad funk.
This is all solid advice, and I thank the anons who gave it. You're doing gods work.

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Man... I remember my best trips were my first two... I also took arpund 2-3 grams and had a playlist of "chillstep" music... Really sets the mood... Just remember that the music you play has a major effect on the type of trip in my experience

3 grams is normal dose for anyone

Maybe its cuz I'm ADD then idk

On acid I always want to be alone having some enlightened realization and shrooms I just end up laughing for hours on end with friends

>you can't be an attention whore on an anonymous site
that's factually wrong

I agree with you user, I think it clearly is going to differ from person to person. I love fucking on shrooms and swapping stories, acid I don’t want to be with anyone.

throw em on pizza, smoke some weed to bring it on then slip into the dream. watch fear and loathing.

3 grams is considered a cowards dose, 6-10 grams is average and 12+ is hero's dose.

I started with an 8th (3.5 gs) and it was much too low. I agree with the 8 gram dose. At least you know for sure you’re gonna trip. By the way I weigh 196. Idk if weight changes the effectiveness.

4g to actually trip

Better yet, listen to this: youtube.com/watch?v=sg2daH2nv34

2 grams isnt enough
2 grams would literally do nothing to me

I've never gotten high on anything less than an 8th

You should feel something from 2 grams. If not, you have shitty mushrooms.

I've gotten them from a variety of sources, 2 grams has never done anything for me aside from make me feel slightly annoyed

Why do all you pussies never take eough drugs to get high?
What is this newfag generation of kids pretending to trip?
I hate you and everyone like you. 3.5g is entry level for shrooms. Youre a giant pussy kys.

Ween - Quebec

all the way thru. dont touch the needle

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Probably shitty mushrooms.

You've had trash shrooms friend.
2 grams is enough for a good trip easily.

>if you need to come down. Pure orange.

You had shitty shrooms. Sorry man.

Have something to do or you'll be anxious the whole time, dont bite your fingers...

My friend gave me 2 grams for free and said he tripped off of one gram. The 2 grams he game me did nothing on an empty stomach. I felt dumb for chewing on dirt for 10 minutes.

Mushrooms from same grow can vary in potency.

Damn, OP here. I'm just gonna say that my friend took 1g of the same mushrooms, and he tripped balls. I don't know what to expect. I can't afford any more than 2 grams. And to all the people hating, sorry that you're filled with rage and hate, that really sucks. Just live happy, there's really no reason to get mad over this. I'm just expecting to have a good time. Thanks again everyone who's being nice and giving me great advice. You're great anons.

Listen to flying lotus youre dead, sheep by pink floyd, and tarkus by emerson lake and palmer


Here’s the music Rec op

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Old school Moby. "God moving over the face of the water"

Take more than 2 grams unless you're the same weight as a 10 year old....

Listen to this guy. If you have any issues with loss of control, stay the fuck away from disassociatives. In my first and only experience I seriously considered killing myself to make it stop. If my friend hadn't been there I probably would have.